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Posts posted by NSTNS

  1. Hello admin,mods,members,

    Recently I bought two bags from KB. How ever since I received the goods and I informed him directly about one of the two products that I really wasn't satisfied/happy about I can't get a response anymore.

    I decided to make this a public item after trying to contact KB in private multiple times already but still no response. At first he replied fast and polite (every day for a certain period) and now complete silence, even tho he has been online on the forum on the days I pm'd him

    How ever since the day I received the two bags I ordered from him it's impossible to contact him or to get a response. I have been honest/clear/friendly towards him the whole time and I honestly didn't expect this from him as a RWG crew member (reg.) and as TD.

    Can some one please do something about this because this is not right. We are all members to protect each other of being scammed or what ever and this is no style of KB.

    This is my pm history to KB:


    Hello Ken,

    First of all I want to let u know how pleased I'm about the communication and service. The shipping went really fast and im really happy about that.

    The YSL looks great and i'm very happy with it. It is a great copy!

    Now the Prada bag, to be honest I'm unhappy and dissapointed about this one. It is way too shiny and the logo is incorrect and off center(slightly) I'm not going to be rude or an ass and I would like to discuss with you what we will do about this. I honestly want to return it because I really don't like it. Please don't feel offended because overall im more then happy and I will buy from u more in the future so I hope we can solve this small issue as soon as possible!

    That was about the bags, u told me to remind you about the men YSL t-shirts did u ask for me?

    Kind regards,


    Ps: you did an amazing job finding such a great YSL copy! Best i've seen.


    Hello Ken,

    Can u please reply to my PM. I dont appreciate that now you suddenly don't reply to my PM.

    I was looking forward to do more business with you so please reply asap.

    Kind regards,



    Hello Ken,

    Please reply asap I really dont want issue's

    Kind regards,




    Member Since 13 Mar 2006

    OFFLINE Last Active Yesterday, 02:36 AM

    Can some one please help me?

    Kind regards,


  2. @NSTNS why?

    Lets understand from the start I am not chasing your business, there are in fact many dealers both on this board and the others that can meet your needs.

    All have a long standing history and therefore are sure to deal with after sales issues, I also know that my own (and pretty sure all approved dealers) prices are not only competitive with off board dealers but in most cases cheaper.

    Add to that what kind of service you believe you will get from an off board dealer if your goods fail to arrive, why then do members keep chasing these other sites?

    A lot of things get said in threads like this and a lot of it is bunk, unfortunately people get impressed with their powers of google searching and want to show everyone that they are some kind of guru.

    The fact is I have had 7 continuous years as a soft goods dealer before setting up I spent a year tracking down factories in China to find the best, people talk of DHG Gate.com, that site is a gateway to hundreds of chinese sellers but it is far from the only one before I found the right factory I had 48 of these gateways leading to thousands of Chinese resalers, I spent hours each day tracing back through these seller to find their source and yes I hit a lot of bad ones that cost me a great deal of money but in the end I found the girl who I have now paid a full time wage to for 6 years.

    How well can this girl be trusted?

    A few years back I set up an urgent 3 way email conference with a senior member here (docblackrock) the advise he gave may very well have saved my sales rep's baby boys life.

    So why shop elsewhere?

    What is there to be saved?


    Ken thank you very much for your reply! (good post) Just for the additional info i'm a reg./v.i.p on RWI and I was discussing with some members where to go for HIGH quality rep bags.

    I was reffered to this girl rep back forum or whatever and I saw many postive reviews and feedback about/over "jacky". So I was searching for her mail or website, how ever this seems to be hard as f*ck.

    But now some one told me that I should contact you because u can be trusted and u only sell high quality rep bags etc. So I would love to give this rep bag thing a try and see how it looks and feels. I'm searching for 3 bags for my GF (prada,ysl,chanel) how ever I would like to buy one first to see how it looks feels and smells :)

    If u accept PP I will do some business with you. How ever I will send u a PM with pictures/links from the bag so u are can maybe take a look for me to see if u can find me a high quality rep version.

    Kind regards,


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