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Everything posted by sebvad

  1. heh, i'm not afraid to open it up - but i'm not a watch mechanic, and a few folks here have expressly said not to do it myself..
  2. Pennsylvania
  3. That'd be great. I'll keep my eye on the repair forum (both here and at RWI) to see if someone's interested. I've removed that small piece from the caseback that was sticking the rotor, and still getting no joy from the mechanism when manually wound. Again i've no idea if that's relevant or not, only that 'unsticking' the rotor didn't on it's own breath new life into it.
  4. Could very well be, i was very up front with them that it was a rep (and i'm sure it was obvious to someone who knows what they're doing anyway) - both were small, independent shoppes; one gentlemen was from China (not that that matters). I'd posted in the repair forum a few days ago but haven't had a response yet. Sead's been very good to work with, and he's walking me through trying a few things myself, and i have confidence that if we're unable to get it in working order, he'll provide a replacement. His responsiveness has been great - my father in law just asked me the other day if i could get him a rolex rep, and based on his attention to me (i'm just some guy, no reason to treat me better than anyone else), i've no reservations sourcing it through him. I've got patience in spades, so if it takes a little time to get it sorted, that's fine with me. It's quite a beautiful watch.
  5. well, i took it to two watch repair shoppes today and both said they were unable to fix it. I'm not sure what comes next. I'll ask Sead if he's got any suggestions as to further attempts at repair or if he's able to replace - i'm quite happy to return it to him if that's suitable - not really sure! I certainly do appreciate the thought given to me here by those in this forum - thanks folks.
  6. It's a journey - certainly better than the original autocorrect of Sublet 8-)
  7. Thanks - I'll do some digging to see if there's a local 'guy' that can do it. It's been my experience that Sead's been good to work with thus far, i've no doubts it'll all work out in the end. I don't mind taking a run at it myself, but i don't have any of the tools. Appreciate the assist fellas!
  8. All good, fine sir - i do appreciate your insight and suggestions, and have inquired in the repair section. I think you've sufficiently scared me away from doing the operation myself, as i'm fairly certain i'd do a fantastically great job at making it worse Edit: i understand the yard maintenance, believe me - we built our house on top of a mountain, and our driveway's over 1000 feet. With the snow we've had the last two years, my plow's getting the workout of it's life 8-) Here's to hoping for a quiet weekend at the hospital...
  9. ok, so i was looking for the insert a file icon at the top menu bar, but now see it's on the bottom. here's a photo of the back, one can see there's a small washer above the "U" in the hublot name on the rotor
  10. Just purchased a Hublot Big Bang from Sead, and it arrived non-functional, with a piece that appears to have fallen off and is wedged between the rotor and case back. It's a 7750 movement. Since this is the first watch i've purchased that didn't work, it's a bit uncharted territory for me. Someone has suggested here that i look for a local watch smith that could take a look at it to repair. I'd post a photo of it to help, but can't seem to like to a file on my desktop - so if somone's interested in considering it, i could always email you a photo before hand if that helped. It really is a beautiful watch, but it'd only be right 2x / day as it stands 8-) Anyone US folks (i'm on the e. coast) do this type of thing? Edit - nevermind, the attach file is at the bottom, not the top - i see it now. You can see the little round piece over the "U" in the Hublot name on the rotor..
  11. Well mate, i suppose it's like anything - the closer you are to a given topic, and the more important the details are to you - the more you know. Personally i'm a casual participant, and while it's true that i started by buying my first rep some 4 or 5 years ago - i am - and am likely to always be - a casual participant. I do not need to, nor want to, know the scientific name of every subpart. I freely admit up front that i've likely gotten the name wrong. I've also never had a watch arrive in pieces - and while others may have and have posted to that effect, since i'm casual and it wasn't relevant to me at the time - it was not on my radar. I have a full time (more than full time actually) global director job, a family, and other hobbies - so while i do appreciate your response, and i'm quite certain that you know this stuff inside and out, backwards and forwards, i'm sure you can appreciate that not everyone does, and part of that is why this very forum and others like it exist. I am considered a subject matter expert in my particular field, and i can assure you that almost everyone who isn't in my field routinely gets the details wrong. And that's ok. I actually have read quite a bit here about the dealers and the specific units before purchasing fro them - so i'm not quite certain where that comment was targeted, but since my readings were so focused on the topics that were relevant to me at the time, i now find myself looking at different topics as those have now become relevant. Thanks for the tip on the watch smith - i'll look in the appropriate forum for one nearby.
  12. Thanks for the suggestion. I'd suspect there are cautions to consider when taking reps to watch smiths? if so, i'm open to suggestions about how to identify appropriate ones or approach the topic with them. Out of curiosity, why would you not send it back and ask for a replacement? Sorry for all the questions, this is the first time i've had one arrive not working, little bit of uncharted waters for me. I'd post a pic of it to show the piece that's loose, but i can't seem to do so. Apparently i need more coffee.
  13. actually, i see what it is now - before i've opened it up. there's a small loose round piece that appears to have either detached from somewhere else, or perhaps is just an extra that's gotten in there, that's wedged itself between the rotor and the case back. It's not immediately obvious to me where it should go - i think i'll take a photo of it and send to Sead with the description of what's occurring and see if he's willing to replace.
  14. yeah, stupid autocorrect 8-) i can't edit the title. I did give it a whack actually before i posted, which loosened the rotor for a bit, but it's gone back to being stuck again. i can certainly open the caseback, but am hesitant as i don't want to further much it up (i don't really know what i'm doing). i'll give it a shot being careful not to be overly enthusiastic about poking about..
  15. Hi folks - i made my first purchase from Sead and i gotta say his communication was great, and this watch is beautiful. it's going to quickly become my favorite i think. The issue is it's not working out of the box. Before i engage Sead with troubleshooting, i'd like to sense check here to be sure it's not something silly i'm overlooking or a very easy fix. One thing i'd noticed - and this may or may not be an issue - is the 'pusher' pin that, in my experience, usually requires an unscrewing before pulling out to the various stop positions (wind, date, time) doesn't seem to want to fully push 'in' and lock down. It never screws down to a 'stop' position, but it's default position seems to be 'wind'. May simply be the design of the watch, i dunno. The date and time set stops work fine - i've wound it up, but it just doesn't engage. I do notice that the self winding rotor (i'm probably calling it the wrong thing - but the half moon-ish piece of metal that very freely spins to wind up the watch) is pretty sticky - it doesn't free spin at all, sometimes it doesn't even at all. For those of you who have this watch, does the pin position sound right, and is there anything i can be doing myself to troubleshoot before i chat with Sead? Thanks for you insight!
  16. I'm absolutely in love with my black croc white stitched deployment band - but the white is getting pretty dirty and has begun to pull out of one end - has anyone ever re-stitched the band, and what are the important things i need to know if i try it? It looks like i can just buy a new band for $30-40 bucks, but - waste not want not - if it's relatively straightforward to restitch it, that's what i'd do. Is there a certain thread 'weight' that's standard? Etc. Thanks!
  17. slow learner here, bear with me - you're saying 508 that i can take the insides out of the V72 and simply swap them out with the insides of a watch that contains the 7750 (should it die)?
  18. well, that's an N=1, which doesn't really a trend make. I may have gotten a fantastic one, but i'm getting the feeling that, on average, the 7750's may be problematic. The question i'm looking to answer is are there other chrono movements in the rep work that are alternates to the 7750 that may be more reliable, which is the direction flyr moved (thanks mate).
  19. Still pretty new at this obviously. I've got 4 reps now - one of which is a breitling super avenger chrono with the 7750 movement. I'm reading that apparently that's a time bomb waiting to happen, although i've had it for 4 years and it's fantastic. I'd bought it from Toro - and in looking at all his breitlings that are chronos all of them have the 7750 movement. my question, then - are all chrono rep movements 7750, or are there better (i.e. more stable) alternatives?
  20. i've got a avenger ii chrono that i've had for 4 years - it's my favorite - i wear it almost daily and have had no issues. got it from toro
  21. good info - thanks gang
  22. thanks.. i'd thought i'd seen recco's to have it serviced every so often to keep it from being problematic - not so?
  23. I've got a few reps now, the oldest of which is 4 years old - it's running fine, but i'm wondering if i s should have it serviced. I know not to take them to a jewelry store or AD - but there's a very small watch repair shoppe in the mall - how do i determine if it's 'ok' to bring my reps in there, and what, exactly, am i asking him to do to it? simply say 'service it' and he'd know what that means? main goal is to just ensure it continues to run as it has been....
  24. So, a little less than a week, and it's keeping rock solid time. No adjustments. Two things i don't like: 1) I'm not in love with the lume, but i never really am - perhaps i've unrealistic expectations. 2) I tend to rest my wrists on the desk as i type on my computer, and i'm at my computer all day long. the bracelet adjacent to the clasp where it rubs on the desk is scratching up as a result. again, probably not unexpected, but it is there Overall a fantastic watch, really very happy with it. The more i wear it the more i like it.
  25. it's the one on Torobravo's site - http://www.torobravos2014.com/index.php?route=product/product&path=37_128_129&product_id=1187 i've only just received it today, so i can't talk about the time, but the last watch toro sent me was flawless. This one is quite substantial, the bracelet is authentic, the clasp is tight. As noted earlier, i'm quite pleased with it. Toro will send timegrapher results if requested (although i didn't get them for this particular piece)
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