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Everything posted by TomRiddle

  1. they've had an influx of orders because of what happened to Clean so basically, as soon as they produce a watch it's basically sold and they're just filling orders right now that's the real cause of the "delay" people are witnessing everywhere
  2. 7 pages read not 1 person mentions the REAL watch that's a pussy magnet so much so it has its own nickname from stories of what happens when one wears it no, i won't tell you what it is that's how badly im dissapointed in all of you i'll tell you it's nickname.. and if you guess what it is, you probably have never seen one to understand why it has the effect it does the #1 pussy magnet watch of them all? none other than the nymphomaster.. maybe too big a hint but still.. there's a reason it's gotten that nickname from time eternal
  3. it's just a cheapo YM.. not Sead or TC or anything fancy. is that a spare bracelet? you selling it? let me know if you are and how much pm me, thank you
  4. posted this in a neighbor forum, also contacted Toro sadly he said they make a new bracelet now for YM's? so this part/clasp/style/etc can't be sourced so i'm trying my luck here to try and still fix this. The crown from my father's YM clasp fell off it's got sentimental value since he passed away last September so i'd like to fix it.. i don't mind wearing it but obviously the hole where the crown is is a surefire tell otherwise the watch is great.. if anyone has the crown/clasp part/etc, please let me know.. i don't mind paying for it thank you
  5. haha i never left i come back every now and then SPECIALLY after rwg went thru the new forum i think (had to make sure my account was fine and all) i'm a case scenario of what happens when people achieve their holy grails i've been cured of "The fever" but every now and then i come back and read other people's joy and reps and see what's going on in the scene after 5 years i may get a new rep after all.. o_O but it feels weird, it's like starting from scratch reading up and gathering info and whatnot, haha
  6. thanks bro, unfortunately he also said he won't be doing updates sigh, i just gotta be vigilant and keep browsing until people start reviewing it/getting QC stuff
  7. hahaha indeed this is an ancient thread!! saw the title, got curious, started reading and saw a reply from myself (you can tell i haven't read the forums in a while ever since my rep fever got cured by my holy grails) lol i was reading my own reply from 2008!! o_O mind blown
  8. yea this handle/user was created long loooooooong ago, haha ..i'd wear his rep tbh but the crown logo on the clasp fell off and annoys me, even though the watch gets mistaken for a gen everytime i wear it outside, haha and i always visit rep forums every now and then just to see how things are going.. but the itch has been long since been scratched
  9. to be honest i've been "Cured" of my rep fever once i achieved my holy grails it's been over 5 years since my last rep, but i've always liked the YM's and my father who passed away this past September wore a rolesium YM rep i gave him as a gift been wearing it lately at home just to keep it ticking every now and then and that's probably why im getting an itch for the blue dial ym and why i've posted back on my old rep forums just gotta keep my eyes open on the rolex rep forums once the new batches come out and hopefully gets favorable reviews/comments
  10. thank you, exactly how i'm feeling right now just needed to hear it from someone else tbh.. i've read how the dial has a purlish hue and completely different from the gen hmm.. i guess i'll just keep my eyes open for the next batch and hopefully we get people chiming in if the problem's been fixed or not
  11. hmm.. don't really have one in "QC" mode, let's say i was hoping others who have had it would chime in tbh
  12. is it ok or completely far from the gen? anyone?
  13. just because people forgot bout it now before the price-hikes, before Bivet cracked down... just before everyone found out about the genuine POLISHED ceramic bezels were actually used.. the now-steal, original, $700 HBB Polished Rose Gold Big mothatruckin BANG! http://fate-owns.us/imgs/funstuff/hbb/HBB-real-life.mpg
  14. i just wanted to say thanks guys kruzer and chinkie got me so hopeuflly my pam will be back on my wrist soon
  15. my daily pam 111h's cg screw fell out and i can't find it I can't wear the watch because the cg is loose please, someone, just 1 screw i am willing to buy it but please, help help need pam 111h CG screws
  16. sql, nice pams! do you have any wristies of that pam 111 on that black with white stitch strap? :X im currently fighting an itch to buy a black strap wit white stitch to pair with my 111 so.. uhh, yea i figure if i feed my eyes enough pics it'll quench the thirst, so to speak
  17. well.. this thread is going to be different than the one on another forum because in here.. I can reference a thread I made about the very first pam I ever purchased.. $175 swiss base and all because it had a miniscule ding on the 11o'clock side thread jokingly titled... I've officially gotten an I'm gay alert way back wayyyy back when.. I never understood the fascination with PAMs (and still don't, sorry folks, lol i guess i'm just not a pam guy) but I spotted a for sale thread.. pam 111h, swiss movement, stock basic (this was during a time when the recessed cp was the norm of the land) but overall good pam.. and it was on sale for $175 o_O because it had a miniscule "ding" on the 11 o'clock side of the bezel.. i thought what the hell, why not buy it.. it's only $175 and swiss and i didn't have a pam yet so bought it, got it, still didn't understand the fasincation with pams and was very vocal about the fascination with pams being that it's imperfect so you keep chasing something that doesn't exist so you end up with 30 pams which all look the bloody same contrast it with my (to this day) greatest rep, Hublot Polished Ceramic Rose Gold Big mothatruckin Bang which is so damn perfect it basically has "cured" me of getting more reps because well.. it pales in comparison and I always end up wearing the HBB over anything else (I even have a Hublot Gold Matte unworn because of this, grr) and I try to enjoy my gear, I don't let it sit on a winder or a box.. but i'm getting offtrack.. let me go back to my point we all know the most glaring "tell" of a pam rep.. the infamous L SWISS MADE L.. not just spacing but the font itself and of course the "2".. no matter how many ultimates or super modded ultimates come about.. our trained eye always goes to that glaring defect to the point that it's the first thing we see in rep pams.. (don't lie to yourself you know damn well that it's the first thing you notice) enter: Little Hero.. his dials are on point.. and everyone agrees on this.. probably the best around.. so my project got started the goal: Create my ghetto version of a pam 111h by combining different things i've already got and keeping the pricepoint down materials to work with: -201A with double AR -swiss stock 111h -little hero dial -Tcrown so.. I sent it to Rex and told him exactly what I wanted done.. -install the LH dial on the base pam -use the 201A double-ar'd crystal -install Tcrown did i think it would all work out and fit together? nah.. but it was worth a shot, I wanted this 111h *MY WAY*, specifically.. the combination of Swiss-DoubleAR-LHDial.. that's the centerpiece.. the double ar'd crystal emphasizing the magnificent dial on a workhorse swiss mvmnt.. anyhows, I'm glad at how it turned out, I feel like Stitch.. This is my pam.. I found it, all on my own. Is little, dirty and broken, but still good. Yeah, still good! pics comin up! pics HDRsiz'd pics minimal HDR, macro on and of course.. the wrist-shot OH.. forgot to tally it up.. the best part about this? I didn't really buy anything new.. except for the dial and the crown.. everything was already stuff I had so it didn't hurt my bank account at all specially today in this economy.. total recent out of pocket cost: $260 = Little Hero Dial , $30? = Tcrown .. total? $290
  18. haven't done this in a good long while... must be a reason why i took a pic ...and a pam? why a pam? i know it's blurry but look closer HDR fun.. anyhows, yep.. my "project" Little Hero 111h watch is complete! little hero dial, double ar sapphire, t-crown, swiss mvmnt
  19. wait.. you have a rose gold bracelet...? how'd you pull that off? personal AD connect?
  20. I LOVE teh iPhone and can't see myself without one anymore.. it ain't even a phone it's a lifestyle application, literally as for me I have about 6 screens of apps the first 4 of which are heavily used as i do manually arrange my apps around my "home" screen are critical everyday/all the time used apps.. and this is how it is the way it shaped up.. my home screen are my criticals/everyday stuff.. 2nd page = games 3rd page = utilities/lifestyle apps
  21. imnho.. if you're going to get a "bling bang" ...there's really only one option, something i myself had but found far too high-profile to keep the ALL-SS HBB with Bling Bezel.. reason being is the SS already is "flashy" with the polished edges.. you throw in the bling bezel and that baby just dances on your wrist some pics of when i had it
  22. based on this i will only post the apps i actually regularly use or exceed my expectations -Pandora (streaming radio, the best!) -Facebook -TWINKLE (seriously, probbaly my most used app) -Shovel (read digg stories) -Weatherbug -Bloomberg (check the falling stock prices) -AirMe (great, actually maybe the only app that works with flickr) -SayWho (voice dialer) -FakeCalls (get me outta this boring/crappy/whatever) -iTV (tv listings) -KICKMap (must have if you're in nyc.. it's the mta subway lines.. in a very readable format) -Sportacular -Grovery List -WootOn! games: (bought outta boredom) -Starwars Unleashed -Spore -CannonGame -JewelQuestII -FlickFishing the next section.. is a personal use of mine.. lately my iPhone has been my hub for GTD.. Getting Things Done (if you don't know.. google GTD or whatnot) I call this section my necessities! anyhows.. I'm in a serious mode of GTDing and my iPhone is my productivity mastermind.. -JOTT (amazing app, transcribes voice to text.. at its core, it's your own personal transcriber but it does so much more -Evernote -Toodledo but yea.. if I need to rate my top 3 apps.. Jott, Evernote and Twinkle
  23. welcome back The Zigmeister welcome back!
  24. i betcha t made this post cuz of a recent order i placed lol it was for 1x60 and... yep, the extra stem hehe 2 weeks is fine, i don't even have little hero's dial yet... -Ezzy/tomriddle
  25. @fitmic: @adrenaline: reason i replied so quick with my guess though i'm hardly an expert is because... DING DING DING I posted a similar thread AGES ago! in fact, FxrAndy may be thinking of my own thread.. i was trying to authenticate a pam i bought on what type of movement it has.. swiss or china.. Help ID this movement please anyhows experts chimed in, it was swiss.. i bought it as advertised as swiss and was wondering how people knew just by looking.. JUST BY LOOKING.. I found the answer thanks to researching "T's" crowns... tourby has posted a very telling answer Blued Screws on movement one of the easiest tells are the blue screws.. if you notice, your screws are completely blue and the finish isn't quite up to par.. Swiss movements have blue screws *BUT* the line/slot is not blue anyhows look at the thread i posted.. oh what the heck here's a pic from it see what i mean? blue screws, plain slot/line compared to yours anyhows, I REPEAT: I AM NOT AN EXPERT but I myself did wonder how some people can just tell right away if a mvmt is china/swiss.. lookit the blue?
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