This reminds me of how people bondo up the side panels of rusted cars to make them look good. The price people pay for "original" vintage watches is ridiculous. I just want the damn thing to look great. I could care less how it got there. I mean I want the watch to be original as in it doesn't have fake parts but if I can pay a lot less for a case that's looks perfect but was refurbished, that's great. I mean it's gonna go on my wrist and I'm going to add my own marks anyway. And here's one that's interesting. If a case has been polished, you can typically tell mostly because it's too perfect. Put take a case that's been polished (professionally with the right chamfers etc.) and wear it for another ten years and then try and detect of it was polished at one time or not. This "untouched" "all original" thing is stupid. It's one big guessing game just completely overrun with fraud.