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Posts posted by Prancuzas

  1. They do photoshop all the logo brandings on any products!


    So still do Your homework before hunting in the aliexpress. Also I would suggest only searching for rarer low-end reps. No miracles there when it comes to high-end reps.


    And about scamming - if You know what You will be getting while not overpaying and after checking the feedback of the seller - You shouldnt worry much,

  2. really at that point I would rather get the gen for 5 as opposed to the 3 by concepta. Sucks they can't get the a7750 with the running sec at 6 to be more realiable


    how about getting 5 reps for 1.5k? And You dont have to spend it at once! 


    Me myself just ordered 3714 rep and I am ready to pay the "300usd subscription fee each year" taking into the account that it will fail after one year (anyway i'm planning to wear it 1-2 times a week and hack it when not using so I'm pretty much sure it will last more than one year as theses later versions really improved in reliability). Also the watch is traveling to modder for a dial swap so at the same I will ask him to service the movement so neither the 5k gen option, neither the 2-3k concepta's version does sound as appealing as clean maintained rep for 300usd :)

  3. I had the RG Exupery from M2M (sold it because couldnt pull off the RG watch at the end). Dont know if all in the market are from the same batch or some of these are re-released.


    In my personal experience AR was too blue/violet (so You will need additional AR treatment) and the subdails were just too shiny and busy under the artificial lightening, at natural daylight it was quite OK. Caseback - I wouldnt care about that one much ;)


    Anyway it's a nice watch and brown dial is way more appealing than plain black of 3717 ;)


    Anyway - I would go for it ;)

  4. Well tendencies (users' reports) show that more recent versions/releases of the portuguese reps tend to have a little bit lower rate of failing movements.


    If You plan to wear this watch 1-2 days a week, and hack it when not wearing - I wouldnt call it a big trouble and buy one expecting at least 1 or 2 years of life ;)

  5. 1. Stick to trusted dealers. Why would dealers sell pieces of Noob factory if You could buy from them directly and your noobfactory com? First sign of 'something being wrong'

    2. Know how to use google searching by image not by a keyword. After that i got a source of Your image. http://www.dgrx168.cn/2825428910.html. Price is 35k Yuan so that's about 6k usd (a standard gen price)


    So in conclusion You going with Ryan was a decent choice. Anyway, this particular rep is not that good in terms of accuracy (case, pushers and hands being too bulky). The only mode that I could think of is putting gen ETA datewheels in it.


    Please post pictures here when You get that.


    And remember - dont trust chinese people unless they earned their trust (in example here by community).


    Good luck!

  6. Well it's a matter of combination - which toys You like, how many You can have and which quality You can afford. That's were all the forum members come from - choosing the suitable combination for them.


    As for radiomirs - yes 380 has very good reviews. 292, 288 also are good. Now these year 388, 505 and 183 came. Believe me, every person here has different understandin of "which is best" and I think final desicion will have to made up by You. Just get the one You prefer most. Wear it, if You won't like it - sell it with the loss of 20-80usd, get another one, try it again. That's were the beauty of replica market comes - You can experiment while reaching for the main goal - Your personal satisfaction of wearing a timepiece ;)

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