Replicas in general if you are buying a reasonable price one (say 350ish and up) should be reliable. On saying that, there are a lot of variables involved. -how rough are you with your watches? -what movement doesn't it have? -what material is it made from say steel vs forged carbon -your climate? Is it humid or mild. Things get more aged depending on weather conditions -are you wearing the watch every day? What I'm trying to say is, your questions are too generalised. One version of a rep might be better than other and that could be from the same factory. For example my AD friend said customers who wear their Patek every day actually tend to return them cos some models are actually not very reliable or accurate-not many people would actually wear a Patek as a beater as they probably have more than one watch anyway. I think you might be over analysing for rep which I can honestly say is very affordable amount compared to gen. Steinhart are good watches, but to me they are pretty ugly but reliable. Is not an apple to apple debate. Enjoy reps, do your research and relax, is not an investment or a marriage but more of a hobby. Sent from my SM-N950F using Tapatalk