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Everything posted by V

  1. You haven't posted the prices of those lovely watches Aaron... I've looked a bit.. around 8000$... If I was you I would IMMIDIATELY sold the 187 and get one of those.
  3. It doesn't look bad, but I think it needs a more thick strap because of the thick case...
  4. Yeap.. sorry Neil.. I thought the 089 was black faced.. It is definately a 089 then
  5. Disappointment.... People like Sam and every Sam will eventually lead all the dealers to stop having paypal accounts...
  6. It looks like an PAM161 but with wrong colour dial. It is good though they have found how to make a nice blue dial and they can use it in other models
  7. Yes.. thank you Andrew for telling this in public so that we all know the situation.
  8. The president's speach, welcoming my parcel to Eritrea and suggesting other RWG members to buy from Joshua for his good service
  9. You know that I don't like you so please keep the comments (like 'joke country') for yourself. What you are the RWG police and you will tell me what to do with my avatar? I am not gonna sell you anything anyway so you don't need to worry about the Eritrea's postal system.
  10. Buy the 194.... Buy the 194... Buy the 194... Buy the 194.... Buy the 194... Buy the 194... Buy the 194.... Buy the 194... Buy the 194... Buy the 194.... Buy the 194... Buy the 194... Buy the 194.... Buy the 194... Buy the 194... Buy the 194.... Buy the 194... Buy the 194...
  11. REVIEW from a website: If there is a country that has ever deserved the overused titles like "hidden gem" or "overlooked jewel", Eritrea is it. The mere name of this country along the Red Sea coast of East Africa tends to provoke blank looks from most people: "Eritrea??? What... err... where is it, actually???" History is partly to blame for sure. Under foreign occupation for centuries, Eritrea only appeared on the maps as an independent country in 1993, when its people have voted for leaving Ethiopia after decades of armed struggle. And ever since then, it has only hit the headlines for all the wrong reasons. So that is why Eritrea is largely unknown to the World, but what makes it a gem? First and foremost, its capital Asmara is the single most beautiful city in Africa, and an ethernal favourite of all those who have been there. Its history as an Italian colonial town has blessed it with an architectural legacy that would draw praise even in Europe. Beautiful buildings apart, the Italians have also left behind their impact on the local culture: cafeterias, pizzerias and fashionably dressed locals (including Africa's most beautiful women) make you feel far removed from the hectic, poverty-stricken and polluted cities of the rest of the continent. To further ensure a pleasant stay, Asmara's climate is as pleasant as it gets, with cool, dry, sunny weather throughout the year. Wishing for something more exotic? Asmara may feel like a piece of Italy, but out in the country you will find an amalgam of African cultures at their best. The highland plateu of southern Eritrea shares the ancient Orthodox Christian traditions of neighbouring Ethiopia, the peoples inhabiting the deserts to the west and along the Red Sea coast exhibit Muslim culture at its most colorful, while animistic, tribal Africa is represented by the Kunama and Nara of the south-west. The landscapes range from lush, cool highlands to the hottest, most desolate deserts anywhere, towns and villages exhibit a curious mixture of traditionally African and Mediterranian influences, and wildlife, while nowhere nearly as abundant as in Kenya or Tanzania, is varied and includes many rare species. Nevertheless, what really gives a lasting impression of Eritrea is her people. Eritreans are among the most educated, dignified and hospitable people I have met anywhere, and the begging, thievery and hassles encountered elsewhere in Africa quickly fade into distant memories here. I visited Eritrea in 2004, as part of a three-month-long tour of North-East Africa, that also took me to neighbouring Ethiopia, Sudan, Djibouti and Somaliland. Due to Eritrea's relationship with these neighbours getting here required quite an amount of persistance and determination, but once I arrived, I felt it was all worth it. Eritrea has immediately became my favourite country in Africa, and I can only wish to return for a longer stay in the future. If you are at all thinking about visiting this country, think no more - go!
  12. BTW... Trying to see where my country is (Eritrea - the one with the flag ) in a world map.... It is very close to Ethiopia, Sudan and Djibouti So any members from those countries can arrange a RWG meeting this summer I live in ASMARA.. probably the capital of Eritrea
  13. OK.. called them and it is been released without charges. I will get it tomorrow
  14. If tomorrow doesn't released from international hub and on the way to me it means that this is the case. Do you think I have to call them now and ask them?
  15. It looks like a genuine one. My rep box is a bit different. You should see opened if the Omega on the inside of the box is SIlver or Gold.
  16. And what bill do you give them? I NEVER paid anything for taxes since the value declared is very low or as a gift. I am thinking that maybe the Awaiting customs charging is just terminology and not the actual thing because how it is possible for them to find the value of the watch and charge me in 4 minutes???? (between 7:14 and 7:18) ??
  17. Well, I am waiting for the 119 from Josh and in the tracking of the Parcelforce has the following: Date Time Location Tracking Event 19-07-2006 07:45 International Hub 19-07-2006 07:18 National Hub Sorted in hub 19-07-2006 07:14 International Hub AWAITING CUSTOMS CHARGING 19-07-2006 07:14 International Hub Arrived in destination country 13-07-2006 21:54 Delivery Agent - SHANGHAI - PTT Left origin country 13-07-2006 16:34 Delivery Agent - CHINA Collected from customer But in the EMS website says this:   Timing Site Status   2006-07-13 16:34:00 City of Shanghai Posting   2006-07-13 16:39:00 City of Shanghai Despatch from Sorting Center   2006-07-13 21:54:00 SHANGHAI Despatch from Sorting Center   2006-07-19 07:14:00 UNITED KINGDOM COVENTRY(EMS) Arrival at Sorting Center   2006-07-19 07:14:00 UNITED KINGDOM COVENTRY(EMS) Handed over to Customs   2006-07-19 07:18:00 UNITED KINGDOM GBCVTB Released from Customs What the hell is the Awaiting customs charging and why the Chinese site says it was released from customs? I never ever had problems and the one time they opened the parcel they confiscated the watch (a Pam 36 from Paul last year) Now the customs charging means they thought it was a genuine and charged me on the genuine price??? Or maybe they mean they wait to see what the customs will say for the parcel and 4 minutes later it was realeased with no problem? And why it is not on the way to me and sorted on the International Hub? Maybe the delivery truck was gone because it was too late?
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