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Snow Dog

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Posts posted by Snow Dog

  1. snow dog???

    where did that come from ;)

    btw, in case any of you guys don't know mr 'powder puppy' is a very talented custom knifemaker :D

    Dude, you should be ashamed of yourself! :) Rush?? The band??! There's a guy here who goes by the name By-Tor. When I saw that I had to change my name to Snow Dog (there's a Rush song called By-Tor and the Snow Dog). I guess I assumed everyone is familiar with obscure Rush songs! ;) "Snow Dog" without the knowledge of the "inside joke" does sound a bit... goofy, I must admit! :D

    The leather is great, IMO. I must say that I don't have much to compare it to, though. Crazy Horse was my first choice but this was considerably cheaper (see above link to Paneristi). Strap Culture was great to work with... responsive and quick to ship. My authentication card is labeled "prototype", BTW.

  2. Wow...yet another Rush fan I see. Great!!! :)

    Here's a little welcome celebration song for you:


    When I saw your screen name I asked to get mine changed. I figure us Rush geeks need to stick together! ;) I assume you've heard about the new album and heard the mini-clip on rush.com? I'm STOKED!

    Thanks for the welcome song!

  3. I've had this 036 by Davidsen for a couple weeks. It's my first rep and I am very pleased. My buddie Longshot helped me by answering a million questions and providing suggestions. He also pointed me to this site.

    You probably already know about Davidsen's 036 but I haven't seen anything on the Strap Culture straps here. I found it on a thread at 'Risti... it's called the "Legend" strap, and I am very pleased with it. 4mm thick! To my eye it looks comparable to a Stevens Crazy Horse strap. I'll let the pics do the talking (I wish they were better!)








    I loved this watch on the strap it came on, but with the SC I am way happier.

  4. To be honest, none of Andrew's pics look that good - I suspect the camera wasn't too hot (and lume pics in low light ain't gonna be pretty if the pics in normal light are poor) so I will reserve judgement on the lume until someone else has one or has photos.

    The thing about the date is that even though it's not perfect, it is functional! The early Asian Arktos had such a small date window it was actually hard to read most of the time.

    I agree. If the date characters are not exactly right it's a small isssue, taking all the GOOD things into consideration about this watch. I think the lume looks bad because of the pics. Personally I'm really looking forward to getting one of these.

    One thing though: is it just the angle and/or the shadows... or does the crown look crooked? I'm guessing its just the picture...

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