The bezel washer is designed to push up (away from dial) on the bezel to put the under inside lip of the bezel in frictional contact with the lip of the crystal retaining ring. This prevents the bezel from turning too easily. However, if the washer is too thick or bent, or something else is bent (crystal retaining ring is not straight), it gets too stiff. If you remove the washer all together there should be plenty of play between the bezel and crystal retaining ring and the bezel should turn easily, too easily technically. If the washer is too thick, it will put too much friction between the bezel and crystal retaining ring and it won't turn easily. You can sand down the thickness of the washer to just the right thickness to get the right balance. Note, even though the bezel seems like it won't turn, I bet if you push down towards the dial on the bezel with even pressure and then try and rotate it, it will turn. Pushing down reduces the pressure the bezel washer is causing between the bezel and crystal retaining ring and allows the bezel to turn. Hope this makes sense. Good luck!!