ManU fans are ok just don't make leather straps out of them
Elephants are at no point ok to wear, exotic leathers and people that use them are supporting illegal trade as their is a easy way to stop it DON'T WEAR OR USE IT then their will be no marked for it..I support the burning of such leathers if a animal dies in zoo or in the wild..
If you have such low selfastime that you need to dress up in gator shoes and elephant straps then i fell sorry for you..
Diamonds i don't use but i do now mostly humans are suffering over this trade we are like a gassilion people on this planet so not a thing i worry about to much. But i do agree that more questions shoud be asked on this prod..
You see i whant my grandchildren to experince the wild and all the animals that lives their, this is why i comit so much time and effort trying to convince people its wrong to use such leathers..
I think the strap you made looks damn good in the way its build, i just don't like the leather its made of..
and to this remark
Africa are overpopulated
Yes Africa is but not by animals.