Ezio, that is really some nice work. Like a piece of art to hold pieces or art.... I saw a guy who made some out of cigar boxes which I thought was a nice use of resources. I smoke a lot of cigars and have a ton of boxes in the garage, but I am not much of a handy man. Your post has inspired me to give it a go. I think this weekend I will get one going.
I bought one of offshores tool kits here on the forum when I first joined and the spring bar tool that came with the kit takes bergeon 6111 replacement pins which do not have threads and are two sided. http://www.amazon.com/Bergeon-6111D-Replacement-Pins-Spring/dp/B00PGUV4JU/ref=pd_sim_a_2?ie=UTF8&refRID=0P65058EAT40B9MGD153 works great easy to flip from small to large or v blade to pin.