wear it well my friend. I do not like what has been, not to give it to you in hand as last time.
if you have problem for this mod, don´t hesitate to ask me, you have my mail, and there is PM in HF and this Forum. I have make this fully build and have installed more than 15 sets.
probably some of you could do this, but reality is that nobody wants to do it. Ask torobravo or LH how many CGs has made and how many has been discarded.
Even in the hypothetical case you even you did it 97% perfect, nobody will be fully happy, because that 3% makes difference between rep and gen
For your viewing pleasure, my last finished project.
All buckles are handmade, brass made and chromed. Actually they look very new, but in a few worns will look like gen.
sizes are like gen.
brass before chrome
Chromed buckle
vitagized buckle, 10-15 minutes using scotchbrite and sand paper.
Finally I can show you my new hands, a full set for ETA 6497 movement, slightly curved as gen. Sizes are same as gen hands, measures was taken carefully for a fellow member. Thanks again.
This hands are designed for usage in conjuction with H3 cannon and hour wheel. If you don
Here is my last work finished, mods done
mods done
Lug engraving
Lug reshape
Custom made springbar
only needs clean and a light polish
hope you like
next batch will start again in these forum. I´ll chime here for your convenience if I don´t break forum rules, but list and orders must be placed in www.homageforum.com because I can´t handle 4 or 5 lists in different forums.
First batch was closed 3 months ago, second batch was closed 1 and half month ago, and third batch will start very probably next week. run will be similar to second batch. Estimated delay 30 days if all goes well.