In germany the gas-price of ~1,40€ per litre compounds:
fixed govermental dues in € per litre:
oil-tax (Mineralölsteuer): 0,501
eco-tax (Ökosteuer): 0,154
oil-provisioning-tax (Erdölbevorratungsbeitrag): 0,0046
total: 0,6596 = ~ 0,66€
Additional to the amount of 0,66€ the german government charges an variable amount, depending on the gas-price, of 16% VAT (value-added-tax)... at an gas-price of 1,40€ per litre the VAT is ~ 0,2€ per litre...
so the german state makes altogether 0,86€ per litre at an gas-price of 1,40€ that makes a total of 62% tax