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Everything posted by Dani

  1. I dont realy cear price is ok i buy not ok i dont buy easy. I see what you all see some dealers working toghter and i dont buy from them,i see one that i hope has not join this force of evil but i have my thoughts,hope i em wrong. My buy's goes mostly to my main man Edddddddie
  2. I saw the movie for what it was lots of special effects and such but again i now what to expect and it was good very good for my taste. I like movies such as Natural born killers,Goodfellas,Blow,Heat,Kill Bill,Sin City,many Japanse movies are also on my fav list. 300 is way down on my top 20 list but a great movie it was.
  3. Its a anti rep fellow whit life that must be pretty boring. Sorry to hear about your prob Trusty hope they get solved.
  4. Great movie. Good to see some persian ass whoping. We Spartans have descended from Hercules himself. Taught never to retreat, never to surrender. Taught that death in the battlefield is the greatest glory he could achieve in his life. Spartans: the finest soldiers the world has ever known
  5. Thanks Richard,yeah the Nokia 8800 is a fat deposit it seems but man its nice Your Sony Ericsson W880i is a beauty Cheers, Dani
  6. That was amazing pics and watch Cheers, Dani
  7. Lol if you think like that your life will be pretty shallow. If you go around scared of death all your life what life will you have? I enjoy life i enjoy bikes,BMW and Harley is for other type of people but nice to see people like that kind of bikes to,woud be boring if all liked the same. Death is a stage in life you cant fight but if i die doing what i love it aiint bad,better that then laying in some bed at 80yr old shitting on myself Cheers, Dani
  8. I think emg and my new Nokia 8800 Sirocco People need back up phones,biz phones or em i just a mobil geek
  9. Hey all Thought i woud share some pics First nice ass i see is the Kawa zx600r Then come the KTM Duke Monsteeeeeer one of my friends trying it,hope he dont buy it he like driving hard & fast. And then my big love show her stuff to me,she is beauty Always thought the Hona CBR600RR was small but it was very nice for me i em 186 I dont think i need to say anything but Viva Italia This bike is my dream bike,it felt like home when i sit on it Also had to try the zx1000r since that is what i might buy this summer
  10. Very nice,i will be sure to get one soon
  11. a 9mm is what cops have,in the US i have seen on vids about 6-7 dog realted episodes NON has ended whit dog getting shot 16times. Pitbull in question had many other way out,it was very relaxed and whas running because the idiot of police officers used pepper spray on the dog. As to shooting it,yes if it was attacking the cops yes but as i can see and what i have heard on Swedish forums i cant see any need for it here its just a dog not some gansgter whit a 50.cal rifle Just to use a gun in this way on a public street woud casue bad ass heat on cops if it happend in Norway i dont read Swedish news papers so i dont now what is latest on have the cops are being followed up on this episode their. It has happend so i just see this as a sad episode for the dog that i presume has had a bad life from the start. Dani
  12. Yes very true,but you see here in Scandinavia cops almost never get to shoot real bad guys so they settle for killing dogs insted its more easy,and when the cops here see a gun they run and ask for money since they have got anxiety becasue of it
  13. A dog can have been breed or what we call inbreed in a bad way. Whit Pitbulls its 90%bad owners when bad episodes happens this was the case here in Sweden(yes i now some inside info) and the episode that happend in Swiss. Pitbulls got one thing hanging over them and that is gangsters and other bad owners whant them becasue they see them in rap videos and such,pleas all pitbull haters pleas let me now if ther was bad stuff said about pits from 1900 to 1980 yes YOU CANT What happend in 1980's??RAP MUSIC came on stage and whit that came the trend of pitbulls among whannabes DMX youths. I dont cear if the owner have a nice lovley familiy dog if that dog kills a child in my familiy i woud not feel justice if the owners are not held responsibel. A dog over a certain size will always be a dangerus dog if not raised as it shoud. Dani
  14. Yes i em for 100% owner responsibilty,this way people will not buy dogs such at pitbulls to be thougs or look like gangsters becasue its not worth it. Its a easy way to end problems whit vicius dogs when owners can get 10years in prison if their dog kills a child. this law shoud be on all breeds. If it comes i woud buy a Pitbull over any other breed i woud never question that breeds love to humans. You dont now have this trends are here and in France? Gangs buy one dog and train it,then it goes to ho ever need its. One day the dog has had anuff beatings and bites/kills his owner,i dont feel [censored] for people that hurt animals or child molesters the both groups hurt subjects that cant speak their mind to police and such. Its maybe a reason behinde 90% serial or lust killers have animal crulety in their background checks done by FBI profil analyst just look it up at FBI web pages. Yeah what if??It did not and i think the owners behind this dog shoud have been held responsibel if it happend,and dog shoud have been put down. But here in Norway and almost all other countrys always the dog get blamed,i say good we have countrys as Swiss and States in USA as New York where owners get the heat also and breed bans are not at question after bad episodes as they see this not as a breed problem. TTK@ In pitbulls you can almost find as many varitions as a puddel. Its game pitbulls,show pitbulls and many other types. I myself has been around dogs all my life i have own 2 german shepards and i say this Pitbulls are not a breed that is dangerus to humans from the geko they are breed to NOT be agressiv to humans. I can also admitt they have problems whit other dogs,but as whit everything in life this can be easy to train so the dog love animals. Its have you raise the dog,not what breed it is,this coming from a guy that has been biten by other breeds many times to prevent them attacking my american staffordshire terrier.I have never blamed a dog for biting me i have blamed the owners for not rasing their dog the right way. When the Police here decide to shoot i think its better to use 15 bullets then 2 when 2 will just hurt the animal,but using pepper spray at first just show have idiot the police can be here in Scandinavia.. I have seen many dogs attack police officers in the USA not one time i have seen them use pepper spray they either shoot them or get animal control to get the dog in question. Cheerio and enjoy your day, Dani
  15. I have seen religon cause so much evil that i question the people that follow it more then the people that dont!!
  16. Some dumb ass shipping company in Germany will not deliver Post resentant to my name in Sweden this i was told by the company i buy my security products from to avoiud customs tax i was temted to try other metods and see have that ended up so i need to find some one they can deliver the parcel to and then shipp it to my Post resenat adresse in Sweden by the border. Let me now if you can help. Cheers, Dani
  17. ]"Oh, we've spared no pains and we've spared no dough; And we've dug at the secrets of long ago; And we've risen to heaven and plunged Below, For we wanted to make it one Hell of a show."
  18. Sorry for what? I need to correct my post i dont think as myself as god in the way the bible tells about god but more that i em the one holding my life not some god. Cheers
  19. I belive in myself as god of my own life i dont have anything above or under me controling or dicateding what is wrong or right to do whit my life,and the good and evil in all humans is just as natural as earth and water. If their was a god that made us onto this earth i realy think he is sitting up their thinking it was his biggest mistake ever Cheers
  20. Gone shipp my Gen Emergency to service,so been using this til i get my HBB and Breit steelfish
  21. I only answer pm from members i now that has been here a long time,if its newbie i will help maybe give a tip or 2 but thats that. To bad this happend to you V. Best, Dani
  22. I em having problems here.....I think this will be in my hands by 3-5days
  23. Heavy price. I will try my best to whait to the price goes some what down
  24. Hey Just got this tracking yesterday and cant understand what it says www.gls-germany.com this is the site and here is what my quote says Parcel number Status No. Date Time Remark Status Text Depot 602xxxxxxx114 1020 09/02/2007 4:19 NIF InBound scan 9030 1020 08/02/2007 19:18 NIF InBound scan 9030 1023 07/02/2007 22:10 NIF OutBound scan 9004 1001 07/02/2007 22:08 HUB-Flow STANDARD 1 2 07/02/2007 18:20 Parcel Data Entry I-Point 6000 Is it stopped by customs?it says NIF InBound scan 9030 Cheers, D
  25. 187cm
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