Yes customs are bad mtf here EU countrys is worse then lets say China to get stuff,between Sweden and Norway we have like 10000%more custom agents working the border then Sweden maybe when we drive to Sweden over the border we se ONE Swedish custom agent working whit the Norwigans
In Norway we have highest tax on everything it seems so guess the problem is their
If any goods shipped tru postage system has a value for more then 35 + -$ then customs will put 24%tax on it plus a 10$Fee for handling it.. :yucky:
Cheers its a wonderfull world aiint it
That is Vanderlei Silva,ho by the way got smashed by Mirko Cro Cop in last Pride FC
And best thing is he smashed him standing and keept great defence from thake downs from Silva
Ohh i whish i coud get my hands on as many bottles as posibel but customs here just cant keep their hands of my orders
UK/France is good places many online webshops check out
Its not like magic mushrooms but the effect is their if you drink alot,myself dont drink it anymore becasue its illegal here in Norway(Like that matters ) and customs are to good here they get it always so no places that sells whants to ship to Norway.
To the states no prob.
No need to generlise all of us here,i never asked for perfect Hbb and if i liked the watch i woud be happy to pay 450$ man 450$ i used just on blackjack last night
I think most here are upsett by the way trusty and joshua is acting,they did not show us pics they did not include anyone,they act like what Angus did was just some small horse shitt thing to do.
I give Angus cred for what he did i was exited to see the pics the updates it was great fun and still will be
Thats it.
I can say one thing i now where to buy my watches from now on
400$for a rep man go see the new Citizen watches they are the bomb some of them. at the same price as a replica ..
wow your so full of BS.
all dogs can kill its not breed related,if it is BAN your German shepard that is the dog whit higest deaths against humans in Germany togheter whit Rottie.
BSL is Breed specific laws on dogs.German goverment killed about 500-600 dogs in ONE year that was just regualr familiy dogs that only had wrong breed name and looks that is what we have registerd but the numbers are far more This happend after 2 pit dogs killed a boy later on the vet found amfetamin and that both dogs was starved and justed as fighting dogs,any breed woud go insane whit that mix.
Its like saying a Polish guy is more potentail dangerus then a Danish guy so lets ban all polish people,its just a stupid law that is a racist law in my eyes its always starts at the bottom we all now that.