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Everything posted by Dani

  1. That Hublot is a dirty looking watch, ok the HBB is ok but that man awful.
  2. Great read bro. Norway finaly have a AP AD so was their for almost an hour today sec at 12 sounds good. The cartel bit is no suprise and makes me whant to quit buying reps and just have a couple of gens. Cheers
  3. why is asad banned? and where can i get that PP ?
  4. amazing collection. enjoy them.
  5. wooooow AMAZING. As i have said before Kruz you have one of the best collection here. Enjoy them friend. Cheers, Dani
  6. Ok man just order one myself
  7. I em not a fan of using ioffer, if for sale her i woud buy it NOW.
  8. If it did not cost 2,3$ for a liter of gas and 150-160k$ for a bmw 330i then maybe i woud own something better then this I keep myself on 2wheels cheaper since copers can't do sheit. :lol:
  9. You are the liar by far..And to treat a customer like me as you did is realy bad.. You coud just give a simpel statment like this "sorry about your strap but we can not find a solution to what happend"i use 20sec to write that insted you call me a liar and dishonest in your first respons to me after i whaited for a replacment. Not good at all. Yes 550$ is not correct i think 390+shipping+customs fees is more correct. easy to be a liar in your eyes. Also yes i agree i em a problem for you becasue i don't let people like you step over me..I never let people do that and i never give up.. You can end this whit a "sorry we treated you wrong and coud have handled this in diffrent way" and you can keep your 100$ strap i don't need it.. Cheers
  10. I woud never buy from a company like ap bands if i read about a member having same experince as me i a point out never. Why you think we call this a community? When they show their true colors like they did i woud stay way clear from them but maybe you just whant your straps and don't cear if they are a.holes to other members. They where good to me when i buy for 550++$$ but when i comment on their lack of quality strap on their webpage and gave bad rating from that day i shoud have now they woud do what they did to me..
  11. maybe you reconsider buying from them after reading the thread linked in my signature.
  12. are you trying to get spiked or something? this tread was made in the sale forum then moved here if it was posted here to begin whit i coud easly see the funny side of it but not when it was posted in sale forum ans you now why.. Don't start anything.
  13. who me>?
  14. Is that not a beautiful watch
  15. Yeah so becasue of that i shoud not ask or try to be a good person and try avoid such products? Not all of China is bad and this straps may be from some other country for all we now.
  16. Eurotimez@ can you garante this straps are ok under the cites law? and not some Thai or Chinese dudes out hunting endangerd crocs so we can get cheaper croc straps.
  17. Maybe you as mod shoud stop treating me diffrent then others as their political treads are ok but mine is not strange way of keeping the rules, i have learn and no more posting from me on such subjects i recpect what admins and mods say. I have no int. in getting this subject over to me, i open this tread for helping out does that get blasted by some cry babies in their sale post. I also now a great big % of members agree whit me on this that is why it shoud be talked openly about. Nothing more.. edit : I have done all what mods told me after some threads in OT section and i don't ask for problems most mods here joined the forums when i did so we go way back no hostilty amung us..And i follow what they decied is right in the end of the day, even if it does not same like that
  18. I also see this mods in this tread when it was just couple of pages. Ken@ Follow me around? Get of your high horse man. I maybe break one or two rules(religion/ polictial but again you let other people discus this subject here) but never anything damaging to this forum i just say and speak about many things other people don't dear to. Easy does it.
  19. Great man.. You did nothing wrong, to be upset over what this members did is very natural behavior.. Cheers, Dani
  20. Yeah you did in Chads tread shoud have just keept out or notice your thoughts on pm to him or mods if you feel something is wrong. You from what i remeber have crapped more then this thread that Chad had. You just did Cheers
  21. This members have crapped the post and other post in sale section. What you are saying is if you dont like people killing your sale post then dont post at all, this is a joke to say.
  22. I don't like that people crap down other peoples sale post some members here do it to often even when its nothing to do whit price. I em sorry but your English in this post quoted first line is not easy to understand for me. Even if i sell for heavy reduced price and give great bargins i don't ask for all to do that, its a free and open marked. If i see i watch i like and i now its great in terms of functions i woud rather buy froma well now'n member then get hustled by "our" dealers. Cheers
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