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Everything posted by TomRiddle

  1. :X got any tips on how to resize this bracelet...? i don't think it's a pushpin... and it kinda looks weird for screws? gah, halp...
  2. price from homer? nice shots ^^
  3. upon what meat hath they fed that they have grown so big? the truth? ...Accessability, they have a website which takes CC#'s, to the casual buyer.. that > any WU, paypal, etc etc.. my preferred dealer is neither.. although my first purchase (Swiss ETA UPO) was from Andrew and that was because of what I said.. accessability.. to the casual buyer/mass market buyer.. ease of use > everyone else that's why they get a lot of 'business'
  4. I think it should be pinned or linked smoewhere cuz this is as good a mod as any, imnho.. thanks for this watcher.. time to undergo this project.. probably my last one this year i need to shut it (spending) down and shut it down hard.. so yes, my last project this year as i am more than content with my current collection gen po crystal = $169 + mod price.. that's gonna bump me to around $400 total again GAH GAH BLEH BLEH GAH
  5. i could be wrong but i think the general rule is if the watch has little or low ar, white dials would be best.. or something like that here's a new acquisition and I don't know if it has AR (doubt it) but it is so unbelievably clear irl that in my opinion.. it doesn't need any.. maybe the dial plays a factor who knows.. but seriously, the presence or lack thereof of AR doesn't effect the impact this watch makes at all
  6. been on the winder almost all of last week due to rain in nyc but... unleashing teh beast! OH YEA BABE!
  7. i agree, sounds like a shady individual utilizing anonymous internet to its fullest, shrug him off chris he not worth it and who is he
  8. ahh my very first ever rep.. bought on a whim too $20 Chinatown had to stop wearing it cuz the sucka rusted, yep.. RUSTED
  9. narikaa.. more pics please ^^ tryin to see that combination of yg + nice strap + stitching more pics pls
  10. to quote knights of prosperity... that ain't even bling bling that's bling blong! lol ^^
  11. enjoy your watch watcher let us know your impressions on the strength of the AR and ppiiiicccssss you rock, thank you in advance!
  12. ooo, that's a Timewalker model!!! ^^ if i may ask, how much are the gens? i got a timewalker inc, can't wait! very stylin
  13. the damage was bad for the area in BK that got hit, otherwise most of the damage came frmo the "flooding" LI and the subways/NJ were badly badly hit, people couldn't make it to work, commute hell same ole same ole but yea, in BK the part it touched trees were uprooted and whatnot
  14. no one's gonna call you out on the UPO.. it's an amazing rep plus .... it's an Omega so it ain't like a Rolex.. Rolex = first thing people think "is it fake?" LOL not with the Omega.. at least, that's the way I see it... I think you have less much less.. so little risk of being called out with the UPO
  15. you know what I noticed about the UPO.. it has a "magnetic" quality to it.. an appeal if you will and I don't really know of any other watch that has it.. not even the gorgeous HBB.. it's Aesthetically pleasing but I don't get an urge to put my own when I see others have it.. but the UPO? people start postin they wrist shots and scene shots of the UPO and it's like I'm thinkin "hmm.. gotta put mine on too" lol ^^ just mnho
  16. damn right we happy! UPO's take no backseat to nobody! ^^ UPO'ers unite! lol
  17. Beware something wicked this way comes! ..the HBB's never cease to amaze me! great pics! I was all set to wear my RG+CER and took new pics with at least an indoor white balance setting (makes it not look so YG) BUT it's rainy in nyc again so not even gonna taken a new pic but back to 'ole reliable' UPO Swiss ETA, doesn't matter what the weather or circumstances may be--Can't go wrong with it
  18. o_O so high prices... damn
  19. -waiting anxiously- help us watcher kenobi, you're our only hope!!! please let us know how it goes and piiccsssss
  20. you know what they say about the first, you never forget it like i said, this is but the first ^^ I want everyone postin they impressions n stuff, so in case you missed it thank you, again
  21. hey By-Tor, just curiuous... did you order the TAG racer yet..? :X if so, are you going to be doing your reviews? I find your reviews very thorough so i'm curious if you got one on the way since i'm hopin you'll break it down like you've done in the past
  22. you were *EXACTLY* the person i was thinking of when i mentioned the BCE bling bezel.. lol actually, you're the only one i know that has it besides the other bling person we have, jfree
  23. you know what they say.. it can't rain all the time what i'm wearing today and tomorrow..? like sunlight breaking thru a dreary day my friends
  24. i wonder if the OP ever settled on anything.. here's a sample of one of the best "blings" around in repland, BCE bling bezel.. if you *really* wanna bling it up get the SS bracelet cuz it's supposed to be polished as well :X DAMN! gotta wear shades keep us in mind to the OP let us know what you get
  25. he's like one of those accidents you see on the highway.. you try to look away but just can't
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