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Posts posted by tazzman

  1. This one is SOOO beautiful..

    6K gen in sweden aprx.. cant buy it as my first high-end gen though ;)

    ..very nice anyway.. wear it well!

    - tazz


    I Forgot how comfortable this was. Usually only for travel but I discovered I can still play with the GMT function at home. Today I went to the grocery store and fell back an hour. Reset when I got home. Man am I car-lagged...


  2. Yesterday was a good day to be forex-trader ;)

    Placed some long EUR/USD bets on 1.37, 1.39 and 1.40 with target at 1.48 during spring 2009.

    Regarding the US ZIRP, only the future will tell how far this recession will go. And as a Swede our RB will probably follow FED's cut and move towards 0 also.. !

    Strange to do carry-trades with US as the borrowing curr. instead of the other way around..

    The world changes quick.huh..

    - take care all,


  3. josh also said there always is an invoice with all package that are sent from china , because if there is not it wont clear chinease customs.

    so there probably is some inovice in your package with a $15 value which should be good enough..

  4. Hey all,

    noticed a couple of days ago that both king and josh has the Planet Ocean 45.5mm Chrono in Rose Gold (RG) ..

    Looks kinda interesting even though it got the normal PO Chrono-faults as the chrono placement - but does anyone got this one yet and ahve some pics in normal lightning conditions?

    - greetings. tazz




    Gen 42mm


  5. .. soon there will be no reason to send crystals to aftermarket-modders for double AR!

    I havent seen this new AR in person, I have the V1 version of this watch, where the AR is really good also.. but this new V2-version looks even better.

    @ joshs.

    double AR + antifingerprint + antidust..

    Or is it just the photos? ..we'll know soon..

    New improved V2:



    Old V1 (also good though!)



  6. got a Graham Tech Seal yesterday.. its freaking huge ..and it looks like a handgranate and I cannot lift my arm over my head.. but ..

    I like it anyway ;) haha.

    Anyhow its a pretty sweet watch for a low price, good quality, good AR, very nice rubberstrap and actually no marks/scratches or anything on the dial..really nice..





    - tazz

  7. 9515 views on this thread.

    309 replies.

    Some time ago RG started commenting the same, and it seems there are members there not common to RWG who also have items with J, so the list is potentially longer than the one composed here.

    No-one has received anything back.

    No-one seems to have been able to get in contact, other than a couple of members receiving a mail saying will be shipped (did it ever arrive).

    Too much time has passed now surely.....for any hope that J will return and send back everyones items....let alone re-funds if warranted.

    So - a great scam overall. He's walked away with say +$10,000 of items (estimates reached $20,000) plus cash payments......

    He did a good job......and we all got screwed.....

    The thing is he could have made a lot more continuing his services than take this $20K and run.

    And how much will he get in his hands when trying to sell of these items? ..sure there are a lot of watchheads but with no straps/bracelets and there is certainly a lot of crystals without watchheads. Dont think he will get anywere close to 20K if that is the "retail value" of the watches he hold for the moment.

    I still think there is something more behind this than a scam, either he got really big personal prlbems that makes him not bother on anything else or he have got into some other problems, the law? the lab has messed up? or whatever..

    anyhow he should come clean, that would fix a lot of things, just some words in the forum and someone who lives nearby can collect whatever is left and send it out to its owners..

    he should be aware of that all rep-collectors are licenced killers, right?

    -> Santos 100 + killergloves ;)


    btw, I also lost a bit of hope and have re-ordered one of my "missing" ones..

    - tazz

  8. Unfortunately the Navis don't have any AR :(

    The Navis have single sided AR.. and the latest batches has much improved AR than the one I got a year ago.

    Just a shame I have my new Navi (bought in aug) at K2222.. I would rather choose to h ave the new standard "one-side-OK-AR" than no watch at all



    regarding the plastic on the crystal,.. pretty funny ;)

    hehe - but hey, we are all new once..

    - tazz

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