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Posts posted by lefty47

  1. I've had my upgraded VCO from Silix since Saturday afternoon and my initial impressions are as positive as when I first unwrapped it.

    My first impression was that I expected it to look larger. I have measured it now several times and it is 42mm but is looks smaller on my wrist, IMO. It is also thinner and appears sleeker that other sports watches I own, e.g. Yacht Master and Daytona.

    My answers to a couple of questions that have been asked: 1) the numerals look shiny rather than brushed, but not too shiny; 2) the dial is also more shiny than mat, but again not too shiny.

    The cross is spot on. The date window is large enough for my eyes, which is not always the case, e.g. PAM 187. The position and angle of the date also make it very legible. The boarder around the date window is nowhere near as obvious as it appears in oversize photos. To me it looks very much like pictures of the original's date window I have seen.

    Other minor criticisms that have been mentioned are not important to me. I just don't see the "squatness" in the numerals. The hands on the black dial look just fine. The missing accent mark over the "e in Geneve" is not noticable to me without a loop.

    The quality of the case, besel, back and bracelet is excellent. I tried to take a couple of links out, but my tools won't let me perform this task. My local watch repair guy will do this later today. The ends are polished and look great.

    The AR and Lume on mine is very acceptable to me. I am sure modifications would make it even better, but at this point I am not convinced it is worth the cost. I am sure others will have theirs modified and will post reviews and pictures. I will make that decision later.

    All in all I am very pleased with this excellent rep and appreciate Richard's telling us about it. I also have enjoyed all of the comments that have been posted about it over the past few weeks.

    Jay's service and communication were very good and I will soon write a review on this transaction in the Dealer Review Section. One last thing. The watch was mailed from Shanghai on June 20. I received it in the US midwest at noon on June 23. I think that is unbelievable. We live in amazing times.

  2. I still think the hands on this version are way off. It's nice to see the trapazoid date window, but also too large and I agree the font on the 12, 6, 9 are off, not a bad rep, but I think I'd still stay with the Version 2 of this watch, just the date window was off on that one. Add some AR and you have a real close second place.

    I like this version very much. I just received the black one from Silix and I am very mpressed. The date window does not look abnormally large to me and the boarder around it looks much larger in an oversized photo than it does on your wrist. The date is very visible and its angle is also nice. The missing accent mark over the "e in Geneve" is not noticable at all-to my eyes anyway. I've never seen a genuine model, but have studied many pictures and don't really see the difference with the numerals. I like the hands on mine with the black dial. The AR and Lume are very acceptble out of the box. I will get a white one soon.

    One question I have is "who is Ruby?" I hear a lot of buzz about her on the forum, but I do not have her contact info. Could someone please PM me with her e-ail or web address. Thanks.

  3. VCO ARRIVED TODAY! It is everythinhg I expected. Absolutely stunning piece-well worth the excruciating 3 week wait :=)

    Thanks to Jay and Richard for a wonderful addition to my collection. Now I'm off to a Family Reunion where no one will notice it, but I will still be proud. Will try to post some pictures next week.

  4. Here is status of mine:

    Status: Foreign International Dispatch

    Your item left SHANGHAI, CHINA PEOPLES REP on June 20, 2007. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later.

    Is that message from EMS or USPS? I think you and I ordered about the same time so you should have the same message as I do on USPS. Mine's at O'Hare in Customs.

    I sort of feel like a little kid watching TV on Christmas Eve and getting reports as to where Santa Claus is. Pretty sick for a grown man.

  5. Good to know though still no tracking n. or any confirmation for me. :D

    He's been pretty good about responding to my e-mails. It usually takes a day, but he answers. The tracking number he gave me is now in the EMS System. The VCO should arrive in the US today or tomorrow and be here no later than Tuesday, if things go as they usually do. I can't wait!

  6. Don't worry and please don't jump to conclusions,....

    Everytime I did that with Silix it turned out that I was the one being paraniod...

    Since I learned his ways... Jay has earned my trust and has never let me down since..

    1st he did always check my watches for me by allowing them to run...

    2nd I rarely got tracking but always received my watches....

    3rd if you watch did not check out then, he would not send it ...but would not always hold my

    hand,.. expecting me to know..

    4th, the seller may have told him that he has stock, but then maybe some other

    dealer or a shortage of movements prevented it from arriving on time....

    Whatever the reason..and there could be many in this illegal game from

    customs to manufacturer problems...

    So don't allow impatience to allow you to burn your bridges..

    You may want to cross back one day...

    If you don't trust him.. then trust me.. I would not put my name on a post if it was

    not something that I believed 100% and I have years on the boards to back me up....


    All of your points are well taken...especialy the last one. I for one would not have purchased this watch from Silix were it not for your unqualified recommendation. I must admit that over the past few days I have has some reservations, but you have been steadfast in your support of Jay and your admiration for this latest version of the VCO. Plus throughout the entire process, Jay has been very communicative and straightforward. He has even offered refunds to me and I believe others who have expressed concerns.

    So I say, let's all sit back and wait and wear one of the several other nice reps we all own and love and hopefully Jay will start shipping next week and by the beginning of July we will all be wearing this fabulous new VCO. Thanks for everything RT.

  7. The J-12 arrived in 6 days-my fastest delivery ever from Andrew. As usual his communications were outstanding. I bought the $200 version, white with two rows of small diamonds. It came extremely well packaged in a styrafoam container with box set, papers and warrenty card. The presentation is stunning. My wife is no replica fan, but she is thrilled with this piece. My only concern is that I might have created a monster. I can't afford two rep addicts in the same house.

    I highly recommend this watch for those of you looking for something to get the lady in your life, and for my money, Andrew is the dealer to use.

  8. Both are excellent dealers with similar inventory and prices. For what it's worth, I ordered a Chanel J-12 for my wife from Andrew on June 6 and received delivery in the US on June 12-the delivery yet from him. I usually order from Andrew, because I don't have the patience to wait on Josh's slow website.

  9. There you go everyone... suggest this to Jay and maybe we have a winner..

    Thanks again Chief ! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    I did suggest this to Jay and he said that they did exactly that, i.e. use the SW200, but now they are all shipped out. He said he expects to have the 2824's delivered this weekend, so delivery should be soon after that, maybe even next week, and asked if that would be OK for me. I told him that I am very happy with that. I just don't want to wait a month or so....

    My fingers are crossed that all works out and he gets his 2824s soon and we all get our V4 VCO's. I agree with Richard, we are pretty much past the point of no return on this transaction. So I keep telling myself, "Patience Grasshopper Patience."

  10. Because it is keeping my watch from me! :) It is news for this particular model; I was under the impression mine was in stock. Speaking of which; I am not a big fan of being sold a watch that is not in stock. This is the type of thing that should be disclosed before payment is made. :thumbdown: I like jay & angel though; small blip that hopefully will be resolved soon.

    I had an e-mail from Jay waiting for me this morning. The news is not good. He is out of 2824 movements and has tried to exchange movements from other models but that "caused some problems." So they have decided to order new movements and wait for them. He then asked how I wanted to proceed and if I wanted a refund and apologized for my trouble. All very nice and professional, but I want the watch and will wait a reasonable time for it.

    My e-mail back to him asked how long wouild the delay in shipment be. Are we talking days, weeks or months? This is a great watch, but after reading all of the opinions in this thread, it appears to be a close call with other versions.

    Hey Richard, can you find out what's happening with Silix so we can make an intelligent decision on this matter? Andrew's version is starting to look better everyday.

  11. I received my VC Overseas with black dial from Jay and Angela today. Ordered it on 5/30 and was given tracking info on 6/6. This watch is absolutely beautiful!

    Richard: Thank you for starting this thread and your continued passion. Just after reading a few of your posts I was ready to order. And I am glad I did. I have wanted an Overseas since I discovered the world of replicas over a year ago. Having it in hand I can not see the incorrect details in question. Technically they are there, but you would have to closely examine with a loupe or have a blown up photograph to see them. I am really happy with the quality of this rep and I really glad I have read this thread.

    Everyone else: Thanks for all of your posts in this thread as well as the board. I have learned so much from all of you.


    This is the most positive post on this thread in a week! I am thrilled that you are so pleased with your new VCO from Silix. I ordered mine on June 6, so (using your timeline) I should get Tracking Info on June 13 and delivery on June 19...right? Be still my heart.

  12. Jay emailed me that shipment is delayed because of a movement shortage :(

    "Movement shortage?" Isn't the ETA 2428-2 a pretty common movement? I ordered my VCO from Silix on June 6, mainly because of the cross and the date window. On the same day,I also ordered a Chanel J12 for my wife from Andrew, who has the previous version of the VCO. The Chanel from Andrew cleared US Customs yesterday and should be delivered today. Now we have a movement shortage delaying shipments of the new version of the VCO. What a revoltin development this is!

  13. The price has not been Bumped.. $225 is for for version 2 not version 4 which requires no mods..

    I think also in this thread someone has already answered the question as to availability of white, which

    and correct me if I am wrong.. is Yes.

    As for quick ordering... in this game.. I would not count on it.. To do so is only asking for the customs

    Gods to make fun of your plans....

    Hey Jumbie,... I just lucked out,.. but would gladly pay $25 more not to have to pay for mods

    and still end up with a bad looking date window and hands...from version 3.

    Not to mention that it's $18 cheaper than Josh or Trusty's Version 3.

    I agree with Richard. $278 including EMS Shipping is a great price for this watch. I have purchased from just about every dealer on the Forum except Silix and was a little hesitant to do so. But Richard's sterling references and outstanding post convinced me to pull the trigger. So far communications from Jay have been great and I hope will continue.

    Don't get me wrong, I love dealing with Trusty and Josh-they are outstanding dealers, but their version of the VCO can't touch this one and it is $20 more when you include shipping. I even asked Andrew about Silix's new version and he couldn't bring himself to admit that his version wasn't the best. (I still bought a Chanel J12 for my wife from him.)

    I just think Silix has a real winner and we'll all be very happy when the postman rings.

  14. RT,

    Thanks for starting a great post and for your answers to my PM. I sent Jay an e-mail this morning telling him I am rady to order. I didn't hear anything so I ordered from his website and asked for PayPal info. I am waiting to hear back and will let everyone know when I do. I can't wait. This looks like an awesome piece.


    I received an e-mail from Silix Watch this morning with PayPal and pricing info. I will order mine today and let everyone know the results. I am as excited about this order as I have ever been about any rep. It will be my 33rd and the first from Silix.


  15. RT,

    Thanks for starting a great post and for your answers to my PM. I sent Jay an e-mail this morning telling him I am rady to order. I didn't hear anything so I ordered from his website and asked for PayPal info. I am waiting to hear back and will let everyone know when I do. I can't wait. This looks like an awesome piece.


  16. The watch on his site is the older version,.. he has not made the site alterations as of yet,

    but if you tell him that you want the new updated version with the serial numbers 47040-794994

    then you will be fine. ^_^

    Thanks Richard. That's good to know. Looks like this will be my next purchase-might even go for a white one and a black one. Never was good at making decisions.

  17. I paid what he was charging for his older 42mm version


    as he didn't seem to know it as an updated model.

    Neither did I when I ordered, as I also had him include the dial from his 38mm model

    so I could transplant the cross... then update the clasp later..as the model he has posted

    has the small cross, the older style clasp... and a *date window that is too close to the

    outer edge..{*an issue I was going to live with}

    It was a complete shock when I opened the package... I thought it was a gen...

    because all those issues were aleady solved,.. then I thought maybe he did

    the mods for me,.. but that was not the case either, as the caseback numbers

    were differrent than any of the other two existing models from Josh/Sash or

    King/*Jay {*his previous model}.

    Hey Rocket, Yes, other dealers will probably get them, but these are Chinese,

    not Taiwanese so Jay/King will have them first,..

    Thing is, Jay beats all others in price and post sales service.. and I am through

    with the Triad,.. I say 'Tri' because Angus in my eyes is worthy of my business..

    Thanks for all the great info! I have been lusting for the VC Overseas for a few months now. Sillex is one of the few dealers that I have not ordered from-but I hear good things. Is this the model they will deliver if I order the 42 mm version that is on the Sillex site? If so, I'm in! Thanks again.

  18. King Farouk was not only King of Egypt and one of the world's wealthiest men and a collector of many fine things, but he was also a well known kleptomaniac and a very talented pick pocket. During his lifetime his countrymen gave him the nick name of "the Thief of Cairo." Once at a state dinner, he stole Winston Churchill's beloved Brequet pocketwatch. By the time Churchill realized the watch was missing, Farouk had already retired for the evening. When one of the king's aides heard about the theft, he went to Farouk's bedroom, retrieved the watch, returned it to Churchill and blamed a busboy. I wonder how Farouk got this cool VC.

  19. I have seen many pictures of the Corum Golden Bridge, and this past weekend I got to see one close up at an AD in Scottsdale, Arizona. This is a very beautiful, elegant and absolutely uninique piece.

    How about a rep from one of our dealers? Andrew, Joshua, Neil, Eddie Lee-what do you say? I'm sure one of you is up to the challenge.

    I tried to up-load a picture of the Golden Bridge. My other picture was too big. Here's a smaller one. Sorry.


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