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About rocket754

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    mile high city

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  1. blast from the past..
  2. Still nothing since the 19th of December. By the time I get notification in the mail I will most likely forget I ordered a watch
  3. Much of his routines although offensive to some had undeniable truths. RIP George.
  4. Latest edition of the ultimate 104 today.
  5. Hard to go wrong with a review like that. The BCE is one of my favs.
  6. This just never ceases to amaze me. One of the least complicated watches to replicate yet all makers refuses to get it all right..... They can get the HBB nearly perfect yet they can't fix the dial on the santos 100 sighhhh.... The PWC version is the best still (on right). And for the lucky 9 guys...the rocket dial version on the left (best santos 100 available today) on 9 though.
  7. Anyone have one in hand yet? Let's see some real life pics for all of us who are still on the fence.
  8. Happy Birthday TT!
  9. TT...happy holidays to you and yours! Hopefully, we can meet again in 09' along with UBI and anyone else we can round up.
  10. I think this graph from the federal reserve will tell you how scared you should really be... This tells us that since the 80's we have counted debt as GDP growth...it's the same as me going to that bank to borrow 500k and then thinking I am well off because I have this loan money sitting in my bank account. We are here because of excess credit creation which The Federal Reserve caused, and their solution is more borrowing? That gives new life to the statement "when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." The economic realities are something I myself don't want to face but it will come.... Just think about all the things we can't have in order to come out of this... We can't have things for free. We can't spend more than we make. Houses can't sell for more than 3x incomes and be sustainable. Prices must come down. We can't keep charging up the nation's (or our personal) credit cards. We can't have both good-paying jobs in the US and $30 DVD players. Pick one but don't [censored] when the other disappears. We can't tax or spend our way out of this mess. The bad debt must be defaulted, and this will mean bankruptcies among both people and companies (including banks) - lots of them. This is inevitable.
  11. The only purpose was to inform others of possible would be laws. I am aware of how a bill becomes a law, my post is only for informational purposes. This has passed the house by a 404 to 6 vote. All sorts of bills are drafted almost daily but this sort of bill seems to be getting made into law at a more alarming pace. Military comission act Patriot act National ID act FISA
  12. Fox news... :thumbdown: I am so tired of educating myself I am almost ready to go back to my life of bliss and ignorance! Check out the latest piece of legislation in the senate to be passed (I hope it doesn't) Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007 For those people who are not familiar with this act, it's directed at US citizens and basically takes away some more civil liberties. Ideologically -based violence???WTF? The internet is also being targeted on this bill. They can identify you as a terrorist even if you have an idea that doesn't conform to a society norm. They can throw you in jail for having an idea?? The bill is written so vaguely that it's interpretation can be applied to just about any individual or group. If they throw you in jail you do realize we don't have Habeus Corpus because you would be identified as a enemy combatant (military commission act signed into law by George W). Why on earth did no new agency cover the story of how our right to trial by jury has been taken away for bills like this. What happen to innocent until proven guilty? Here is some definitions from the bill itself. For purposes of this subtitle: `(1) HOMEGROWN TERRORISM- The term `homegrown terrorism' means the use, planned use, or threatened use, of force or violence by a group or individual born, raised, or based and operating primarily within the United States or any possession of the United States to intimidate or coerce the United States government, the civilian population of the United States, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives. `(2) RADICALIZATION- The term `radicalization' means the process of adopting or promoting an extremist belief system for the purpose of facilitating ideologically-based violence to advance political, religious, or social change. `(3) IDEOLOGICALLY-BASED VIOLENCE- The term `ideologically-based violence' means the use, planned use, or threatened use of force or violence by a group or individual to promote the group or individual's political, religious, or social beliefs. =@ God save us all. I hate politics and I really want to refrain from posting political crap. I just feel like people should know the junk being written and put before our law makers.
  13. Just when you think you are going to see the wizard...! I have seen this wizard
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