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About Roley1

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    United States

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  1. No my friend.... they..are...bad! I need to get my butt over to my cell carrier and seriously upgrade and get outta the single pixel camera era. hahaha!
  2. Just wanted to publicly say "Thank you" to Angus as his JLC (Jaeger-LeCoultre -Duo) that I recv'd is a very beautiful piece. This was my first time ordering from him and compared with a prior company I used for my Sub, his process was easy, fast, and everything promised was delivered perfectly! Thanks again. ~ Pic's coming as soon as I can take a picture that is worthy enough of showing off this beaut!
  3. As a noob, what I HAVE noticed from folk's is that when I wore my gen Explorer, people would (once in a while) comment on it but usually it never came up. Having sold that and then just was biding my time, I wore a regular 'ol dept. store watch (Fossil). It was nice, don't get me wrong, but I doubt I ever had one single person ever glance at it one single time. Now that I am wearing my first rep (Sub), I have noticed folks giving it a glance or 2 but no one yet (in the last month) has said anything. As far as the "filthy rich", it's been my limited experience (I have a few as clients) that they ALWAYS pay someone to do ALL their shopping! no kidding,... I'm talking about having someone go out and not only buy your toilet paper but also your jewelry. These are people that probably would never be in the same place as you and I on any given day. Unless you are one of the lucky one's to be travel'n the globe in their private yachts, jets, and staying in 50K per night hotel rooms..... However, I BET you the $20 I have in my pants pocket that more than a few are riding those yachts, jets, and red carpets into their hotels, with a very nice rep on their wrists that their "assistant" picked up from the "dealer".... and they do not have the slightest clue that their helper has pocketed the difference! Yes, another true story from the mouth of one of my clients. Wore a Car. Astrore' that, come to find out, was a rep. However, a damn fine one at that... never found out out where it was purchased from though as the helper had been long gone by then. I guess if I am ever asked if mine is a rep, I'd reply with "Why yes,... it 'REPresents' that I have good taste!"
  4. Ooohh, there we go. sorry.
  5. Did this work? I used Imageshack... [URL=http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/210/getattachmentow.jpg/][img=http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/5210/getattachmentow.jpg][/URL] Uploaded with [URL=http://imageshack.us]ImageShack.us[/URL]
  6. Thanks chou! Will try to do now.
  7. Veeerrryyy nice!! Now please tell me how the heck you got your photos to post!!! Kinda kidding but not really. I have read a few articles on here regarding the "how to's" but nothing is working.... I am trying to use my Palm cell phone. Would you be so kind as to give me some direction or at least maybe point me to a good post that is compatible with a cell phone and Office 2010? Thanks so much. I got my first rep a couple weeks ago and would love to be able to show those that are interested in seeing.
  8. What happened exactly for me was I entered my CC info the first time through the first pay vendor (I don't remember which one off the top of my head) and it did not go through. Like you, I was VERY hesitant of re-doing as I didn't want to be charged twice. So, I actually left it alone and immediately clicked on the "live chat". The person on the other end notified me that my order had been cancelled and to re-do using the 2nd pay vendor option. It went through and they even verfied it for me.... so, not sure if this helps you out but thus far, everything worked out well for me. Will it always? Doubtful, as I think (the more I learn anyways about all this) that there will come a time when something goes wrong. But, that's what all the awesome folks on here are for, right? to help out and calm us when we need to be calmed!
  9. Hi all, I am trying to figure out how to post a picture of the sub I just got from timesshop. While looking for instructions on how to do this, I noticed this post. I had the same worries with this dealer in the beginning but I was told, by a few of you veteran memebers (THANKS again by the way! ), that patience and trust is the first rule to this awesome hobby.... I did was I was told. I did NOT email the dealer more than twice (in a 30 day span) and also made sure all was good with the $$ transaction. Yes, the first time I ordered, the pay vendor did something a little weird and my order was not completed. I then chose the 2nd pay option (2nd vendor) and it went through just fine. As a beginner in all this, unless I find higher quality at the same price (or more rep options to choose from) these guys will have all my future business! Now, if I could only find instructions on how to post a pic of my new baby! hahaha!
  10. Opps. See, i was trying to be funny by showing pic of the DHL package and wrapped box. Serves me right. sorry all.... i will takes some pics tomorrow and show.
  11. Very first rep! Have been waiting for 27 days, 5 hours and, let's see, 17 minutes & 22 seconds dince DHL walked into my office. Should I open?
  12. Virtual cigars and drinks all around!! Congrat's Modelizer!
  13. Thanks for the much needed "calming" comments! Used to have a gen submariner. Sold it to finance a start up "side biz"..... Then, got married, had kids. Bought a home. You know, the same ol, same ol. So, these days I would rather spend any profits on building the kids college accounts, the retirement accounts, etc. When i heard about this site it amazed me in a bunch of diff. ways. Kuddos to whoever thought this up!! Anyway, miss the feel and look of the finest watch i ever had the priv. to own and wear. So, to get one that is "almost" the same for what, a tenth or more of the actual cost? Well, sign me up! I just hope it's everything the dealer and pictures claim it to be! Looking at what I'm wearing right now, and having owned a nice watch in the past, i am very embarrased to say what's on my wrist currently is a dept. store green and fake gold thingy that hardly keeps accurate time! hahahaha! i think it's time I deserve to get something that at least will fool the fools, right?
  14. So, yes, I lasted until this morning...! However, knowing that their statement says that they will "ship" or "process" on the 8th (today), i wasn't surprised to see that the order status has not changed. It still says 1-19-12, in process. As some of you may have experienced, it's getting a little tricky trying to continue to convince the wife that this is all legit. '') it's now, for me anyway, an upcoming chance to say tio her "Told ya so". hahaha!
  15. Ok, thanks a bunch! Have a great weekend!
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