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Everything posted by omni

  1. You got that right, every mega resort hotel in Vegas is a cartoon of reality. Having stayed in suites in both Bellagio and Venetian, I'd say the latter was better just on personal preference. But having been to the real Bellagio on Lake Cuomo, I think good or bad, the Italian themes are the best. Think how I felt when I traveled 2000 miles from Maui and stayed at the Mandalay Bay with its artificial surf and beach pool!
  2. The store is in St. Mark's Square (The Main Piazza) in the Venetian Canal Shoppes, I don't remember or think they had Omegas. @r11co, yes, it is refreshing being offered good discounts by an AD. Answer to what did I buy? Without getting into "Jetmid" status, it was a substantial purchase. I'll probably purchase there again next year, same time, same convention.
  3. Because I haven't found any discounted Pannies, that is a good price, I'd go for it. I'd consider taking it off your hands if you find you need to part with it later, at that price of course!
  4. I know this is a replica forum but many will eventually purchase a genuine since our appreciation of timepieces is on a higher level from rep. collecting. I just came back this week from a convention and had the pleasure of touring all the watch stores that I could find on the Las Vegas strip. Of course the 3 tiered-level Tourneau Store in Ceasar's Forum Shops was a must (with a great selection of pre-owned watches) but several stores in the Bellagio and the Venetian rounded out all the luxury brands Tourneau may have missed. I had researched a lot of pricing (Panerai never is given a discount) and spouting hororological knowledge didn't hurt in sizing me up as a customer. One store everytime would give me "their" price which ran very close to the lowest prices I could find on the internet or at the Diamond Mart in Los Angeles. That was HOROLOGIO in the Venetian, I was pleasantly surprised at their willingness to sell below their list, almost 27-30% off on pretty much everything I was interested in. Tourneau claimed they could discount the prices but it was only 10-15% in most cases. That gave me the incentive to purchase a watch from HOROLOGIO (an AD rather than an internet site). Just a tip if your into picking up a watch in Vegas.
  5. At this moment, RWG1 is temporarily up again after being out all day. Saw you looking over there too Kenberg. So the Genesis site still breathes a bit longer or just another day.
  6. Site is still up on autopilot, but forums are down. If that's it then Auld Lang Syne we go.
  7. Gran: Back in Dec. 2004, Neo (aka Max) he and I were discussing Progress Watch Co. being absent after all the press. Here was his PM: "Hi Omni, It looks like Progress Watch AG has ended its activities in June 2001 after their glorious start in August 1998. Looks they had some fraudulent problems within the company and the stock exchange committee (Nasdaq) had suspended them from not fulfilling their obligations. I found a series of articles in German, but you can have it Google translated to at least be able to understand the basic significances. Here is the last article from a series of Progress Watch AG. I have tried to translate it the best I could. The original in German is included. Progress Watch AG "Progress Watch Finished" In 1986 Elmar Mock made himself independant with its own "idea tank" under the name "Createc", later renamed into "Creaholic". The Bieler company does not want to be a general engineer's office, but to point out new ways and to realize unusual concepts. The Creaholic AG employs 25 persons with a turnover of four millions SF. Before a next development step the strong growth of the two last years must be retained according to Mock. Todate the company belongs to six partners of which Mock still possesses 47 per cent of the share capital. Creaholic won already three times the price "Technology Standard Switzerland". Elmar Mock had made headlines in addition with the publicly delivered controversy over the Bieler progress Watch. As a member of the board of directors, Mock had discovered financial irregularities in the last autumn. After he demanded an inquiry, he was dismissed. Still emotional Mock now admits to be relieved of the many court procedures and his disconnection with Progresses Watch. Retrospectively he said to be impressed by the creativity of his business partners, but disappointed about their ethical conduct. --- Progress Watch AG «Mit Progress Watch abgeschlossen» Elmar Mock hat sich 1986 mit seiner eigenen «Ideenschmiede» selbständig gemacht - erst unter dem Namen «Createc», später folgte die Umbenennung in «Creaholic». Die Bieler Firma will kein gewöhnliches Ingenieurbüro sein, sondern neue Wege aufzeigen und ungewöhnliche Konzepte realisieren. Die Creaholic AG beschäftigt 25 Personen und erzielt einen Umsatz von vier Mio. Franken. Vor einem nächsten Ausbauschritt muss laut Mock das starke Wachstum der beiden letzten Jahre verarbeitet werden. Die Firma gehört heute sechs Partnern, Mock besitzt noch 47 Prozent des Aktienkapitals. Creaholic hat bereits dreimal den Preis «Technologiestandort Schweiz» gewonnen. Schlagzeilen gemacht hatte Elmar Mock zuletzt aber auch mit dem öffentlich ausgetragenen Streit um die Bieler Progress Watch. Als Mitglied des Verwaltungsrats will Mock im letzten Herbst finanzielle Unregelmässigkeiten entdeckt haben. Nachdem er Aufklärung verlangt hatte, wurde er abgesetzt. Emotional noch immer aufgewühlt erklärt Mock nun, durch die verschiedenen Gerichtsurteile entlastet zu sein - und mit der Progress Watch abgeschlossen zu haben. Rückblickend bilanziert er, von der Kreativität der Geschäftspartner begeistert gewesen zu sein. Enttäuscht habe ihn aber deren ethisches Verhalten. http://www.bielertagblatt.ch/dossier.cfm?s...261&dos=aktuell Although their main web site is already non-active (http://www.progresswatch.com), it is very odd to see they still are noted on Nasdaq (their handle is: PROW). See for example http://quotes.barchart.com/quote.asp?sym=PROW&code=BUSFNLN Maybe it was taken over... Anyway, here is the link with a history of Progress Watch AG. http://www.bielertagblatt.ch/dossier.cfm?s...261&dos=aktuell I hope this will shed some light for their market absence the last years. Cheers. Max "
  8. TT: We will I'm sure, if not here, maybe in Cabo. Funny, you didn't appear as skinny as the guy in your avatar, must be all the good living. Talk to you soon regarding the rides. Have a safe flight back.
  9. Yes I do ryyannon, well put analogy. No sharp underlying sharp rocks either when you wipe out on a discussion, just soft sand. Just hold your breath and come up for air in the foam to catch your next ride.
  10. Okay ryannon, Klink, robertk.............you are just too cool kids! I'm trying to guess but it seems Dems personas are up to five and counting at the RWG primary school. I have enough to handle with just the my one handle.
  11. Wenger and Field & Stream both carry watches that have a flip up watch face to reveal a working field compass underneath. Timex has an eCompass watch for $80 that has a fourth hand that electronically points north. Although not digital it still is electronic run. Timex eCompass Watch
  12. Obviously you have classy tastes Doc: Well guys, after a while I guess I would have something worthwhile to add to your great new site. I pulled this comparison picture off of my long, long, time ago in a RWG land far, far away post when I bought this same watch from River. It gives a better picture of how close it is to the original. Since it isn't produced and rare these days, most sales people haven't seen it so they probably wouldn't pick up that its a rep., even with the most obvious flaw of the crown. And the finish is superb, of all the reps I used to own, it has the best in my opinion. Forever grateful, Omni
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