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Everything posted by llsteve80

  1. Good idea? What giving it away? I just read the rest of the topic, and yes I agree, the people who know what a Lange is won't believe it, but most won't know anyway and its just a cool looking rep. I guess I could probably find a GENeric copy that looks like it but thats not as fun. That would be like buying an alpha paul newman instead of a DW newman. Blah.
  2. Dang! Looking at the title I got all excited thinking some were available again or something. I've given up entirely on the quest for the lange 1. Yours looks pretty good, thats as good as it gets with reps of this watch. Since you don't want to sell it, I guess we'll just have to discuss you giving it away...j/k. Luckily, I've come down with daytona fever, so that distracts me from the Lange for now.
  3. My history: I got into reps back in sophmore year (1995). I didn't even have internet back then. My friends and I would take our $6.00/hr paychecks and head off to swap-o-rama to buy jewelery and other knick knacks that we really didn't need. It was all a game. Then one day a guy had a fake rolex sub sitting there and I bought it for 30 bucks. I was kind of awed that I was holding a real fake rolex. It struck me as how someone could so blatently copy something and just put it out there without a second thought. Anyway, I liked the watch, and have been a sub fan ever since. At 15, I had never seen a real one, so I couldn't compare it to anything. Then the guy at radio shack saw it and asked to see it so I showed him, and he showed me his real one. (looking back, I wonder, he said it was a gift, who knows.) I saw the engravings on the inside of the clasp, the coronet on the crown, and the smooth side of the band. My links were rolled and you you could see it when viewing from the side. He also showed me the sweeping second hand. That kind of busted my bubble a little bit, but then these european guys showed up at the swap-o, and had automatics with engravings on them. I was like whoa, cool, even the back is engraved.. (back just popped off, not screwed in at all) I bought one, and kept going back for more until someone at school asked me where I was getting all these watches. I didn't tell him, but I did tell him I'd get him one for 50 bucks (I was paying 25), and next thing I knew I had a locker full of them and was selling about 2-3 a week. The best was the guy that asked me if I could get a two tone sieko and when I did, he held it like it was some sacred object. I'll never forget (or understand) the look on his face when he saw it. I eventually got out of it, since I got tired of people commenting about a 18-19 year old could never have a rolex, and unhappily went about with (don't shoot!) fossils, citizen, relic, etc., until the itch came back again. I let my self get ripped off by the guy on craigslist before I found this place, and have learned alot and have been living happily ever since. I even figured out that just buying isn't enough for me, I have to mod a little, I built 2 frankens, am building another, and have modded my beginmariner. Sorry I haven't posted on this ever, but I never really had anything extraordinary yet. Wow I'm a wordy son of a gun.
  4. Well no need for dragging up anything less than positive. I suppose what has been said is a good enough history lesson for me. Whatever the case, it is my favorite forum, with the most knowledgeable people, and not a small group of people patting themselves on the back when they tell a newbie that they're glad that they're so advanced in their rep knowledge that they would "never make a mistake like that" instead of helping sort of thing.
  5. I've always been a little surprised that there is no archive or sticky about the history of RWG and how it came to be. I understand its #1 purpose, and that makes sense, but how did it get formed and get so big? From what I understand, it was made by some veteran members of the old RWG when it was rumored that it would be shutting down. I'm not concerned or nosy, I just like knowing how things I like came to be. I think it would be interesting for me and all the other late comers. I know there are many members here who have been active since the inception of this great forum, I'm wondering if anyone would be willing to take on the task?
  6. Brand new from the factory, so stock. would these be parts a competent watchmaker would have in house? or would they have to order them?
  7. I just thought of this, I'm putting a 2824 eta into a 16233 case with a diamond marker dial. When I did this with a 16014/2836, the hands did not clear the diamond markers. I'm not into bending anything. I scrapped the dial last time and went with roman numerals instead, but will this work without mods? Thankfully I think I found a competent watchsmith in my area if I need to get some work done. I would love nothing more than to just be able to stick the hands on with no worries.
  8. Sorry to see you go, The Zigmeister. Your quick replies to mine and everyone else's threads in the repair section saved thousands of headaches. I hope you still drop by for a visit or lurk around until your ready to come back to full capacity. Take care.
  9. I didn't think of that Vic, thanks.
  10. I like the layout, esp with the winter theme going, but the one thing I miss is the ability to open different forums in tabs by right clicking. Some work if there is a sub-forum listed, like in the trade area, but I can't open, say the rolex area and general discussion at the same time from the home page. I'm a power-browser, and I like to have like 5-8 tabs open at the same time so I can quickly switch to the pages I want to see.
  11. You and your daytona pics!..... Y'know, I never used to look twice at daytonas, then I was liking the vintage, like the newman and 6263, and now I'm even starting to like the newer ones. Much of this can be credited to your excellent pictures. I'm seriuosly thinking about a MM v23 copy DW 6263 right now just to kill the crave for a while, and slowly building a V72 version. Whats blowing my mind is which dial to get, the black with white subdials, or the black newman with white subs. A little more on topic, I read in a newspaper once (sorry no link, a REAL newspaper ) that 1 out of 2 daytonas that exist in the world are replica. Knowing that and knowing how to spot one will really cause one to glance twice (or 20 times) at any daytona they see. And the CG's look great.
  12. Sorry I can't post pics yet, I'm at work, but I'll try to describe it. MOP diamond dial with only "swiss" at the bottom as opposed to "swiss made" The print looks perfect and I know the diamonds are real so WTF? are the older ones printed this way? I think I've seen them before but I can't recall exactly.
  13. I think people in general are just plain animals. It's easy to say how those of us in the western world are more civilized than the "barbarians" in the middle east, but the truth is people are the same everywhere. They act according to the traditions and customs of there whereabouts, because what they see in there surroundings is what is normal to them. The Iraqis, for instance, aren't bombing US troops because they're muslims or sunnis or sheiks, but because it is acceptable and there are plenty of things to make bombs out of. It's the crazy ones doing this [censored], not the normal or average ones. Go to any US city, take away all the cops, and just lay boxes of grenades, missles, and guns around for people to pick up at will and all of the sudden people are going to be engaing in some trivial war over trivial nonsense JUST BECAUSE THEY CAN. Not everyone would be involved, just the ones with a need/desire to fight for something, no matter what it is. With no repercussions, violence will ensue. As for the girl in the article, that is total bullsh... but it doesn't call for one to say that everyone over there is a barbarian. If so, then why the F are people in her own country sticking up for her? Most are downright appalled, thats why. A few probably just want attention, but what do you think goes on in our world? I do agree that some countries out there need to modernize their governments and laws, and I believe that once they do, things like this will stop taking place. They don't need to be converted or anything, the masses are just followers, and they will follow their leaders with whatever they say. I could go on for hours, but nobody will agree with me anyway, its religion and politics mixed.
  14. 2 different watches at least, who knows where the movement pics came from. I asked him what the deal is, lets see what he says. Looking at the auction, i wouldn't be surprised if the seller doesn't even have a watch. Maybe a stolen account? it is a private, 5-day listing, but most of the stolen account sales are 1 or 3 day auctions.
  15. Well it's back, item #230195149435. I see he started it at 1400 this time, a bad move in my opinion. I always start everything at $.99 or 9.99 no matter what. the ebay market value is consistent enough for me. He claims he had to put it back due to stolen account issues. Whatever the deal is, it sure is alot of money for a rep case
  16. So is this an endorsement? I came across this a few times in my search for reliable info on reps, but wrote it off since it seemed too much like the fake forums about reps. Never really looked at it, so the depth of my perception was low. If the daytona king says its good, its good enough for me! It's always nice to know good sources to glean trustworthy info from, thanks.
  17. how does it get removed after its over? I guess the buyer probably reported it. How much do the gen 6263 cases go for anyway?
  18. just sold for $1625. Kooky talk. Thats supply and demand at its best right there!
  19. Happy thanksgiving to all who posted so far and everyone else who will see this later. Congrats to you, jsmith, many more to come!
  20. Don't get me wrong here, this isn't really a auction scam thats why I put it in gen discussion. I just find it amusing since we here at RWG and the other forums know we can get similar cases for way less. Just goes to show you how true hobbyists like ourselves have the savvy knowledge of where to get what. I think I can get a DW case like the one in the auction for around $750 without dial. Who knows what the origin of the case in question is anyway. Heck, looking at this, I'd buy some to sell on the bay if I wasn't so paranoid. Knowing my luck I'd get sued by RUSA the 1st time I put one up. Fun stuff. Ebay item no. 230193088495 Its over soon, we'll see the final value in about 5 minutes. I don't see anything wrong with this auction, personally, but how do you guys feel about this?
  21. I was at the Drake last year, great place but the windows didn't open so we had to remove them. Ambassador right across the street is nice too. If you go to the Drake, I reccomend the Coq D'or for some good lounge activity with nice Jazz music. This year I'm leaning towards the Hilton on Michigan ave, but I don't know about everyone else. If you're planning on going to one of the New Year's balls, its best to get tickets asap, they skyrocket as soon as December hits. IMO, the Drake has the best party, then Hilton and palmer house. Drake and Palmer are black tie events, and the Hilton is a little more trendy. I agree, when people actually notice what it is they're like, hey thats sweet.....But I prefer my tie on my neck and my DJ on the wrist All jokes aside, thats a great combo you have going on there.
  22. Ok thanks for the suggestions everyone. The reason I'm planning so far ahead is because last year I saw a few people who looked better than me and that [censored] my concieted ass off. Plus I want an excuse to wear my new suit, it's got a good cut and looks good on me, CK seems to be made for slender people like myself. I have a tailor made suit from some shop in CHI, don't remember what it called, sorry, but at the time I bought it, pleats were in and now I can't stand pleats so that baby is out of there. Last year I had a dark charcoal with a white shirt and black/silver tie, similar to the one you showed me Vic, so I kinda want to stay away from that. I found a pinstripe suit that doesn't make it look like I'm 6'1 100lbs, so I'm happy about that and I want to rock it out. Picking up a studded belt to go with it for some flair or whatever, but most of the time it won't be visible. Even after all of this, watch me change my mind at the last minute. Friday we're going to go downtown and pick the hotel and stuff, it was supposed to be a few weeks ago but someone couldn't go so we postponed. What should I wear to thanksgiving? Since it's at my place, I'm thinking about some dark grey flanel pajama pants, a t-shirt, and a terry cloth robe. Footwear would be either 1 grey sock and one white, or no socks and some fuzzy slippers. I think the DJ would go with that ensemble very well.....
  23. No idea, but I'm never afraid to ask someone about their watch if I like it. If they like their watches as much as we like ours, chances are that they'll be more than happy to talk about it.
  24. Apparently the 2824 fits better in the 16200 cases without stem alignment issues, and the 2836 fits better in the 160xx cases. with the 2836, the stem is a little further away from the dial since its a thicker movement. This is just what I read though, and so far have only tried both movements in a 16014 case. The 2836 fit perfectly, and with the 2824, the stem touched the top of the crown tube which made it impossible to put the movement in straight without a thick spacer which made the hands too close to the dial. I guess the only problem would be with the stem if you try it.
  25. I think scammers are the weakest of criminals. I have more respect for the guy that robs people face to face with a knife. Both types of thieves are desperate, but the scammer is more elaborate in his thievery, and he preys on people far away that can't touch him. WEAK. I personally never understood risking jail time for such relatively small amounts of money. I can understand, say, 20 million, but a thousand here and there? Why? Anyway, guys who got ripped off by this dude, I hope everything works out, and don't worry, he'll get his.
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