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Posts posted by Jaymoi

  1. After many weeks of being friendly, of politely asking for something that is by rights mine, i have given up.

    This is my last resort, my last ditch attempt.

    So here goes.

    RonGoms, you have for a couple of months now held onto the domain name chronokit.com... the name the Pugwash suggested for my website. On the very night he suggested it as a website name for my website you registered the domain name.

    You got a bit of a shaming for it and readily agreed to hand it over to me.

    You have not done so, i have a website almost finished now, with a logo for the name "Chronokit" being developed by Pugwash for the website, but i don't have the domain name! I have a watch website almost finished and you are now slowing everything down. You don't respond to e-mails, yet you still have time to post on RWG. It was a scummy thing to nick the domain name in the first place, why don't you just hand it over?

    As i said i didn't want to get into public shaming but quite frankly you have given me no choice.


  2. I had a guy who was going to supply me with Panerais, AP's, Breitlings, Pateks etc for my website, now the bugger has gone back on his deal....arghhhhh!

    Anyone know of any leads to find a new person? :g:

    BTW my watch website is doing well all of you! Won't be too long till its up and running. :D

    Let me know if any of you have contacts or any of you can get your hands on auth watches!



  3. My friends i would appreciate your help!

    I am setting up my website, which will be dealing with watch accessories and perhaps a few select watches.

    However i need to think of a domain name for it and im totally stuck!

    The name will have to be catchy, easily spelt, not too long and be of a watch/ watch accessories theme.

    Thanks alot and am looking forward to your suggestions.

    P.S. the one i choose gets a 10% discount for life at my site when its up! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  4. At then end of the day this is a community. The community as a whole should also excercise its responsibility to keeping this place decent.

    We shouldn't put un-needed stress on admin to start policing avatar resrtictions. Its hard enough running this whole thing as it during the summer holidays let alone adding this new request.

    Avatars are supposed to express you, your personality, your mood, your interests etc.

    I don't think its ok to have smut on here, as it kind of degrades the whole site and all its members somewhat.

    I propose this: If you have a problem with someones avatar voice your opinion in the form of a post. Then we, the community, as part of our responsibility to keep this place in harmony will cast our opinions on the offending avatr, if the majority like it then it stays, if the majority think its in bad taste then the moderators can get rid of the pic.

    Thats what i would do anyways. However there is one problem, what am i going to beat off to everynight if its not all the smutty avatars around here!? Noooooooooooo :o


  5. Thanks for the cash Nanuq! By the way did you deposite the rather hefty sum into my RWG bank because you knew that i am a prominent member of the bear conservation society!? <_<

    Surely if you knew that i am one of the most prominent members of the above club then you would know that i do not take bribes...lesser than $300 RWG's!

    Deposit now and i won't tip off the park rangers ;)


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