We as Mods/Admins can only react if all of you let us know about open issues... we don't care if the member is newbie or not... especially if more than only one compains about the same... if you dislike posting in public just send a PM to one of the Admin team... so finaly we can post and let all of you know about a thing if we get several complains...
We have also no further infos about RBJ than all of you have... all i can say is that first of all reading, reading & reading is the most important thing... so you know what could be possible and what not... some members still forget that we only buy reps... and in general all these watches here have an really great price-quality ratio... check outr the cheap gens with the same movements as our watches here... they often cost more than double what we pay here...
I can say that i have seen Namors watch in real life... and that i personally wouldn't have paid that amount for the moddings... i also know the result after his own moddings and there are worlds between... i think the most important what Namor would like to say is that all members should try to do more themselfes... just get an cheap Asia-Version of the watch and use to do it yourself... Ziggy has lot of great manuals how all the work should be done...
But as said we all know that it can be earned some money by doing the mods... i can understand RBJ-sight as businessman also... he get many many watches and have to do the moddings... means limited time per project... he's doing what he thinks is reasonable for the price he's asking... it's your choice to do business with him or not... because of that i think it's very important that all of you post positve and negative visions of business you have done here... in each cases... if it's about a dealing with RBJ, Ziggy, TTK, EL and so on... so all of us know what we get when we spent our money...