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Everything posted by Kevin18

  1. Probably a silly question, but is the cf on the reps real cf or fake wrap?
  2. Btw does anyknow if if this http://www.trustytime.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=221&products_id=2614 Is as high quality as the $128 ultimate in the OP?
  3. The crown guards look about the same size to me. The actual crown is noticably wider though.
  4. Thanks for the help guy. I decided to just get a Casio watch for everyday use. I still want a cheap replica for collecting purposes and to see how they are and if I want to stay in this hobby. Was thinking about these http://www.1-pc8838.com/00rlss01101-2008-submariner-black-asian-2813-p-8998.html http://www.trustytime.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=221&products_id=1699 Apart from the dot marker on the bezel what is the difference between these 2 and which one is better? Would you guys recommend these at all or are they total crap? I can't find any reviews of them. Opinions please?
  5. Personally I don't see the point of modding a replica to look like the gen. You'd rather just buy a gen.
  6. Pretty much every company uses machines to make watches some way or another. The point is Rolex build their watches with skilled workers who put the watch together perfectly. With all due respect to the Chinese workers, they generally won't be anywhere near as good as those guys, thus making a shoddily built watch. Some of those watchmakers earns over $100k a year. Like I said earlier a Chinese worker can sometimes just earn a few pennies a day. It seems you need to severely mod and invest in a replica to actually make it a believable replica. After you spend all that money you'd rather just buy a second hand gen.
  7. You can get plating that thick in semi rare metals like Chrome and satin. Its obvious the 5mil gold plating is not true. At the end of the day (with all due respect) we're dealing with crooks who are illegally selling counterfit goods. You should never trust them 100% with anything to say. We just have to accept that.
  8. It actually costs more to produce the box and stuff that comes with a genuine Rolex than the average replica. (Replica's cost as little as $10 to make) Taking everything into account a submariner for example would cost over a thousand to produce one including running cost, wages etc. Replica's made in china only cost pennies per each employees wages. The materials are not that expensive either nor do they use state of the art facilities to manufacture the watches. You wont find a replica of a high end watch better than the genuine article. A rolex for example would be described as "engineering perfection" hand built made by some of the finest watchmakers in the world. A replica's parts are usually mass produced and put together by unskilled workers so there's a big gap in quality there. A scubadiver wouldn't buy a replica rolex submariner because of how bad the quality is on replicas. Its also because of status. People buy high end watches to show what they have acheieved in life. Sadly if you wear a replica people will think you're a loser. To sum it all up its because of quality. You might think there's very little difference between a replica and gen because they LOOK almost identical but there are many factors. My dad collects rare genuine watches as a hobby and to sell when the demand gets higher.
  9. Is he still regarded as dishonest and a scammer?
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UTrSmcpmm4&feature=plcp Tbh they seem like decent sellers. Seems like a good site for good quality out of the box replicas. I know a few people who purchased off them, aside from their prices they all thought they were good.
  11. Sorry for bumping this old thread, but is the Josh these people were talking about the Joshua on here ?
  12. Looks a bit like an Omega seamaster.
  13. To be fair, as the middle man (if he is) he is still responsible for anything he says or claims. By sending false QC pics, its technically a bait and switch scam. Both buyer (for filing a pp dispute) and seller are wrong in this instance in my opinion. I can see why the buyer is soo angry though. If I payed those prices, I would expect the very highest grade replicas. The scarf in that picture is pathetic, honestly they sell higher quality replica scarfs at boot sales for £2.
  14. Seems like they sell some very high quality watches. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UTrSmcpmm4&feature=plcp&context=C4923f94VDvjVQa1PpcFNPiPFFR3vOF2flo73-n11iCsWVhCfB94A%3D
  15. I agree. I have worn my dads gen datejust a few times and people (who usually know naff all about watches) try and prove its "fake" somehow. Usually by saying the seconds hand is not moving smooth and consistently or something silly like that. But anyway it doesn't need to be a top of the line replica. Just something decent that doesn't shout FAKE all over it. I have seen people wearing chinese quartz rolexes... Good god those are awful I want to get into the rep collecting hobby but I don't want to get bashed like the quartz Rolex guy all day long What do you think of this guys ? http://www.1-pc8838.com/00rlex00201-2010-explorer-asia-2813-free-shipping-p-8954.html Also how can I search for reviews of this exact watch ? Thanks.
  16. Could you link me to the exp II please? Also how authenthic does it look and feel ? How long have you had it and does it still work? Thanks for the response
  17. Sorry I am quite a noob in regards to replica watches and don't know where to start. I was hoping somebody more experienced and knowledgable could lead me in the right way? Here are a few details about myself and my needs - I am 19 - I have pretty small wrists compared to most people so I don't think a huge military watch for example would suit me very well lol. - I dislike battery powered quartz watches. - A replica of a gen that does not cost tens of thousands (otherwise its not believable hehe). - A high quality replica. I'm not going to lie I want to pull it off as the real deal so it would need to be accurate and of high quality. - Like many "noobs" I really like the popular and iconic watches like the Rolex submariner and 007 Omega. - I would prefer the watch to be a Rolex, Omega, Tag Heuer or Breitling. This would be my first replica watch. I plan on wearing it very often (almost daily). I know that's not a huge budget for what I need but I could stretch it a bit further if I save up a little more. If there's nothing in that price range please suggest something else I am aware of some of the sellers on here but due to the lack of reviews online I find it diffucult to understand the quality and accuracy of them. Please post links etc and thank you in advance for your helpful posts. I hope to use this forum regularly.
  18. If you delete your facebook account they still keep all your info etc.
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