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Posts posted by its_urabus

  1. I cant believe this is happening. lug holes, gen construction, gen like crown, near perfect crystal. I am in awe of what chris is doing for the rep world. lets hope he doesnt get kidnapped by a black van with rollie plates...

    so i do wonder if this takes gen spring bars with no mods. i think i would cry if things got that good...

    thanks for doing this chris...

  2. not to get caught up in the details of your system, but what are you going to be driving them with? and are you going to be using stands?

    Some of my favorites in no particular order are the Vienna Acousitcs Haydn, the Sonus Faber Concertino Domus, Boston Acoustic VRM60 and as you have listed above, the Wharfedale - Diamond 9.1. But there are so many I like... most of which you will hate.

    The only real advise I can share is this... take your discs/music player and camp out at a decent AD. Listen to EVERYTHING. Listen to good speakers, listen to bad ones. Listen to ones half your price point, and 3 times your price point. listen to the same song on over and over on each of the speakers you are thinking about. Get lost in the songs, and listen for the speaker. if it is the one for you, you will not hear the speaker, just the music. in the end, I would rather learn to dislike a prospective model at the store then get them home and hate them.

    I wish you the best of luck and let us know what you choose.

  3. I have a gen crown on my expII, and a rep crown on my exp I. the exp I crown screws down like butter... the expII is a pain in the butt...

    they both look identical when screwed in. as bytor said, dont sweat it, just enjoy the watch

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