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Everything posted by andreww

  1. Interesting that they don't show what the front of the movement looks like, subdial arangement etc.
  2. I predicted that this would happen a long time ago. The glory days of chrono reps are coming to an end. The rep industry is reliant on the 7750, as was much of the gen market. ETA sales restrictions are really going to put an end to the "Super Rep" era that we are currently experiencing.
  3. The ETA version should be metal, that's how it's advertised anyway.
  4. BTW, is that a sub on his left wrist or a hospital bracelet?
  5. T, I am truly happy for you. Approaching 50 years old now, and when I look back I can think of no happier days than the days my two children were born. Enjoy your new son mate, and take the time to watch him grow. It really does go by way too quickly. Cheers, A
  6. It really is amazing how good these reps have become over the past five years. Not that they weren't good back then, its just that they are near perfect now. Double sided AR, proper date font, near perfect pearls, you have to look pretty hard at a rep these days to know the difference (look at the Graham pic in this very thread, I'll guess gen). For us that is really a god thing, but in some ways I feel that these new "perfect watches" are killing our hobby. Back in the day you had to work pretty hard to take care of all the little flaws in our reps. There were some great artists, and viewing pics of there works ranked as one of my favorite things to do. What can you do to our "Super Reps" beyond adding a gen dial or insert (pretty boring stuff)? Not much. Pity
  7. hmmm, looks like the thread has been removed, "Invalid link".
  8. thanks D, looks pretty acurate in the pics. Now the wait begins!
  9. Really great info! I love the ST19 in my 192, it looks, feels, and runs brilliantly!
  10. Just getting ready to pull the trigger on a blue V3 Skyland, and was wondering if anybody had compared the dial color to the gen? The gen watch can look dark to a very bright blue depending on the light, and I really like the color. Just don't want to be disappointed by a badly colored dial
  11. You watched the repeat last night as well eh?
  12. Personally I'm a fan of all three options. I love the leather straps, and my breits spend most of their time on leather. The chrono avenger somehow looks best on the rubber dive strap however. Though I rarely keep them on SS, I always order the bracelet as its always nice to have that "dressy" look. Breits are truly versatile watches and its amazing how different they can look simply by changing the straps.
  13. Thats what I was thinking, that it was a Grand Carrera. Mystery solved. I am aware of the 28k with regulator, but those are new and not in that many watches. Hopefully it will become the standard movement for our reps!
  14. Interesting. As far as I know the Carreras have all been 28k, but I have never seen one with a fine adjustment regulator.
  15. What model watch is it?
  16. Are you sure that its 28k though? If it has a fine regulator on the balance it is more than likely a 21k model.
  17. Are all a7750 28ks like this? People have often speculated that there is more than one manufacturer of the a7750, if all of them have the same flaw, it seems to me there would only be one manufacturer.
  18. Thanks Zig, I assume that the ETA version works as it should?
  19. Just wondering if The Zigmeister or any of our other movement pros could chime in on why this happens... When the chrono is activated on the 28k 7750, the minute totalizer flips over when the chrono second hand is at about 58 seconds. Not a big deal unless you are timing an event that last 6 minutes and 59 seconds, as your reading would actually be 7 minutes 59 seconds. Is this some sort of design flaw, and can it be fixed with service? My 21k 7750s function as they should, so it seems like a flaw with the 28ks only.
  20. Congrats Teejay, glad all went well!
  21. Nice, I've got the same one. But, you are already missing a bezel screw (last pic)
  22. So I took the advice of this thread and picked up a set of iAudio in-ear buds the other day. They perform as advertised, cutting just about all outside noise, while increasing the bass and audio quality considerably. My only complaint with these earphones is that all the sounds that you don't usually hear are amplified as well, such as the earphone cable bouncing off my coat. It sounds like a constant bass drum. All the sounds within your head also seem to become much more noticeable (breathing, chewing, etc.), as does the sound of my shoes hitting the pavement. I will say that these in-ear buds stay in my ear far better than the standard Apple earphones. And, when sitting still there is no comparison, but when being active there is just too much annoying noise.
  23. All the dials on this particular navitimer have printed wings.
  24. great pics Lan! Looks nice compared to the 6 inches of snow Toad and I got today!
  25. Other than for its personal value, a 20 year old citizen would likely have little to no value.
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