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Posts posted by 82KUBA

  1. I PM ed him ..he gave me a price on the watch and a rubber strap for my pam and then sent me and email address where to send the money ........ i sent the payment and forwarded all the info to him...... he emailed me today and told me that he will get the items tomorrow and ship them to me friday ... also gave me the tracking number that will be used .... pretty good service so far

  2. Ok guys after sleeping on it i followed my gut and just placed the order with Puretime (Angus)........ i desided to use one of this sites trusted dealers and he also promised to do a QC check ...... in his email he said he would check for the dust and the date wheel problems ..... so payment sent fingers crossed wish me luck .......

  3. Not sure what you mean exactly - pics perhaps? Only thing I remember was r11co used talc to give his rep strap more anti-static properties and improve matt finish so you could try that.

    My gen rubber strap looks as good as the day I first strapped it to my UPO some ten months ago. Same matt finish. Give it a light soapy bath every couple of months or so but that's it. A VERY faint mark where the buckle sits but that's all. As I said good as new.

    i let it sit overnight in a bowl of soapy water and it worked like a charm .... thanks for the tip very helpful

  4. just got mine in today from Johua ... pics to follow later this week .. I am not concerned so much with saving a few dollars now day's as i am more concerned about service after the purchase and getting a quality watch ... both these things I can count on with Joshua... but you will have to decide on your own who you feel most comfortable with

    I was lured away for a while with better 'deals' and when the watch arrived defective was left with a worthless watch and no choices... I learned from my mistakes ... check out the other rep sites for reviews of the dealers also..

    thanks and just like you said im not looking for the best deal i dont mind paying the average price ( around 400usd shipped ) im looking for QC ..... ive got a pam h117 and a upo rep. and both times had to send them back cause of QC.....dont want the waiting and to pay return shipping but i understand its part of the game ....thanks for the tips keep them coming

  5. After 2 months of research ive desided to go with the CD as my next rep.....im aware of the QC problems with this rep.... i was going to use brand9avenue because they emailed me back comfirming that they check all there watches before shipping or Puretime (Angus) ........im in the eastcoast ny/nj USA which who whould be the safest .....i would like to make my purchase by the end of this week ....... any tips would be helpful thanx

  6. HEY GUYS .... need tips on cleaning my gen. black rubber strap that i put on my UPO ..... ive been cleaning it with mild hand soap and water ... but i still get light hase bewteen the letter and the groves as if it was drying out .... is there any treatment i can use to give it the nice matt finish like new again .. thanks for any tips

  7. Frist post dont be nice tell me what you guys really think about my frist pam rep.........and the strapculture legend ...... all tips are help full

    i also have an Omega UPO with an offical Omage dive strap ....will post pics later

    Thanks 82kuba




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