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Posts posted by bronica

  1. Bronica, read the thread a bit further, yes the mods called me on the tag, I never said the mods called me on the year.  If you follow the thread you will see that I corrected by posting a new tagged picture which had the full date, but the 5 in 2015 looked a bit like 2013 and someone made a comment  " did anyone else notice that it says 2013"   That is what I was referring to.  Seriously, read the whole thing.  You will see what I was referring to.  That was a petty thing, really as if I would take a picture on sept 2 2013 and save it till 2015 just it sneak something.  It was irritating as I was trying to do things right.  As for the moderators, is not putting RWI on the tag against the rules? Yes, but to put a hole on the auction?  I could see them asking to correct the tag, they do this all the time but to put a hold?    Yes it is their prerogative, for sure.  It just comes across like a cop that is trying to find every little thing that is not perfect to get you on, not to help you.  Either way, the whole point is that this forum is much more relaxed, in a very good way.

    Hey Cavi,

    I think you are getting confused with what i am saying and what the rules are. I have read the entire thread, the mods called you out on the tag because it was wrong, you did not have the year. That is why it was put on hold. If you read the rules, you do not need to have 'RWI' on the tag, that was not the issue. They did not say anything about the confusion of the 2013/2015, only some members did and other member then stood up for you. It seems your issue is more so with the members calling you out in the thread and jumping to conclusions and admittedly that does suck, but you're gonna find those people in any fora unfortunately.





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  2. I wouldn't go to Vegas if I was paid to... and I don't gamble ;-)

    Situation? What situation? Some members of RWI are in a situation, not me mate.

    Please go away, your input is useless.


    Okay? You know i'm not actually telling you to go to Vegas, or saying you're a gambler right? You keep grasping at straws to salvage some form of a comeback it's quite sad. I never once insulted you so i've no idea where all this "dark hole, hall monitor, numbskull" stuff is coming from but it just shows the sort of personality you have.

    My input is actually quite useful in fact. You made this thread for some way to vent or gain support and input, when a lot of the people supporting you are the people who did not read the rules just like you, and blaming it on RWI. The other half are people telling you suck it up and rules are rules, which you can't apparently read.  Do you realise how many people have successfully made threads and sold their items without a problem? You are an iota in that pool. You abused selling thinking it was a right, and not as a privilege and your own self-entitlement landed you in the brig.

    You'll probably come back with a string of insults that have no relation or connection to me. I'll look forward to reading it and seeing how you vent your own frustration out on me but you won't be worth replying to again. Thanks for the enjoyment buddy. :partytime:


    P.S. To quote you from RWI:

    Resorting to childish immature jaunts like this just further shows you have a complete lack of intelligence and/or education. Something an 8th or 10th grader would write.


    Juxtaposed by your reply to me an hour ago:

    I bet you were a hall monitor back in school... maybe a security guard now... good luck with your that, but your post is waaay off topic and we don't care about your petty-ass details.

    Now, go back to your dark little hole you call an existence and continue all your amazing clarifications over there ya numbskull... This thread is all about ME


    Enjoy 8th grade! :clap2:

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  3. I bet you were a hall monitor back in school... maybe a security guard now... good luck with your that, but your post is waaay off topic and we don't care about your petty-ass details.

    Now, go back to your dark little hole you call an existence and continue all your amazing clarifications over there ya numbskull... This thread is all about ME

    Stay out of Vegas mate, you're a terrible gambler :)

    On the contrary, it's very much on topic. As said previously "This is a fine example of how people don't read rules, and then blame the institution for their own mistakes." Sounds like your situation, no?



  4. Gotta love those RWI folks, they temporarily locked a sale of mine because I did not have RWI written on the tag in the picture!!!  The name and date were there....

    Then after posting another picture with a tag that stated RWI plus date and my screen name, some jack A## comes back and questions weather my date says 9/2/2015 or 2013.   Really?  Like I would take a picture of the watch two years ago and hold on to it until exactly today to use it, plus I had the picture from yesterday already up there to boot......Seriously. talk about over the top.  I guess some of them have way too much time on their hands......  And even after the pictures have been up for a couple of hours the staff hold is still there...


    No they didn't. It is because you incorrectly tagged your sale by not having the year. There is no rule stating you have to have RWI on the tag.


    And to clarify, NONE of the mods called you out afterwards on the year.


    This is a fine example of how people don't read rules, and then blame the institution for their own mistakes.

  5. Normally Asia ETA is a lot less than Swiss. Which watches are you talking about?

    Sorry didn't see this. I'm getting the Rolex Air-King. I have seen a TD sell one with ' Swiss Automatic ETA-2836-2' for 205 and another TD sell one with 'Asia Copy ETA 2836-2 Automatic 28800BPH' for 198. It's mostly the price variances that have my head all over the board and scrambling my buying decisions.

  6. I'm getting an Air-King soon and a TD gave me a quote for 208 for a used Swiss ETA and 328 for a brand new ETA. Is it really worth the extra $120 for the brand new one? Not only that, they offered me 198 for the Asian ETA 28800bph. I've done a lot of searching but have had no clear arguments on whether it is better to get it brand new or not, do you guys have any opinions or experiences? I'm still a bit new at this and i didn't even know that they sold reps with used ETAs, and considering that it is around the 200~ mark, is it safe to assume the majority of reps from all the TD websites are fixed with used ETA reps? (This of course considering they are around that price mark)

    You get what you pay for, right?

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