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Qing Renn

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Posts posted by Qing Renn

  1. Well, the watch did arrive today. I am surprised. The quality is pretty good, VERY heavy, it wasnt DOA, the lume is...fair, everything looks ok. The bracelet looks nice, but the screw/stem (if that's the right term) that holds the bracelet to the clasp came out. When you connect the bracelet to the clasp, then put the stem in, it has a small flathead screw head on one end, and ...well nothing on the other. Its missing the other end of that screw/stem that holds the bracelet on to the clasp. I will post pictures later. Eventhough the watch did arrive, that was a lesson learned to keep coming back here to the forum to check for TD updates. Thanks to everyone who chimed in and helped, much appreciated.

  2. Depends on Customs now. If they sit on it for a week, or just wave it through.

    Ah, you're right. I forgot about that. Normally it would show "customs" listed somwhere in the update, so I guess I figured it was past that point already. I'm so used to seeing the information be a couple of days off.

  3. OK fellas...

    status shows...April 12, 2012: @ 8:54am, Processed through USPS Sort Facility, San Francisco, CA.

    I'm in Texas, so I figure it should be here by Saturday if this is accurate. It's probably further along than it actually shows. Fingers still crossed! lol

  4. Keep us posted!

    If it goes badly, why don't we all agree to inundate the fake "Josh" with hundreds of emails a day, asking incredibly stupid questions. It'll keep him so busy, he won't have time to rip anyone else off!

    LOL...sounds like a plan to me! It was my mistake though, won't happen again, even if I get the watch.

  5. Ok that is not a terrible price. Is that price with EMS shipping?

    I hope it arrives and looks good.

    Yep, that was with the shipping included. I hope it does too! Then I'm going to try some other TD's. I have been looking at dealers for 6 years, but only bought from Josh and Andrew

  6. Hi buddy a friend of mine had the same problem as you last year, he bought a rolex Milgauss rep from whom he believed was josh at pc8838 but turned out it was from a website claiming he was josh, he got the watch and it turned out to be eaactly what he ordered, when he had the back removed it also had a Swiss eta inside which he had ordered.

    Like shiro said its probably a legit dealer just using josh's reputation.sit on it for a while and see what happens, I'm sure you'll get it :)

    Thanks Rymeister for the response. It sure is great to have such help from all you guys. Thanks for the optimistic outlook on this for the new kid on the block! Appreciate it fellas!

  7. It maybe a "legit" dealer trying to free ride the reputation of Josh, and he may indeed send out a rep from a similar factory as our TD get them from. So just sit tight and monitor the situation, u may get the rep after all.

    The problem is, did u overpaid for the rep?

    Thanks Shiro, I appreciate the heads up. Well I paid $163 tx incl. for the DSSD, and I have purchased from Josh before in the past. I remember the site being perfect-clones.net a few years ago, but I haven't purchased a rep in a couple of years either so maybe that site was hijacked. If my memory serves me correctly, I remember that particular site being the "real Josh" site once upon a time. Maybe I could be mistaken. From now on I will use the current site to prevent this mix up again. I will sit calm and wait and see what happens. I appreciate the help from you guys!

  8. Yes. That site you mention is a copy of Perfect Clones. Not the real one.

    Just FYI in reality there is a Holiday in China right now, the Tomb Sweeping holiday, and there's also an unprecedented police crackdown on factories in progress.

    So yes, you went to the wrong site and yes there are a couple problems in China right now for replica buyers.

    OK, Thanks JKay, I appreciate you replying to me on this issue. Crap...Now I'm confused. What do you all think is the best way to tackle this situation? I paid with paypal, it came out of my account already, I havent received it, but its also a holiday, which is true. I dont know really which way to attck this to get my money back. Any suggestions from you guys is appreciated

  9. Hi guys,

    Sorry if I posted this in the wrong area, but I have a concern/question. I have been looking around this site for a while, purchased my first rep on the strength of this site. Havent bought one in a couple of years, and I went to my favorite dealer's site and pulled the trigger. Recently I came here to search for more info on another watch and saw where my favorite dealer had a "scam site". The site I recently purchased from was perfect-clones.net, and now I saw on here where the REAL site is www.1-pc8838.com. Since it's been awhile, I don't remember if the first site was actually a legit site or not, but searching here, it looks like it may be a scam site now. I purchased through paypal, then got a response from "Josh" that my watch is delayed due to a "holiday" but will be sent out Monday. I think I've been duped! Correct me if I am wrong, but didnt Josh used to do business on perfect-clones.net once upon a time? Any help from you guys is greatly appreciated. Thanks

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