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Posts posted by Rolexfinder

  1. I am not sure whether what judge you use to compare the watch you bought from local market with the one you only saw in the pics, mate. :)

    To be positive, why dont you buy one from DSN and compare it by yourself? If his work did not meet what he claimed in his sale post, you would feel free to complain and resell it back on our forum. For me, DSN's work does not the perfect one without modification but, if you need the really close one with superior quality, this is your choice to start with.

    Anyway, nice to meet you here and welcome to replica world.



  2. Hello,

    @ deltatahoe : The original screws are white gold screws. In order to make it close, he try to use coated on the screws such a palladium but, in the end of result, the SS screws can be the answer to use in this project. :)

    @ Tom: Your concern was the thing I did talk with him since the first place already. :) As I told you, I will do my best to get it more accurate as possible. FYI, the sample bezel did not in correct position because he did put it the watch case for us to see the screws only, this one he can do it for us properly.



  3. Let's us start step by step, mate. As I am new in group buy, I want to try to do the model that we already have in the market which we can modify to make in better than it be. As we concern that MBW AP is what we should start from.

    I do want to do what you guys suggest me as well. If I succeed in this project and get demand enough to build the new model that does not exist in replica market yet, I am sure I will make it to be true definitely.

    Moreover, here is what are we waiting for, mate. :) The sample bezel that send from my supplier.

    From what did he do modify to us, at the first sight, MBW did the great job on the screws. However, what I did concern about is his craftsmanship in installing those screws to the bezel. Some are in the proper position but some dont. This is the first concern I did state to him since the first place. He will do it more careful for the finish product. Moreover, He did not use palladium because its shine will fade quite quick after you use it for a while. So the good polished is a choice.

    For the case back, he will send me the sample within the end of this month. I will let you know the progress and am sure we will get it before new year. :)

    Best to you all.



    Sample bezel on the watch.






  4. It is more than welcome mate. I am used to be a collector and tried to sort out where I can get the custom made watches from the dealers but noone would do it for me regarding for my power at that time. But, now, it is different because I am enter in business and change my role to be a retailer. Hence, I am able to negotiate with them very good so far. That's why I can make this possible for us.

    If this project is going well. The next project will be the 100% dial for this model as I am talking with George about this. After this will be Pre-V Buckle for Panerai and Pam 24. :)



  5. Sorry guys, Here is the updated list from the deposit I got so far. :)

    1) Rolexfinder X 2 Paid

    2) aanival x2 (one black dial and other white dial) Paid

    3) archibald

    4) Sql_pl

    5) Chrischy Paid - Black

    6) exper Paid - Black

    7) deltatahoe Paid

    8 RKDK

    9) fijikid Paid - Blue

    10) funkystar Paid - Black

    11) 100 Paid - Blue

    12) dapri

    13) sixtesat

    14) MyNameIsPeterAndImOld Paid

    15) kimerathon1

    16) Panoris Paid - White

    17) specialvat Paid - White

    18) budfox

    19) Lemmy Caution Paid - Black

    20) cosmosblau Paid - White

    21) J

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