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Everything posted by Legend

  1. I agree in general, that JF has got the better finishing for their watches in general. Actually, the only thing I dislike for JF ROOs are the date font. But having said that, the V7 I-series diver reps have gotten the date font correct vs gen. So whats there not to like afterall? The V7 iteration is a beautiful, well finished AND accurate rep.
  2. Thank you gentlemen for your eclectic opinions, mostly to tell me how hideous you think this is I guess this set of straps is not for everyone, and yes it is loud and I concede how it could be OTT for some. I do like it myself, but it is a tad too big for my wrists. Thanks for all your input honored gentlemen! And @swdivad I wanted dragon buckle mounted on a tribal armadillo engraving straps but those were out of stock. LOL.
  3. Eau de toilette Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  4. Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  5. The JF AP ROOs are generally well made, and in several aspects, superior to the noob ones. I do like the datewheel on the Noob, and prefer the Noob for specific models, but overall, you would not go wrong choosing a JF release. The A3120 movement decoration is just a decoration, and the base movement, and its inherent issues, are unchanged. Pics wise, there are many to be found, especially over at RWI.
  6. These terrorist cells and their interpretation of Islam, are giving the religion a bad name. I am certain that Islam as a religion does not advocate such extreme and senseless violence. But given the spree of violence committed in the name of Allah over the past years, the negative association is inevitable, and the lines of rational analysis would blur in the average man. Nothing would be able to abrogate the damage suffered by innocent civilians, or the emotional pain of those left behind. The hatred and fear would naturally be channeled somewhere, and unjust as it is, the religion would bear some of the brunt of the negative emotions.. Islam itself is a good religion. Like all other religions today, it is the believers who interpret its teachings, and act upon their beliefs. It is fair to say that terrorism is a result of radicalization of Islam believers, but not a teaching of the religion itself. The radical beliefs are by now so deeply embedded in the terrorists that re-education would be close to impossible. It is only by firm and decisive responses of the world, that these misguided people learn that senseless slaughter is wrong, that pain begets pain, and vengeance is a never ending cycle. We must never bow to such cowardly acts of violence, but stand in solidarity against them. The killings and destruction would continue to be exchanged, and ultimately, the various terrorist cells would cave in under sheer fire power of the military alliances, and escape underground. The roots are not eliminated, and the peace would be as temporary as the shedding of tree leaves during winter.. We can only continue to be strong, and to stand for what we believe in. Wars and battles are fought everyday, not necessarily with guns and missiles, but often internally within ourselves, as we struggle to make the right decisions, and to better ourselves to be a better person for those around us. Yes, despite all the precautions and conviction, our lives can still be taken from us in an instance. But let us not live in fear, but continue to hold on to our beliefs, conviction and most of all, our love for others. My body can be broken, my life can be taken, but my spirit and what I believe in, would never die.
  7. +1. I have experienced the same scam before, receiving an email from a contact stating that he was in a bad situation and needs help with some money etc.. Change your email password, and remember to amp up protection for your online accounts. The internet is a ripe ground for scams and phishing attempts like these. We can only be more vigilant with our personal cyber security.
  8. Feline Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  9. Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  10. And it's been 3 pages and OP is still around. That speaks for the wonderful members of RWG that keeps him coming back, drawing him like a deer to green pastures. I'll be happy to wager that 5 pages later, you would see OP mingling with us, and yes that is a good thing. This is the place for you tyrantblade. Welcome to RWG. Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  11. A little switcharoo to this Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  12. You saw this on repgeek bro lol Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  13. Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  14. Can someone please change the title of the thread to "Every dog has his day" please? It's gone so sideways that the original post is off topic. Lol Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  15. Was just kidding, don't mind me please. Ok since you specifically asked, I think that the RB2 is one of the most beautiful ROO reps in existence, out of the box. I would, however, recommend you buy a modded Noob one, instead of the JF model, for the more accurate date font. If you do pick the JF model, I would recommend you replace the JF dial plate with slaughterer62 plate decoration, it is a lot more accurate. Get the crystal ARed (profsteve's bailiwick) and the Noob datewheel would look a lot better on the watch if you could get hold of one. Then get a set of Mikey titanium sandblasted blasted bezel screws and replace the cheap looking ones the watch came with. Then, and only then, is the watch befitting of being a good rep of the RB2, IMHO. The JF model is a good base to work upon, but not a nice replication of the RB2 if you have seen one. Straps wise, this watch is a 42mm ROO, BUT it has different plots from the regular ROO. A friend of mine has managed to fit a set of regular rubber straps on it, so yes, one way or another, the rubber straps should fit. But this watch looks best on the perforated leather straps it comes mounted on, but hey to each his own. I wish you good luck in procuring one, and I would strongly recommend you buy a modded one in m2m sales in RWI, they do pop up from time to time. The date font on the JF RB2 would drive you nuts eventually, Looking at the JF RB2 datewheel font, it looks like someone decided to play a cruel joke on an otherwise beautiful watch and placed a japanese quartz movement in it, before releasing the monstrosity to the market while snickering behind the hand.
  16. Why don't you do it yourself D? Oh. Ok. :lol: Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  17. You must really love the watch to have started 3 identical threads on it. Lol Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  18. It all depends on who the someone is Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  19. Mr Josh T, if you wish to be taken seriously, stop mentioning your "brother" or trying to convince us that you have one. It's irrelevant anyway. You alone are responsible for your account. Grow up and be a man with integrity and you might find yourself welcome here. But if you ever try to pull off your nonsense on RWG again, you can be assured that you would never sell here again. Please be your own man from this point onwards and don't bring your brother in here. I suggest you edit your sales thread post to reflect a more honest and direct approach. It is dodgy and I can assure you that you'll not sell it, the way you're writing the post. Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  20. Wow really? I hope that AP could rep the JF version one day then But seriously I agree that in terms of overall finishing, JF is better. But it just has flaws that are egregious to me. To each their own. As long as you enjoy your watch, and share your thoughts with the community sincerely, it is much appreciated. Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
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