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Everything posted by chaussettevelo

  1. Thanks everybody. The sound of 36000 vph is wonderful. For chefcook, hands modified.
  2. The pics are not goods but the watch is beautiful. My 16520 project is finish. What's next?
  3. I have my watch!!! Phong was doing the job, wonderfull! I try to put pics.
  4. It's Mr Phong will make the job. Wait and see...
  5. But why the 7750 case doesn't fit with zenith 3019? These movements have the same size caliber (13 1/4) Is it the pushers doesn't fit again? Thanks
  6. Many thanks Valty. And many thanks to everybody answers to me.
  7. What do you think about this case for replacement of my "fake case" please? http://cgi.ebay.fr/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=200646380707&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649#ht_723wt_642
  8. Zeleni, What does "CG" please? I have paid this case 45 euro on Ebay 2 years ago....Oufff!
  9. Few pics about my problem with the pushers movement doesn't fit with the pushers case. http://hpics.li/c22bfad http://hpics.li/f058f36 http://hpics.li/3c5f73d http://hpics.li/e3efd0e http://hpics.li/15497e8 http://hpics.li/b67fab9 http://hpics.li/a081f85
  10. Yes, I have always read 3019=400 but it's a really thing, my pushers don't fit perfectly with the puschers of my movement (3019) ,and it's a Rolex case. I don't understand anything. Thanks to help me.
  11. Hello everybody, I'm a French man, living next to Saint-Malo (Britany). I have a 16520 case (N serial), without the movement. I have bought a Zenith el primero 3019 phc movement to place into my case but it doesn't fit perfecly into. The two pushers chronograph don't fit with the pushers case. Is a Ebel 134 movement could fit perfectly inside my rolex case? Thank you very much. Stephane
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