Over the weekend, I got to handle/play with, and really inspect a buddies genuine 6152-1,,, I was completely in love with it,, in particular the simple, patina'd dial,,, I got to thinking about all the, "extra" parts I had at home, and thought I'm going to use them up.. lolol... Mirror polished fiddy case, lop off the sub secs hand... Flip the crownguard over.. I had a WM 12,3,6,9 dial in it with stock Fiddy hands,, Not bad, but the hands were wrong.. I had the "correct" hands from WM also,, but they were WAY white... A quick patina'ing of them,, and I was set.. Looked great,, Then today I got in a Davidsen, "MARINA MILITARE" dial... NICE dial,, but two things bugged me,, 1, lume was too clean, and yellow for me,,, 2, over paint from the MM on the dial,, I cleaned-up the over paint,, and then split the dials,, and with a little, "patina majic" Presto-chango.... hahahah,,, Not bad for a total of a half days work.... I'm going to re-work the dial a little more and get a more accurate look,,, I still need a plastic crystal,, but the non-AR coated saph is just fine for now,, It's a daily beater,, so it'll probably fare better than plastic,,, Anyway Here it is,, Pics are ALSO, quick, down and dirty,, so please no comments about the dust/lint... Hahahahah