I registered a few months ago and I am almost ready to step into the replica watch world. I have had a look at the trusted dealers section spied these two Bell & Ross watches from Watcheden;
Bell & Ross BR 01-94 Working Chronograph PVD Casing with Blue Marking 46x46mm
Bell & Ross BR 01-94 Working Chronograph PVD Casing Orange 46x46mm
They're both exactly the same, just a different face colour. I chose these two as they are on the cheaper end of the market should anything happen and also because of the quartz movement, if I do purchase one it won't be getting worn every day. I have had a look through the dealer reviews, including some very recent ones and I'm happy with the customer service that Watcheden provide. I am just wondering if anybody has any experience of the watch itself, I will almost certainly buy one of the two watches but it is just in case there is a major flaw with this model that only becomes apparent months or years down the line.
Thanks in advance,