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Everything posted by V

  1. Ok.. Holburn it is then... @ Chronus: Come the sooner you can.. I want to see you and especially your Plasmir chronograph.. and the only thing I prey is to look silly small in my wrist. If not I am going home with a new watch on my wrist
  2. I got one of those good quality rubber straps on the way from Homer. I need it for my summer 024
  3. I agree.. I believe that's what Paul was trying to say with his encrypted vicabulary
  4. I did it that date because I will come to London for other buisness and wanted to meet you. After this I will be in .. hmm hmm... long holidays somewhere hot
  5. This is a Hirsch strap offered by DON a couple of months ago, and it is the same material Panerai uses on the 213. Unfortunately DON is sold out (I bought the last one). It has its own deployment and you have to cut the strap to fit exactlly your wrist. When new it was quite big I must say...
  6. Please everyone interested to come propose other locations.. If not, I have seen Clive's suggestions and they look quite nice. Should we say for time 6 - 6:30 ?
  7. I agree with Bill .. we have the PRIVILEDGE to wear and handle watches and at the end see what we like best. And if the price is not a problem we WILL get the PERFECT genuine for us. For example I have find out that the watch tha fits me, my style and could easily buy as a genuine and keep it forever is the Panerai 212... Too bad though I cannot afford it
  8. No they are not the same.. I know for sure that Silix has his connections on a factory and makes his own pieces.
  9. Me and my prescious are back with a small lifting / make-over
  10. I will be here.. rised from the flames like the Phoenix..
  11. Onve again thank you all for your kind words... I am the first person who HATES seeing people say that they will leave and then stay and it looks like some kind of game to win the sympathy of the others. I assure you this is not the case with me.. Yesterday I have Ordered the Admin to unregister me, but probably he had a 'plan' in his mind and didn't do it.
  12. I will check it first... But it is too expensive especially for an Asian 7750 movement. THis MUST go to The Zigmeister for servic, so if you put that up on the price will be more even more expensive
  13. ???? Don't quite get it if this is irony.. There was not V vs E situation. There were many other members that didn't liked the presence of E here.
  14. As I have said privately to the Admin, I will explain here in more detail: I am VERY NEGATIVE about E being here.. I believe he hasn't changed and I simply don't like persons like him around me somewhere that I have fun. Finally I don't like to be threatened. For Christs sake he has called a RWG member, AT HIS WORK to threaten him with his lawyer on the phone... I know that he cannot find me and hurt me easily (even Admin was not sure he could find me if I wanted to register again) but some people are just sick to be BAD to others. I hope Karma in 'My Name is Earl' has his effect on E as well. I am a happy person most of the time and I don't need someone with an axe waiting above my head. For me this forum is a place of pleasure and fun and straps are my little passion FOR ME and not for money. I have just decided that it's a shame to make the straps for myself when I can make more quantities for my friends in RWG. If this means that I will be a big strap dealer.. I doubt it. Nevertheless... I had such help from Dealers you CANNOT believe it... Aaron/HKTAN for starts for helping me with all that mattered, BOB (and MAC) giving me help and details about strap production, Drew at Europelli is THE NICEST PERSON I ever met (and he deserves every penny for his little expensive straps), so it is not a matter of competition.. It is a matter of character. As you should ALL know, I recommend so hardly some straps that even if one person thinks that I did all that for strap competition is at least gullible. I have written a very detailed post about PAM straps and included everyone in there saying good words about everyone. If TCstraps are not there is because they don't deserve it. E should go and take advice from Drew at Europelli how a seller should be. At the end the parcel with the leathers is probably LOST and even is E wanted a Veni strap he can't possibly have it. I didn't wanted E here.. He has his own FORUM, his own WEBSITE, he posts at TRC, he posts at RWI... at least give a credit to some members here who don't like him to be around... not to be. At least if he wants to be..let him be.. I can put the ignore button NOW, but offering his straps here is like ACCEPTING him. There are many die-hard Paneristi here who watch us very close and despite us. But this is a public forum and everyone can register and watch. YES I know I can press the ignore button but why him being here in the first place? For the discounts? You all are registered in all the forums and you can get advantage of his discounts on that forums. So don't tell me that you wanted him here for the discounts and that we ruined it for you. I don't know financially how much money he gave to the website for his Dealer membership, but I am QUITE sure that if all the people who don't like him gather around and give a dollar each the amount will be much more than that. BUT BUT BUT.... as I also said to Admin and Mods, I didn't wanted to put any pressure on them to get rid of him. I am not that selfish. I asked to be unregistered and that was not a threat. That was what I thought the best solution to the matter. To tell you the truth I didn't believed there were that many people who cared. I was gonna register again and keep a low profile and contact friends with PMs. Still I haven't finally decided what to do but at least I have the right to reconsider it for all the PMs and the answers I received last night. THANKS guys.
  15. My last post will be a big THANK YOU for the great times you gave me in this forum. I love RWGII as much as the people who created it and I am really sorry I have to go. Thanks a lot to Admin, the mods and all my FRIENDS here. Will be in touch.
  16. Happy birthday for me too
  17. There is not a matter of Fear getting me my details, neither of wanting to buy from him (as I already said there are MANY other dealers with better straps and better prices). It's a matter of principles, and I don't believed he changed to forgive him. (With his PM, when I was ready to let it go, he reminded me who he really is)
  18. I understand.. and this is a very hard decision for me because I love the new RWG maybe as much as the persons who created it. BUT I am stubborn.. and everytime I will look at the Accessories dealers section it will bother me.
  19. Yeap.. Central London will be perfect
  20. I am very and I mean VERY much considering of unregister from this site too. (I haven't been to TRC since Elliot joined) I am not feeling comfortable with this guy around me...
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