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Posts posted by carliv

  1. I dont deserve that guys but thank you.. I learnt from many great guys on here who arent around much now.. :(


    His pics are very deliberate...notice the way he is avoiding the DW shot... I bet if you see that its a very thin font DW and under magnified cyclops ... but there is so much more with this...yuck yuck.... and no originality in the story...my uncle gave it to me !!


    Why not ...While I was travelling on holiday to the pacific.. my plane crashed.... I was the only survivor... I could see the wreckage laying on the coral reef several miles out and spent several weeks trying to recover what ever I could from it...while sifting through the plane wreckage I found this watch attached to the pilots joystick...it was still working and I took it ...I was on that island for 8 years...and during that time the watch never missed a beat ..I wore it every day even when diving for my meagre food rations.... I was rescued by a holiday cruise ship for lesbians..... on which I spent 3 months as the only man on there...When I got home I tried to find the family of that pilot but after searching for many long years I finally tracked them down and they told me that the pilot would want me to have it.... but unfortunately they had thrown away all the boxes and papers as they never thought they would see that watch again..... and now the only reason I am selling this wonderful watch is because I am trying to raise money for starving slave children in Africa ... so please bid high knowing that your money is going to a wonderful cause !!....



    The lesson to anyone reading this and that should always be taken from these scammers..whether you know the gens or not...


    If you feel the need to ask the question then its always better to walk away... :)

    Lol! Awesome.

  2. I'm very interested in the workings of watch movements and would like to begin studying to hopefully someday be able to service and repair my own and maybe others reps. I know its complicated and takes a lot of time and patience but can someone point me to a good beginners book to learn the basics of watch function and parts? Thanks so much guys!

  3. I requested my watch back without the work and a tracking number. He responded yesterday and said he needed PayPal payment for shipping. Made payment and requested a tracking number within 48 hours. Nothing yet but hope he does the right thing. This was my first rep that I wore once and sent to him on multiple recommendations then ended up in this disaster. I guess I learned to just send back to Andy at tt next time I have an issue. Sad way to start my rep collecting but won't let it stop me. Too much fun. Lol

  4. Where there's smoke there's fire. I've been in business too long to not know when I'm dealing with a bad seed. I'm just going to hope for the best and that he just returns my brand new Pam but the reality is ill most likely never see it again. You live and learn. Next time I'll go back to Andrew at tt. My wife's a lawyer. Hate to drop that card but truth is it won't cost me anything to pursue. I'll give him a week but we all know it won't show up. Going to be his loss in the end.

    Wish everyone the best of luck getting their watches back.

    Take care.

  5. I agree with you about family,  I totally disagree with you about how long it takes you to PM folks. Updates don't have to be verbose, a simple "your watch is on the bench should finish in 1,2,3,5 days" whatever. Or "movement is apart, cleaned, waiting on a part, should be here Monday, watch should be in the mail by Wednesday". Simple one to two sentence updates are sufficient to satisfy most folks. What is causing the trouble is no updates.  


    A couple of other posters have also hit another nail on the head as well. When you take the first watch, car, vacuum cleaner, whatever you are repairing, for money, your enterprise ceases to be a hobby. now you have a fiduciary responsibility to the customer who is paying for the work. I believe that also includes timely updates should the customer request them. In that vein, The customer has a responsibility as well, I don't think that sending someone a PM every day or two or calling them every day is acceptable either.  


    I believe that if this is worked out with and amicable solution for most folks, which I really hope happens, Mike can take some valuable lessons away from this experience which will make him a better, more organized watchmaker and businessman.

    You nailed it! I've sent 4 pm's in the last month all politely asking for a brief update. No answer.

  6. You guys are right about communication. He told me he'd look at my watch about a month ago with a turn around of possibly a few days. If he would've responded to a pm(which still hasn't happened) and let me know he was having trouble and its going to be longer I'd have absolutely no issue with that, I'm in the business of repairs and I understand that can happen, but the blatant ignoring of contact is infuriating when you know he's reading them. His excuses, besides the family probs if true, only add to the frustration. I don't care if the watches are a hundred dollars, in my case 400 when you have 20 or more that aren't getting returned or updates, that's a nice chunk of change. Windows 8 is the issue now? Come on. It's insulting. I answer up to

    100 emails an hour on somedays. I'm pretty sure he can find sometime to reply to his customers for a ten word update. I'm new to this forum and mike and its obvious hes done some great work and made plenty of friends and I'm sure he's probably a good guy but I'm a customer just looking for an update and at this point, just a returned watch.

  7. @mark, it fits my wrist well. Sits high and can catch some things walking around but very heavy and well built. Seems to take a beating. I'm amazed at how solid and heavy it is, feels very gen like. Definitely happy and hasn't left my wrist. Probably wont either till md2020 finishes my Pam 213 and she comes home. Lol

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