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Everything posted by DamonHorse

  1. I really don't understand your stance here. If there weren't improvements in rep quality then it would still be the same vaguely correct pieces that used to be made and sold for less than they do now. I can't see the argument that there wouldn't be a desire to improve the products when they are always constantly evolving anyway. As for understanding the mechanics you're absolutely right but that isn't to say that there aren't improvements that can be made. As a scientist you should be all for striving to overachieve. But evidently not. Oh and selling a thousand cars a year isn't what I would call a massive success. But then again perhaps you know better there too.
  2. Sneed. They did and it was called the NSX. And nobody bought it actually. They would bother because they could charge a lot of money for them. They're cloning the panerai power reserve movement so there is a desire to do it. Perhaps not a clone then but something that didn't eat itself. If everyone thought like that there'd be no progress.
  3. Hello all - I would love a bit of help (as usual!) Is the case back on gen AP ROOs brushed or is it really that pretty horrid matt finish that the reps have? Seems like AP would brush the whole thing but then it also seems like the factories wouldn't get something that obvious wrong. Be interested to know the situation as I am having some work done to mine and will get the back brushed if this is correct. Thanks as ever.
  4. That's exactly my thinking - although I don't have Lume guy that I know of in the UK that I know of so any help there would be great. I am thinking that surely they couldn't get it that wrong but then I am also thinking that AP wouldn't do non-lume. Maybe it's because it wouldn't be standard white lume and as such the rep factories don't have it. By the way Iniertia - that is one cool piece. My Grey has gone down a notch having proved itself to be particularly NON waterproof despite my being told it had been checked so it's on having a service (Which I didn't want to pay for two days after getting the watch!) and being re-sealed. Not the best start to the experience - but I'm also getting some of the case re-brushed where the factory simply hadn't bothered to brush two parts that went in to corners. Bit slack but hopefully when it's back it will look even better.
  5. Why is the seconds at 12 movement so brittle? What is it that means it breaks so regularly. Got my new one in being serviced as I type as this should make it run better and less likely to eat itself but it's ot going to fix it forever. I've said it many times on here but if they made a clone movement rep withhe correct crown position and date position that didn't kill itself the. I would pay a good amount for that. The ROOs aren't cheap as they are and the truth is you never know when it may go bang!
  6. Thanks for this guys. Pretty dumb but something I needed to chek for obvious reasons! Much appreciated.
  7. Ok it's stupid question time. If I've got a watch that's tested to say 30m although actually that's not important really but it is tested and I take the back off and screw it back on is it still waterproof?? It probably sounds stupid to those who know but is it the case construction or something they do after putting it together? Thanks
  8. Hello all. I am now be proud owner of a Grey Themes and will post post pics later today. Love it but it has no lume at all. If this is correct then fine. If otherwise I would love to know if there is anyone near london or uk based who can put some black lume on it. Thanks in advance. Damon
  9. Day one rockin my new AP.
  10. Yeh I understand it's an angle thing just made me chuckle. People never believe the TDs when they say it's an angle but it obviously was in most cases. Just nice confirmation of that as most of the people would have sent back this gen Diver!
  11. Very nice post! Thanks for sharing. I have to say it is extremely interesting to see that the 9 and 11 markers on the diver are off centre and there have been tonnes of people sending heir V3 reps back for the same problem. Seems the reps may be closer the the gens than people were giving them credit for!!
  12. Yeh AP are well known for their dyslexic case back operators! What a total [censored]! Could be worth more - well seeing as the bidding currently sits at a mighty $224 i think NOT!!
  13. Henry. I'd love this to be the case but I think it's down to the raids. Some of the existing models are seeming to come back on line so you'll get yours soon I think. I've got a grey themes at QC stage as these were the first available that I wanted. There are so many people with orders in that they will definitely crank up the AP machines and churn some more out.
  14. Thanks Fleet and Farmer. Good to know. As long as its always weak and not a major difference between gen then that's cool. I'm looking forward to getting it all the same!!
  15. Jkay - despite you not knowing the answer you've still taught me something. Thanks. Maybe it is lumed then. I hope so!
  16. henry - I've settled for Grey themes. Actually kinda like it and am pleased it's got a bit more going for it than the black. So I'm pleased. Andrew at trusty has been great and is getting his guy to sort the regulator a bit as the watch was gaining a lot according to the gauge but the other numbers are near perfect so I didn't want to change that movement. Always pleased with his contact levels and speed.
  17. Hi All Have just ordered a Grey Themes and have just realised that I have no idea whether it has any lume as the grey numerals etc seem like they won't have and even the hands are dark?? Any info on whether the rep and gen do or should would be great. Thanks
  18. Meister - I think you have a very valid point there but also I think that they lost a lot of inventory built up over time and simply haven't been able to rebuild that yet. So they haven't got the stock, haven't had the time to recreate the stock and also as you say don't want to carry the stock again.
  19. Jmicro - loved your post! Cracked me up laughing that last part!
  20. Simon. Agreed! My TD has been instructed to place an order rather than check availability. He thinking is that the factory may honour orders where they see immediate funds and a full commitment rather than a possible order. Not sure it will work but just trying to force the issue slightly. I've still got no idea on timescales but I'll let you know as soon as i hear. My understanding is that the grey Themes may be available but not sure. Ack and chronopassion are out of stock but also massively in demand so could be waiting a while on new orders for those.
  21. Agree with JKay. The amount isn't the issue it's being wealthy enough to spend that on a belt. So being able to pay for one is not necessarily the same as being able to afford one. A belt isn't like a watch where normal people save up and sometimes have one that seems beyond their means. my feeling is if his friends all have gens then he's probably on a hiding to nothing getting a rep belt as there are bound to be differences.
  22. bertie - this being from Hodinkee then I think it is a real Diver - without the inverted commas. They are a gen site and this thread has Gen in the title so I think this is the real deal. I could be wrong though. Thanks for sharing - it does make the current V3 rep look pretty tasty as they really are identical aren't they!
  23. Meister - I can see your point entirely - but I would think that the ROO is a good money maker for the factory. Even if they went in to a made to order situation then I could live with that so long as I am made aware of the likely waiting time etc. Perhaps they've stopped to focus on my LWO 283 clone because they've read my other post......... haha Probably not though!! A man can dream though!
  24. Diablo - I'll definitely pay for it as I'm not to be trusted to mod myself!! In fact I DID pay for it but at the moment there isn't an available watch to do it to! Bummer!!
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