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Posts posted by Realloth

  1. Ugh People are going to jump all over me again but I am going to keep making the same point… :whistling:

    The truth of the matter is whenever you purchase a “Rep Watch” you must understand what you are at risk for when you make the purchase!

    That includes…

    1. Losing your money outright.

    2. Not getting the watch you envisioned.

    3. Watch defective or DOA on arrival.

    4. Not having your expectations met to the fullest.

    I have said this many times and people are on the defensive with my point..

    The thing to remember when buying the watch of your dreams is that the money sent does not necessarily mean you will be the recipient of a beautiful dream watch.

    Simply ask you self the following question… If I spend X dollars and I don’t get the watch I envisioned or even if don’t receive the watch will it be a significant disappointment and hurt me financially or emotionally? If the answer is yes then “DON’T GET THE WATCH”!

    Whenever I buy my Reps I use what I call “MAD Money” and if my expectations fall short I chalk it up to no big deal and move on….

    So… With that being said it seems like this vendor is asking you for more money??? If you send him that money and you don’t get the watch you expect is it going to wreck your day?

    If YES don’t send any more money… Simply find a new dealer…


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