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Everything posted by V

  1. Yes I would.. Btw... I got into the Greek AD this Christmas with my 112 and the Metta strap and the salesman was drooling over it.
  2. Many members from Greece lately in RWG btw
  3. Very nice Vic.. It indeed this strap looks GREAT with a tobacco dial Pam. I hope you will enjoy this one
  4. Both gen.. I personally am more fond of the historic manual wind than the contemporary automatics. They are quite different for you to be easy to choose
  5. I know.. The Zigmeister's work on my watch is amazing... I really wanna try the 47mm version.. I do not like the Luminors 47mm but I believe that the 47mm radiomirs will be nice on my wrist
  6. Good to be back too... Had a lot to read to catch up with the last month...
  7. Beautiful watch... Probably my next rep
  8. The 008 chrono.. The only 1:1 rep that youwalk in the Panerai Firenze boutique (don't do it though) and I bet my house he won't be able to tell its a rep.
  9. Hello guys and girls.. today I managed to find sometime to post in the forum.. Many things were waiting for us back here so I had to take care of them urgently. Our holidays were quite adventurous. and with mywife being pregnant made things more difficult.. We did a UK - Bari - Athens - Berlin - UK trip.. It started quite difficult since in Bari 14th of Dec was snowing (like the first time in the last 40 years or something that bad) and we had a problem to move, go to a wedding and then get the flight for Athens. Athens was the usual family holidays. I got few hides this time because I had a weight restriction to the Ryanair flight from Berlin to Uk.. Only got 3 hides.. I found after many months the well known Greek hide in Black.. Very nice and rare.. I got as well a nice textured burgundy similar to the one I had sold out but much better quality, and finally a small piece of the Greek hide in tan because it was finishing. Santa was very kind with me this year because I was a very good boy in 2007 and he brought me in time for Christmas eve from The Zigmeister my custom made Cali dial watch and for the new year I got this beautiful genuine Gucci silver bracelet from my wife I have many photos to post from out trip but you have to wait to find the best ones and resize them first Plus I will clean up my strap drawer so they will go for sale 10 straps when I will find the time to upgrate my expired subscription to RWG
  10. I am not wearing formal clothes often so my good shoes are in Greece.. Most of the time i dress casual and those two are my favourite shoes.. Both Puma '96 Hours' designed by Neil Barrett and made 100% in Italy with Italian leather...
  11. I went today with the Cali with a new unstitched strap I made yesterday
  12. V


    Couldn't agree more with Clarkson..
  13. Still I can't decide easily.. like during the whole period of the holidays... The ultimate 112 with Metta or the new V custom Cali with Xstitched vintage strap...
  14. Take care my friend.. I am a little bit late but I missed this post while being away. I am sure you will visit us here occasionaly to see if everything is ok
  15. Beuatiful watch my friend.. Welcome to the club of gen Pam owners in RWG
  16. Beautiful Pams as always Simon.. The black ridge shark strap looks very very good.. Can't wait to see it in real life when you will send it for a buckle swap
  17. Yeap. I have the same case as well... The best option in the market but unfortunately they were sold out and the second hand ones are way overpriced... Good to see he has cases back in stock.
  18. I am back! Where is my surprise????????????? On the strap matter I think the stitching looks more than good for a new strapmaker's effort. With more practice the next ones can be great.
  19. Back from Greece and I am trying to catch up with all the bills and stuff I have to do being away for a month.. I do believe though that this thread needs a decent photo of my Cali which I was wearing much at holidays... Here it is on top of my cat.. Nice background heh?
  20. Thanks guys and girl for the wishes.. Last Christmas the two of us.. Next year we will have a little small devil running around us
  21. Beutiful collection.. Wear them well
  22. Tomorrow night I am leaving for my quite long holidays with my wife.. Since you all know she is pregnant we decided to minimize the hours in the plane.. First we go for 4 days to Bari - Italy for a wedding of a friend... Then we fly from there to Greece where we will stay for the holidays. 4th of January we fly to Berlin for another 4 days and from there we fly back to UK.... I will visit the forum from time to time to check my PMs and send some personal PMs as well for the new year. No more strap orders.. i will be back though with new and more exciting hides.. So have a happy Christmas time my friends
  23. I think you have all forgotten or misread what David said in one of his post: READ AGAIN: Pls bear in mind that I am trying to make a very close rep only. Making a 1 to 1 gen copy of this model is impossible for me . Rep is only a rep. Whoever understood.. understood...
  24. Grrrrrrrrrrrr.. I was preparing a similar post with some shoes/straps combos but lost the photos.. Gonna re-shoot them...
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