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Everything posted by cableguy

  1. it seems to clean up some scuffs i had on my clasp as well...
  2. Wow, there are some very cool looking watches out there. Got home, went to their website and subscribed to the mag for 2 years. This can't possibly help my already bad addiction to reps. Anyone else subscribe to this mag? The issue I picked up last night has a tripple feature on a Pam. Its got tons of great photos of watches and a few decent articles as well (althou I'll admit I mainly looked at the photos)
  3. ^ can't make everyone happy. I agree, its worth upgrading to a VIP membership. Trust us, there is more info =)
  4. i used some 220grit sandpaper on a wooden block, then hit it with scotch brite after, its great now!!
  5. this will be on my wrist all weekend, with newly modded (sanded and scotch brighted bracelet) What do you guys think about the pearl?
  6. where did you source your nice aftermarket insert? ive been looking for a good one.
  7. ah....do these aftermarket parts look as good as gen's more so better then the rep bez inserts?
  8. WATCH MATERIAL INTERCHANGE LIST J-315-16800-1 BEZEL INSERT, BLACK/SILVER Price Each $ 20.00 Price Each (3) $ 15.00 somehow that sounds way to cheap. does anyone have the part # for a gen bezel insert? i also wonder if it comes with the pearl.... does that site sell OEM parts and im looking wrong?
  9. where does one go about getting a gen bezel insert? do you think i could do the similar mod to it and fit it to my So Called Perfect Sub from Paul?
  10. does scotchbrite take off the edges? i always thought it wouldnt be abrasive enough
  11. what do you guys think of it...here is a link to another auction of the exact same watch winder http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...s_promot_widget
  12. this was from yesterday..... and this is today
  13. my Sub's bracelet's edges are kinda sharp, id like to file them down but before i go an ruin a perfectly good rep i'd like to find out what the best way of doing so it. I also plan on modding the crown gaurds following the tutorial that is sticked above.....
  14. oh man....i hope when i order my PO it will have the correct engraving lol
  15. i was looking at trusty as well....did he ship fast? ill have to compare prices between the 2
  16. that 007 SMP is soooooo HOT. mind if i ask what dealer?
  17. got it, thanks teejay....now for a stupid question. how do i operate the drivers extension and whats it actually for?
  18. paul is in china. lol i recently bought from him and am satisfied with his service.
  19. does this happen on gen's as well? i mean it happens on a beater fossil watch i wear so i assume so? any way to correct it?
  20. i work in an office, and after using the computer all day the bottom of the watch bracelet, normally by the clasp gets all scuffed up......how do you guys deal with this? or does it not happen to others? or does it not bother you?
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