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Everything posted by Legend

  1. Mike has your account been hacked? I actually see punctuation marks in the post! Reported. yes but its very important to remember that the seawolf v2 is not the avenger II seawolf... hahaha
  2. Yes sir. Gen dial, tachy, hands, crystal, crown, straps, and movement. I replaced the gen cyclop because mine has a very clear double AR, and it is now easier for me to read the date without feeling annoyed at the reflections.
  3. date looks different and better..is it modded im curious This is a bumblebee franken. I'm using a modded cyclop and AP 2226 caliber movement for this pic. Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  4. Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  5. Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  6. Ok here is the secret brother: The word censor here recognizes when there is a real douche on board and allows words such as fuck, cunt, pussy and dick to be used but I would definitely discourage swearing mate. I mean, let's not fucking swear unless it's at a fucktard obsessing about a fuck watch. Let's be nice to one another mate and be gentlemen. Gentlemen don't say fuck unless there is an absolute need for it. [emoji1][emoji1][emoji1] Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  7. And oh, one last thing. @nikki6 is a dear friend of mine, and one whom I respect and adore. The good that he has done for RWG is the positive equivalent for the not inconsiderable mental damage that you have inflicted upon yourself over one miserable, ugly, pathetic, pretentious, lonely watch. So no, I attribute zero blame to him. Am I biased? Why yes sir I am. It is hard not to be biased against someone who is a threat to the atmosphere of this good forum.
  8. By leaving, you are already helping. We do not have to log in each time and worry about reading another Breitling rant. You have overstayed your welcome, and ran out of good grace. Perhaps I would be glad to see you back, in the distant future, after you have learnt, in NO UNCERTAIN TERMS, that majority of the guys here couldn't give a fuck what the avenger blah blah is about. It is a fucking ugly watch to me, and I would rather go without a watch than be caught with one on my wrist. Keep a diary and contain your irrelevant rants in there please. Stop being a pathetic nuisance to the community. At this point, it is best you just walk away, and keep whatever little dignity you have left, rather than face the ban. I see that even in your ostensible "contriteness", you cannot stop talking about your goal. Well guess what, nobody gives a fuck about that too, so stop cramming even that down our throats. Please just leave. If you stay, every post you make would either be an allusion to the watch, your obsession, or your helplessness to reconcile the two.
  9. A conditional and reserved apology is never a sincere one. Nikki6 may have gotten some facts wrong in your opinion, but the fact remains that you have been clearly obsessed over this watch for a long time, and Nikki's post was a mere catalyst to refuel a long-standing obsession. It is like a serial rapist justifying his latest crime by stating that his latest victim was scantily clad. The issue was not with Nikki6. It was with you starting multiple threads on the general discussion forum, discussing a watch NOBODY ELSE gave a flying fuck about. You clearly needed a channel to vent, and have been warned repeatedly not to overdo it. In fact, Nikki6's post merely gave you YET another opportunity to post about the watch and the replication versions or whatever. But lets be honest: You were looking forward to debates like that, and chances to educate anyone within earshot about this specific watch, without discrimination, prudence or ordinate thinking. You are obviously a very disturbed and obsessed guy, and your compulsive behavior has become an annoyance to many here. I am not a guy who is given to much swearing at all as many here can attest. But let me tell you, in no uncertain terms, that I, along with many here, do not fucking care if there is a rep Avenger II seawolf rep, or how the avenger II seawolf differs from the seawolf rep v2, or why the watch you want has not replicated. What you are doing, is essentially blatantly making a nuisance of yourself on a public forum which is so much more about Breitling. To paraphrase, you would not like it if I tied you to a chair in a room and force you to listen to the recordings to the incoherent monologue of a dribbling fool, would you? I do not accept your apology, and I still want to see you banned, or at least gone until you could learn about the fundamentals of good forum etiquette. Good manners, and good form, has nothing to do with whether you get your wish or not. You have indicated that you would not return UNTIL you own the watch you want. And then what, may I ask? Are you then going to create 3000 threads each extolling the different beauties of your new found dream, and also continue educating us on the differences between your watch and the reps? I see no difference there except we would now have pictures, as well as words to deal with. Let me summarize by stating it very clearly to you: I DO NOT CARE about the watch which you are insanely obsessed about. There are hundreds if not thousands of watches not replicated, and many dreams that remain dreams, and may forever be dreams. You have no right to annoy others with your incessant, inconsiiderate, asinine, curmudgeonly, inordinate, cantankerous, crass, extraneous, compulsive and gratuitous posts. You have no right to fill RWG with your Breitling dreams nightmares. If you have nothing to contribute to this forum besides being a one-watch rant, kindly make this a better place but leaving. And make it a one way trip please.
  10. I thought this thread is about the seawolf not some seagull. Reported you accordingly (for exemplary behavior on how to deal with a obsessed moron)
  11. Yes I have no doubt that you have your facts right. But do you get what the rest of us are trying to say: Nobody gives a fucking damn about the fucking damned watch. Or your obsession about it. Is that clear or is that not? I do not care about any Breitling reps, and if you had contained your obsession in the Breitling forum, you would not have crossed the line as much. I am looking forward to your ban, and your non-voluntary exit from this forum. And that would be all. Goodbye, and you would not be missed.
  12. Well it looks like I can forget about sending the one with the huge Liverpool FC logo over to you already my friend. Lol Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  13. For everyone's sake, please kindly reconsider your poison lol... There's just something odd going on recently with too many Breitling threads.
  14. What was it about breitling and needed replication that I feel the deja vu about, I wonder? [emoji1] Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  15. Because no breitling avenger posterboy should ever be caught being a member of the rep watch forums.
  16. No, you're obsessed. It's sad and disappointing to watch your downward spiral over an inanimate object. Is that a rabbit that Gollum is holding? I strongly believe that rabbits fall under the category of "very animated". Also, D, I am kinda disturbed that the rabbit looks nothing like the hare I've seen two days back. It must be a v2. A hairy rabbit is not equal to rabbity hare. Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  17. I see that in your case, "for a while" means 15 seconds max. When are you going to leave or at least stop posting about a watch nobody cares about? Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  18. Ok so the avenger seawolf v2 is not a rep of the avenger II seawolf, which is as ugly as a baboon's ass after a house rat is done chewing it. The house rat is also not the same as the church mouse who has been praying for its redemption. Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  19. Look, nobody here cares if the avenger seawolf is not a... Whatever v2 whatever. Lol. The only avenger I care about is probably Thor and possibly Incredible Hulk. Fluffy, please stop your obsessive behavior here. Seriously, you're making me hate breitlings and you're giving the brand a very negative association. I do not really care if the seawolf or sealion or seagull v2 is the same as the gen. Please quit turning this place into a breitling forum. Or at least contain your fanatical obsessions in the breitling section where those interested can read your posts. You probably need a doctor and I think that you've outstayed your welcome here. Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  20. In the works Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
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