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Everything posted by predfan2001

  1. After a little more thought, I chose not to install the Tudor dial into a vintage case. Instead I installed it into a "wokky" Submariner the I bought from Andrew awhile back (it's one of his $488.00 "Ultimates". I ended up with it to compensate for another bad deal). The rehaut sucked so bad on this watch I never wore it so last night I dug it out of the drawer and installed the Hydronaut dial that I had. It turned out pretty nice. I think it may be my new daily beater.
  2. Most of the typical Submariner replicas have a 27mm-27.5mm dial. A genuine Rolex Submariner dial (26mm) will fit in a MBW only (at least that's what I've read here). The Tudor dial I have is 27mm so it will fit. BTW..I changed my mind. The dial is going into a modern Sub rep I have. I'll post pics soon.
  3. Ok, I was just advised not to make a "Prince Date" dial and "No-date" dial by my girl friend (how did I miss that-just shoot me). I guess I'll order a 1680 Red Submariner rep and use my Sandoz date wheel to give it that Tudor look. I just have no luck aquiring nodates. And I especially hate to tell her she's right....dang it!!!
  4. Earlier this year when I found this group, I felt like I had found my niche (and also felt like a noob). I have been fooling with and mod'ing watches for a long time, I just had no idea there was an online community who participated in a forum regarding such. To be polite I said good things about my collector even when things went wrong (Andrew). But after awhile I realized almost every transaction had an issue. Wheather it be watch quality or product representation. After I had been burned by Andrew several times, I started to voice my honest opinions. It all started with product issues, like watches that quit or didn't work right off the bat. Trustytime (I really hate to refer to communications with Trustytime as "with Andrew" because as I have said before, I think when you message Andrew, anyone of many people may be responding) did usually make a pretty good effort to resolve things althought their ploy is to offer you something else that costs more out or your pocket. The last straw for me was when I ordered a 14060 Submariner rep based on the pic on his website. It actually looked like a fairly good rep that could be mod'ed to look ok. When I received it, it was total junk. Just a modern "conical/wokky" case with no lugholes and a terrible dial. The fonts were a joke. He (or they) had the nerve to tell me that I has wrong and I had received a fine replica that was a 1:1 representation of a genuine. That was it, I was done. He gave me the option to pick something else off of his site. I said no and I wanted a refuned and he refused. I ended up selecting a "Perfect" Sea-Dweller and called it quits. I have since bought solely from Silix. I have had no problems and the prices are fair. If Trustytime could get quality issues straight and reduce their prices back where they should be, I might buy from him again. Till then, I'm shopping elsewhere.
  5. Ok, this project is a total fantasy watch (and I'm on a budget for this one), but after several missed attempts go get a Tudor Submariner dial for a MBW, I have given up. I ended up with a Tudor Hydronaut dial. A used Hydronaut dial is almost totally useless unless you have a Hydronaut needing dial. Granted this watch will be totally bogus, but it will look pretty neat and won't cost much to build. My plan is to start with an ETA vintage Submariner, install a modified Tudor dial and snowflake hands. I have a couple rep cases and the dial is a good fit. See what you think. Thoughts and opinions welcome. Here's the starting point: Here's the dial. All of the markers will be removed (they come off easily) and replaced with larger ones. A marker will be placed over the date window to make the dial a "nodate". After some vintaging, cg mods and the snowflake hands, here's the result (except mine will be a vintage Hydro, not a Sub): Total investment around $250.00 when all is said and done (not counting shipping for the parts) Revision: After it was brought to my attension that I shouldn't modify a "Prince Date" into a "Nodate" model, maybe it will be more like this:
  6. Thank you very much. I think the 5517 is a pretty nice nodate replica for the money, but I had rather have had a 5513 with an Oyster band. There's just not many good replicas out there. I'm even leaning towards a vintage Tudor nodate. I just wish the dials weren't so expensive.
  7. Still beating around with this one.
  8. Justasgood, there seems to be confusion about your pics. The pic shows that you have the case complete for the 5513 and you trial fitted a 1680 red movement in it. Your gilt dial can't go in till you get the movement done. The link to your last post shows the dial you are going to use. Correct?
  9. Hey Wightstuff, you forgot to post pics of your 2 watches (like before....many times) This is a rep forum, not the Rolex forum. Don't be so hard and try to be respectful. I've bought around 10 reps now, which adds up to a pretty nice gen. But if I had, I wouldn't have learned how to shape crown guards, vintage an insert, drill lug holes, change a crystal, and the list goes on. Remember, this is a fun hobby for most of us. Our enjoyment comes from actually "working on" our watches unlike most gen owners. I think we all pretty well know we can never build a gen, we just have a good time doing what we do.
  10. Can't wait to see the finished result (as you are too I'm Sure). The vintage nodates are my fav! I'm starting a Tudor nodate project as of yesterday...I hope it all comes together.
  11. Here are the results of my first cg modifications to my 5517 Submariner. I'm happy with the results although they may be a little too straight inside for some peoples taste. Before: After:
  12. Really lovin' the feel of these straps. I just got this olive 22mm in for my Hamilton Khaki XL. I'll wear this one a few days I'm sure.
  13. How common is it for a tube to strip when removed? I pulled one out to shape up the cgs and it pulled the threads out of the case. Does a gen tube have a larger diameter? If so I guess the hole could be tapped and a gen tube installed. If not, I guess the only options are to try JB weld on the threads or just buy another watch.
  14. Hey Stephane. I've been meaning to ask you something. I know you have an "Ultimate" from Trusty. I have one too, one of my earlier/uneducated purchases (at a discounted price due to one of his screw ups). Is there any saving this watch? The rehaut isn't that great, too conical, but everything else is pretty good. I wonder if I could get a beginmariner and swap this movement into it? Any ideas?
  15. Let me ask my wife....oh wait, I don't have one anymore. I guess it's beer and pizza
  16. Still wearing the 5517 Submariner. I've been shaping up the outter cgs a little. I thought they looked ok, but I can see in the pic that the upper still needs some work. The inners are next....maybe this weekend. And look at what the mailman just delivered....a new NATO for my Bond Sub. I had to replace the junky one I had on it. Maybe I'll wear it tomorrow.
  17. Well, no takers. I'm sorry but I thought you guys may like posting a few pet pics. The last post I started here ended up derailing into a cat picture post. Forgive me if this was a dumb topic. I just don't get into the off topic forum much. Bad subject I guess.
  18. I've actually doubted that Trustytime is actually a one man show like we assume. I've purchased several pieces from Andrew (I guess..hell that may not even be his name??) and of course, had several problems. His emails were usually responded to immediately, at any hour. One man?? I also noticed a big difference it the "attitude" of who ever was answering my emails. I emailed one night about a problem I had with a watch that had just arrived. The person that answered was NO help....acted like they didn't even really know what a watch was.....total stupid mode. I got really [censored] and email again the next morning....then everything was fine, he sent me another watch and I actually offered to return the first one, I don't really thing he expected me to but after all, he was sending me a replacement. I can say that I'm not pleased with Trustytimes price increase. Of all of the watches I bought from Andrew, I had problems with 50%. The last transaction I had was about the last straw. I bought a modern Sub nodate and when it arrived, it was total crap. Not even the one pictured on his site (which was a fairly accurate 14060m with lug holes). The one that came in was just one of his regular modern Sub cases (no lug holes-conical rehaut) with a hidious dial. The fonts were not even close and the markers were tiny. He let me swap it for an ETA "Steve McQueen" Explorer. I had already purchased an asian "Steve McQueen" from him that quit within one day. Guess what? The replacement looked identical to the asian model I have and it quit within one day. I returned it but I suspected it was the same asian ETA model. I've bought a few from Silix lately and had no issues. Maybe it's just luck. QC issues?...drop shipping??? Who knows. I'm sticking with Silix for awhile.
  19. Boomer....He came to me via hurricane Katrina. He lost his home and needed a place to stay. Dee Dee....My other weiner dog. Peanut....This terrier has serious issues with reps.
  20. I guess I'll go with my UPO this week. I think the extra weight on my wrist helps my golf swing!
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