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Everything posted by V

  1. The strap was made with my own specifications based on this Xxl Strapmasters strap (RRP around 275$)
  2. Why you scrapped it? It looked like a good idea, although I don't know how it would have ended. If you decide to do something similar let me know to pass you the info
  3. Black is a metallica album: And if you wanna ride this: Or this black horse: Black is always trying to get you... Black cat for bad luck? Nahhhh.. And at last the Dark Lords personal choice strap: of course to compliment this project watch... (still in the process.. will be ready sometime next week)
  4. Don't worry.. we'll find you something nice for this beauty
  5. Thanks for your good words.. more to come later.. THE 'DARTH VADER' STRAP.
  6. Guys I won't say many words.. I will let photos speak for themselves. This strap is equal value to my Metta. Definately a keeper I must say. Customers who wait this strap I am sure they wait for this photo to see how the leather looks.. Many thanks to Aaron who put his skills to create this beauty. XXL old style 140 or something to wrap around the wrist, with a XaMas buckle. Well enjoy:
  7. I agree with you.. I just say they are the SOFTEST straps with a big margin to the competition.. If you want a strap to wear for days without notice it.. this is the one. Especially with the titanium Pam, you feel like not wearing a watch
  8. I challenge you to find me..... ...a softer strap than the BOB buffalo. All those years of strap collecting I have NEVER seen a softer 4mm strap on the market. If you don't have one.. shame on you I wonder where the hell do they find such beautiful and soft hides Having said that, I tried to mate the 036 and the 196 to make a contemporary vintage Panerai.. I don't know if I accomplished my mission. We'll see in 9 months if something new will appear in my watch case
  9. I think I have been more than clear that I am talking about the replica watch/strap/aftermarket stuff market. Giving examples of condoms or are not of our subject. Again the genuine watches are targeting a different market.
  10. Chris I understand what you say about the cars.. Different markets are working under different rules. I am talking about our replica watch/strap/parts market specifically. According to the FIRST I can agree but the time frame is very limited in the time till other dealers get the similar product.
  11. Not that simple.. I agree that may be the case but this should have ended in the DECREASE of the Retail Price. If there is not general demand (as the used market indicates) you lower the price. So I guess if the price remains high, there is a demand for the RRP seller and not a demand for the used market? Or maybe selling one product of 200$, if in the first place has only costed you 20$ you don't give a [censored] if you will sell a lot?
  12. Two points that are very good for taking into consideration.. Advertising and convenience. About the particular product I have something in my mind, but let say it is something related to/or a replica watch (watch/ strap/ watchcase/ aftermarket stuff/ etc etc).
  13. V

    Bergies Booty

    Very nice collection Ken.. although this silver dial Pam gives me the creeps
  14. Read my above reply for number 1. For number 2 you have a point here... but the product keeps selling from the source in the original RRP, because if not, the seller would have lowered the price.
  15. I agree that's my opinion too.. .although it is a strange behaviour of the buyers when they clearely see that the products price new is 200$ and used is 60$ if we rule out the option of Scam (the offers are legit), then why the hell someone: 1. decided to buy overpriced products from the source and not buy the product like new (lightly used) with significantly less??? Even then if he likes it he can try the brand new (if the used factor is the thing that keeps him back) 2. and MORE important.... Decided to buy the product when it is quite obvious that it is not the quality that it is expected?
  16. Answers according to the description I gave above... In general all may be good reasons. 1. that's not the case.. the product is selling for a high price 2. that's true.. but we cannot justify this reason on a big market (just to a few small occasions) 3. A very good reason. But willing to give it away without even test it before? It is selling as i said in like new condition 4. read the above... 5. Wrong.. the price even if the buyers try to lower the price, the RRP remains the same without taking into consideration the mass resale price. This means someone actually still buys the product. 6. True... this may look like a reasonable action 7. There are many sellers of similar products so it rules out this opinion.
  17. V


    Same here.. I won't even bother to log in there to see how it looks...
  18. Well.. let's do some marketing lessons (although this is not my field and someone else could have explained it better) There is a product (let say something related to our hobbie to narrow our examples) Retail price of the product if for example 200$. This product does medium volume sales. At the same time in the Used market you can see this product in big volume sales (compared to other products) for around 60$ in very good condition (hardly used). Now here comes the question of the poll... Why is that happening and the specific product is sold at that low price ? Especially in a 'like new condition' ? Answer in the poll... Some people may feel what I want to say with this post some others won't, but let say it is something related to/or a replica watch (watch/ strap/ watchcase/ aftermarket stuff/ etc etc).
  19. The above are my favourite poems written by me
  20. Ok.. since I cannot decide I will put two entries of my favourite poems.. Just keep in mind that they are a translated version from Greek.. some believe that poetry cannot be translated, some other that if we translate them we allow to the whole world to read them... FADE TO INFINITY I left the years fade to yesterday and my life to oxidize through infinity but I forgot the rust, the days of joy when the clouds danced in the rhythm of sadness And when it rained again in the secret parts of my mind I opened a black umbrella to dismiss the bad things to come, in the hilarious light of history. Because my future is deep and chaos of secret shadows that rushed to cover and extinguish the sun inside me. And destiny lighted a fire that burns and ruins… What cities will resist my way? And for how long I will resist being silent? What soul, what soul I will redeem in lies? And what lies I will tell to my soul? CREATION A dazzling night, a glorious night, she appeared through misty winds and blazing lunar reflections, a figure glowing from purity bringing tears of awe in the eyes. A woman that you believe she arrived here from another star, faraway to infinity, where the spots of light penetrated the transparent glasses of life and the width of the invisible souls. Only in silence were able my senses to see the dazzling beauty at her sky-coloured eyes and the luminous comets she had in her hair. I wanted to say so many things beneath a dome full of stars and the wind formed my words from dust and fireflies. ‘The incomparable shining that radiates a so brilliant presence is a gift into the centuries of existence’ She approached me, she touched me, and she took me with her in a valley drenched with starlight and flapping Angels. Oh! Soul, in the dawn of life of this infinite material world, the only thing I asked her to let me take, was the smell of the soil after the rain.
  21. Well Ken, can a published Poet post here or it will be unfair for the others?
  22. Wow.. great collection Bill... I will suggest of course to sell all the Rolexes and with the money start collecting Panerai reps
  23. V


    His cashmere is a very beautiful strap... definately a must have
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