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Everything posted by Legend

  1. Being delusion-al is definitely a plus point if you're a swift driver wannabe. I hope that my cyclop mod is more realistic than their race aspirations. Lol Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  2. This is the mk3 cyclop on a standard A7750 sec@12 movement and standard rep datewheel. The date magnification is increased and clarity is improved as well. Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  3. This is how the cyclop makes the date looks on the edge datewheel and LWO movement. Perfect! Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  4. I love Yogi, watched him since I have learnt how to crawl..
  5. The AP ROO franken is a work of intricate beauty and most of the frankens I have seen have the edge datewheel and the LWO cyclop that has the wrong magnification. The result is that the date often appears too small, and is a visual irritant for me. I have worked with spinmaster to develop the mk1 cyclop (mag too small, but ok for divers), mk2 (good mag, no AR) and now gentlemen, I present to you a preview of the mk3, essentially the mk2 cyclop with double AR. It has been an onerous process choosing the crystal material and coating for these but I think that we have finally hit jackpot. The magnification is correct vs gen, and the cyclop is even clearer than the gen one as could be seen from the pics below. This is a pic of the gen movement, gen datewheel and gen cyclop. Notice the slight reflection in the date read out. This is the mk3 cyclop on the same movement and datewheel. Notice that the date magnification remains the same, but clarity is improved. I would be releasing pics of how it looks with the edge datewheel, and pics of it with the dial installed. I think the date magnification issue for ROO frankens, and even 7750 reps can finally be resolved with this cyclop. Stay tuned gentlemen. Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  6. Thank you JordanF1 and guys for the nice words but please allow me to clarify some points for the benefit of all: - The v7 diver is already a nicely built rep of very good accuracy.. My mods center primarily around the movement conversion, crystal AR, cyclop, water proofing and bezel screws sinking. I did very little for the case and finishing and I cannot take credit for them. - The stock watch is good enough to pass off as genuine for most of the general population, but of course, the little tells would will let the rep geeks call it out as a rep. My intention was to build on the already stellar v7 and make improvements where I can. No way I could turn a rep into a gen watch with these mods but I could attempt to bring the rep closer and make it more accurate in little ways. - Most of Jordan's comments center around the v7 diver stock rep characteristics, I was mistakenly and generously credited for those.. lol thanks mate but you were waaaaayyyyy too kind and I cannot take credit for them. - Yes 7 pieces have been built, of the original 10 intended. The total number which would be built has been increased to 15 due to the demand. - I would be building a limited run of FC divers, and perhaps the 15400 next. - Spinmaster worked on all the movements mods, and I would have to say that the low-beat ETA conversion is one of the most reliable that I have seen. The modded movement is essentially about 95% Swiss and 5% Asian. Spinmaster goes further than the other modders by implementing an extra process in the conversion process to improve the reliability and timekeeping accuracy of the movement.
  7. I feel for you @Alfalover, I really do. I also understand what it is like to be feeling desperate and helpless. I said "feeling", because as long as kindness and humanity exists, you are NOT helpless, nor should you be desperate. Do I understand that you may have a shortage of about 4000-5000Euros after you are done selling your watch? Yes this may be more than a problem about money, but money would help take care of a salient part of it I believe.. But first things first, are you able to give a clear indication of how much is needed? Thank you kindly.
  8. The title of your post looks like a Lionel Richie song. just joking...hello yourself and welcome to RWG where men come to learn to become gentlemen!
  9. One point of note, the date font height on the V7 diver is perfect compared with the gen. Congrats once again. One point of note, the date font height on the V7 diver is perfect compared with the gen. Congrats once again.
  10. Dear all Just an update, second batch posted and next batch would be ready in the next 2 weeks or so. I have started a new batch beyond this ten due to popular demand and I have last 2 slots remaining as of 2 Jan 2016... please PM me if you are keen thank you.
  11. The miyota movement used in the Spectre rep is a relatively low quality one. The second hand would stop each time the watch is moved with moderate force, not just when it's turned upside down. The movement itself does not stop I believe, only the second hand does. I'm now experimenting with a replacement movement for the same watch. If it works, and if you want, you can send the watch to me. I'm based in Singapore. Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  12. I agree with @Ezio. If you already have a pre conceived notion of what's ugly and what's not, and would retract your statement based on the result of the "poll", then your original intention is contradicted. Just choose what you like, and yes if I get to vote I would second kernow' choice of that avocado prada watch. [emoji1] Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  13. Just an update guys, the second batch would ship on between 2nd and 4th Jan 2016.. The balance would be shipped around mid January. Thank you all for your patience. I am grateful for your kindness and understanding good sirs.
  14. Just a few facts: - The dial markers and inner bezel are aligned as per what my friend swdivad said. - Even if they are not, they can be adjusted for the perfect alignment. - This is a rep, and sometimes, infinitesimal imperfects do exist... learn to cope with it, and improve them on your own, and you would be much happier. - You have to learn to assess your own watch via QC pics, and not rely on the forum for such purposes, OR preferably, learn to integrate yourself into the community in a meaningful manner. I say this because I have seen a lot of guys with 1 or 2 or 10 posts who come, post their QC pics, ask for opinions, and then disappear without a word of thanks to guys who have helped. They take from the forum but never give back and I consider that bad form. I hope you do not turn out to be one of those guys. OK all said, you've gotten a nice and well-aligned watch. Accept it and be happy. Happy 2016!
  15. For those wondering, gen (mounted) vs rep nato. The difference is salient and if you intend to keep the watch, invest in the gen nato strap. It's silky smooth and very finely woven. Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  16. Minor details aside I would say the 87 rep is in the same class as the 243. Both are super reps. Do you find the cyclop distortion maddening? The funny thing is that it's the same in the gen as well. It looks like you are reading the date under water. But in water itself the date looks very clear. A true dive watch! Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  17. Nope I'm pretty sure you did not see the movement I bought. It was from a supplier direct. Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  18. It takes a lot more than a gen dial to make a 15400 franken IMHO. I've a set of gen dial, hands, and most importantly, complete gen movement incoming. But the wait for the movement was so damned long! The built isn't for me though but a fellow local. Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  19. Haha no bro just a humble daily beater level franken. [emoji1] Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  20. Nice watch and review thank you. The blue on the dial differs from gen and hand lume color is different too. The minor differences are not enough to put this rep out of the super rep category in my opinion. Well chosen and wear her well sir! Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather My franken says hi! Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  21. Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  22. Thanks Stu you're certainly one of the classy old-timers that we could count on to make this place a better one! My gratitude for your presence, and more importantly your friendship especially during my darker days. Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
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