Notice how nowhere in this post did you ask for anyone's opinon on who has the best...
And my opinion is Bytor is being a bit too nice because you look like a noob here, and didn't see your smart-assed reply to mrandazzo, as you were typing it while Bytor was typing his reply.
You have a poor attitude, and your failure to even recognize your misstep against the rules you failed to read, tells me you lied about your search for TT Subs... you are obviously a lazy [censored] who wants to be catered to, I will honestly be surprised if I ever see a significant contribution from you (other than the well placed ass kissing, think it will carry you??)...
As of right now, more than half of your posts on this forum are here, in this non-topic, insulting members for not meeting your ill conceived expectations... (which is in violation of Posting Rule 4)
Keep it up, you're a winner...
You might be as extinct as your namesake before you reach your apparent double digit IQ in posts.
What a genuine genius.