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Everything posted by tng2000

  1. Back in Sept of 2006 I finally found what I thought was a god SUB rep on Ebay and I bought it because the seller had good feedback. I had been looking for a VERY long time before I bought, but sadly had never stumbled apoun these fine forums When I first got it, I was very impressed but that didn't last long, a few weeks later the bezel jammed and would no turn anymore, so I went to a small jewelry shop in an asian mall, funny thing is, He didn't want to fix it !. I thought of all places I could get it done there. So off I went on my web search to try and determine how to fix this. It was during this search I found these fine forums. Well I fixed my Bezel BUT, I started reading and looking at more photos, then realized this watch had some serious flaws for a rep. If I had found these forums earlier, I would have purchased from one of the dealers here....... I'll be posting pictures of my sub in the hopes that the vastly more knowledgeable folks here can maybe identify who made my sub and help me with my modding adventure. more to come...... TNG2000
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