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Everything posted by cool-arrow

  1. Its not a complete waste. Most people who will identify that your watch is a fake could also identify 90% of the watches that you see here as fakes. I will try not to focus on the negative and more on the positive. You could practice luming your dial, removing the case back, dissasembly and re-assembly, see if its the right size watch and style for you. IMHO reps are crap anyways and require a significant amount of money to bring them up to par. Your going to pay decent $$$ to buy one already modded that will fool some people at a glance. I think its a good price to pay for a learning curve before you move onto the next step. A lot of members here got scammed for hundreds and have a shitty rep to show for, so consider your self lucky that you have some insight and didnt spend $500 for the same type of POS watch. Just remember a rep is a rep, and if you took a MBW fully modded watch to a dealer he would tell you it was crap too.
  2. I applaud you, this guys got big balls. I drove to central America and that tired me out enough not to do it again.
  3. I would say forget the watch, concentrate more on your color scheme and make sure it matches your suit (from Kenberg), or clothes. Also I would think that an average girl would recognize a nice white gold bracelet before your watch. Especially if it is a date, and a blind date. Use real cologne not any rep 2 minute lasting stuff. Armani Aqua Di Gio is always a winner to the masses. If you are daring Burberry is a sure winner. With this combination all you need to do is respond and not eleaborate or respond to deeply and you are sure to get laid or be set up for a second date. Make sure ur rep is 100% water proof if you decide to hit the hot tub or take a dip in the pool. Dont wear a leather strap she could be a enviormentalist and freak out about that secretly.
  4. That is true, I use to wear an AL fantasy rep, and 100% of the people that saw me with it never asked if it was real. My sub addiction has died now. I am now into pams. I dont understand some peoples logic on asking me if my [censored]'s real. I spend $6000 in a weekend on my car, and no one looks at my $1000 DVD player, $3500 lift kit, $1500 mickeys, and says is that real like a dumbass. I guess it comes with the territory if u got it on your wrist.
  5. Wow that sux. I get asked about 3 times a day "is that real" when I wear my subs. I am not brave enough to wear a Bret on my little wrist.
  6. I grew up in the US and lived in the UK for the past few years. I feel much safer walking to the pub/bar/club and not worrying about getting shot. I feel safe walking in downtown South London knowing no one can mug me with a gun. I grew up in the west where everyone owns a gun and drive-by shootings are a everyday occurance. People getting hit from stray bullets happen a few times a year, and accidental gun deaths involving kids seems to happen monthly. Not having guns here gives me one less thing to worry about, and one less tool for criminals to use. I still enjoy knowing I can own a gun in the US, but as an experinced hunter. I now use a bow. When I use a gun it is just killing an animal and takes no skill anymore. Bow tags are also cheaper and easier to aquire. I also hunt mule deer which is the most difficult deer to hunt and they live in the most rugged terrain. I think we should have more gun control in the US, such as mandating training and who can use a firearm. We live in two very different cultures with very different views on many things. Fast food kills more people and I dont see anyone completly banning that.
  7. Lots of cool videos on You Tube I suggest you check some out. These were some of my favorites. This makes me want to be a watch smith look how smooth they put those hands on
  8. That NATO band looks sharp. I cant decide if I should put one on my LV or Black SUB. I will say that they get a little funky after a few years.
  9. Not having guns is a very Taboo statement to Americans, I mean hell it is in are constitution. It would cut down on gun related deaths accidental or criminal. Then you have to look at other violent crimes that would go up. Look at the London subway attacks from explosives and home grown terrorist as they call them. The Gatwick incident with British nationals born and raised in England. From personal experience I grew up in L.A. and I fell much safer in the UK walking at night then I could ever in the US. I am not scared of being shot in a drive by or being hit by a stray bullet. There are many violent crimes in England like getting glassed, beaten to death, or stabbed, but at least you have a fighting chance to defend yourself. In the US you could be parked at a stop light and someone drives up and shoots you for no reason in the world. It has happened to many people I know. I don
  10. Well put, I live in the UK but I am from the US, I feel alot safer knowing that someone cannot do a drive by on me. A good scrap here gives me a better chance against a gun outside the club.
  11. I am always on the look out for a nice MBW, but once they start hitting the $550 and price tag and up I think of other reps I can buy instead. Someday when I have 10 subs I will sell them all and buy a nice pre-modded MBW. My main concern is that it keeps accurate time and wont make me late for any appointments. Cheers M8
  12. Most people dont carry a loupe in there pocket and the 6 o'clock etch is hard to see unless you really try and have it right in front of your face. I think that the average person finds the reps here very convincing. I have read countless stories, and I didnt belive it untill it happned to me. Lets face it when were paying in the $1000 for a watch we are paying a lot for just the look and Brand name. My wife can spot a rep purse a mile away and she is one of the few people who can do it. I suppose it is the same with this hobby. When I first got a rep I didnt think it would fool anyone, but was I ever wrong.
  13. Most of the time while I am at work I just say I bought it used on E-bay. That is only when they start diging. I also have a good job and a wife, nice cars, kid, house. People know that when your have 2 incomes you can afford nice things. My wife has $1000 dollar gen purses, and such. I also have expensive jelwery so it dosent look out of place on me. My personal friends know that I like to buy nice things. My cars are all loaded and such. I spent $5000 on my home entertainment audio system and about $2000 on a DVD/stereo system in my car. I could buy a gen like most members but I cant see paying $5000 for a watch that is not a precious metal and that will eventually break and take a beating. I have a collection of broken $200-$500 dollar watches. All watches break over time and fixing the crystal on a $300 dollar eco drive is simply not worth it. I wear my watches and get good use out of them. I have scratched many watches while going out on all sorts of stuff, hand rails, walls, etc.etc.
  14. I have been wearing my noob sub for about 3 weeks and it has fooled everyone that has examined it. As soon as they see the sticker and etch at the 6 o'clock they are convinced. I have to say to any noobs considering a Rolex rep, buy with confidence that the average person will not know the truth. I even got a compliment at a jewlery store that sells high end watches such as TAG, Breilting, etc etc. I think it is because the watch is so simple and convincing. I had one guy tell me that he considers this style of watch a real rolex. Most people ask right off " is that real" I always say what do you think as I extend my wrist towards them. This hobby is limitless and open to the average working man/woman. I think most people buy high end watches for the look, and name. Why not own the look at a fraction of the price, while educating urself on the gens.
  15. I have two that I bought for my friend and I when we were over hauling are engines. My friend is old school and he dosent believe in the digital calipers. It was important for us to have accurate measurement when we were building these high performance engines. Plus my friend is a machinist and he recomended that I buy these since we were going to be needing them for the pistons, valves, lifters, compression rings, etc etc. Now years later I find them sitting in my closet collecting dust. Kind of a waste since I paid a lot for them. Now that I have a new hobby I was hoping that I could put them to some good use. I wasn't sure if they would be what I needed for reps since they are not metric. Since I have two, I will probably sell one or both, then re-invest into quality watch tools. Do you guys think I should post one here for a trade or sale, or should I stick to E-bay?
  16. Hello, I have a pair of Starrett calipers. I was curious if I will ever need these tools to measure parts or cases in the future. I plan to get more into this hobby in the future and I would hate to get rid of a tool that I may need later. Any advice from people who have experince would be great. Here is a LINK of the calipers I have. Thank You
  17. I have read a lot of customs topics here, and not many of them are difinitive. It seems like people jump the gun and assume the worst when there package is held up or lost.. I have talked with hundreds of people who have shipped rep items all over the world, and the worst I have heared of is that it was returned to sender. Look at ebay they sell hundreds of rep clothes, purses daily. I have also worked in customs on the US and UK side. I can tell you that they use a matrix for selecting air cans, and ISO containers. There are a number of things that people put on packages that flag them for further inspection. I just think that customs should be the least of your worries when buying a rep in the UK, US, or EU. That's all
  18. I think most people confuse shitty mail service with cutomes confiscating items. I have friends who have lived in Germany, Italy and they never had any problems with customs. I will ask some friends again but I know people who have shipped entire houses back and forth and had no troubles with any of there goods. Can anyone give some real examples where they know for a fact that customs confiscated an item?
  19. I get stuff all of the time from the US to the UK. No problems, meat, cheese, stuff like that. I have also shipped a number of goods from southeast Asia and no problems. Dont belive the hype, order away. No one gives a [censored] about reps in the EU, or USA. It is not like the have a Rolex agent inspecting every box that has a Rolex in it. If you have ever worked in customs you would know this. If you saw the behind the scenes you would feel like an idiot for asking this stuff. This question comes up time after time. Someone should post a Myth vs Fact about customs here pinned. Look at the millions of illegal knifes, guns, and weapons that enter the EU. No offense to any of the paranoid people.
  20. New Market has some nice houses, but there is a high theft rate and a large American presence there becuase of base housing. Stay away from Brandon it is near the base, theft is extremly high and Americans get robbed there anually by professionals. That includes vehicle theft. Most of the time they just steal everything in your garage, car or shed. It happens every year and you will hear about it 50 + people with there house being broken into. They try and keep it quiet for some reason probably to keep up foreign relations. They also have county houses there which is equivelant to the Ghetto in the US. There are some small towns and villages scattered in between. The only problem is that most of those houses are very old, and havent been remodled. Meaning they usually have 2 taps 1 boiling hot the other freezing cold. There faucets are not like in the US where we have 1 spout and two [censored]s. Most of the houses in England have no water pressure for washing your car, showering feels like a trickle. The older the house the worse the water. Lime here is ridiculous they do not flourinate there water or have chlorine in it. So lime deposits build up very fast. Houses are very small compared to US houses rooms are not much bigger than an American walk in closet. Cambridge is very nice and you never get woken up by planes flying over. They also have off-base base housing which most people do not know about here. It is the best of both worlds becuase they have all American spec appliances, and have been upgraded. You can find some very nice recently renovated houses in the economy but they are hard to find and very $$$$$. If you are mil to mil it should be no problem. Do not get a oil house they are horrible to get serviced. You have to call the company have them refill your oil tank and it is more $$$ than having gas. Gas is the way to go here. Air conditioning in houses is non existant but only needed for about 2 months out of the year. It does get hot here and the summer brings a ridiculous amount of flying insects. Each summer it reminds me of a biblical plaque of insects. Houses here do not have window screens either. The door [censored]s here are the same as they were a hundred years ago with big caste looking keys. The locks can be picked in seconds by a non-pro, so a house alarm is a big plus when living off base. Washing machines and dryers are very small. A letting agent may say that the house is wired for American appliances, but that is a lie they are not suffeciently wired. You will always blow the fuse 100% of the time if any other appliance in the house is running becuase of the transformers you will need to covert power to your American appliances tv, fridge, computer, etc.... You are on spot with Cambridge and Bury St. Edmunds easily the two best towns you could live in near the base. Everything else is down hill from there. This IMHO, some of these little things are over looked and not told to people in great detail. Looks like you have been doing your HW I am sure you will find a great house. Everyone will lie to you and say that there area is nice becuase they live there. Dont belive the hype I have seen all of my friends house and the best houses are in Cambridge. I moved there after living in Mildenhall for a year, and now 4 of my friends have moved into my neighborhood. Houses may look good on the outside but it is the inside that really counts. Good Luck
  21. No problem, It is a great country filled with great people and a ton of history. Lots of stuff to do here, you have Scottland 3 hours away. Plane tickets are cheap to the rest of the EU. Paris. Rome, Barcelona, Greece, Amsterdam, you cant beat the loaction, you are right next door to some of the biggest tourist spots in the world.
  22. I updated to IE 7, now it works great
  23. It is called a BX on USAF bases and PX at every other branches bases, and they have the Navy exchange on some bases. It is all run by AAFES, and they have a BXtra at Mldenhal. The advice I give about bringing your car is that there are many crooked dealers on base and off base. Most of those cars will not pass MOT the next year. MOT will cost you alot of
  24. I had the same exact problem with my desktop. I could log in fine and search the forum on my laptop and at work. I updated my desktop to I.E. 7. Now it works flawlessly. I tried everything and this was the only thing that worked for me.
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