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Everything posted by V

  1. I was working on my king of the straps the last two days so it was not in the original post... Here is my (i won't say best) but definately most expensive strap I have.. Greek hide strap with original/genuine GPF-MOD vintage buckle (not E's copy). Same length as the original vintage strap.. Same number and spacing of holes, even the same thread (thin, tan to orange-ish colour) The strap is the one in the middle in the first photo. All three straps are the same hide.. Their colour starts as the GPF, then becoming a nice dark tan (on the stitchless for my cali) and finally becoming brown after diving, summer activities and basically abusing it. The best hide I ever had in my hands? Definately.. and to be honest with you I am not wearing many of the strap I make Buckles: GPF-MOD, true vintage repro, and a MP vintagised by me.
  2. Hahahah.. if Vic posts a photo of her I promess I will post a photo of myself as well
  3. This has been posted before BUT since this is an open forum doing basically illegal buisness not many people are willing to post their photos
  4. Very beautiful pictures indeed.. I am sure you had a great time... And of course the SINN is a beauty
  5. Beautiful watch.. I would definately buy it
  6. THat's what I thought.. IT will look very nice with PVD. Too bad I don't have one.. Colourwise, yes, its close to the PAV91.. with a different texture. But close to your PAV91 colour not mine.. If you remember yours was a bit more brownish than mine being more burgundy. S, I may have good news tomorrow about the buckles so hold on..
  7. Yes it is a reddish brown but not so dark burgundy colour.. This hide has so many different colour variations on it, that it is difficult to define the exact colour.. Everytime you look at it from a different angle has a different shade (from light to dark) The first photos had a powerful flash and made the leather hide look a bit lighter in colour than it really is.. Plus it is different photographing a big hide than a small piece of leather strap.
  8. Couldn't have said it better... Now can't wait for your photos and explanation of the differences.
  9. I have finished the first strap from this hide for a customer... I have used the darkest part of the hide plus used some conditioner after it finished. It is as thick as the MP (3,5-4mm ) and extremely soft. Enjoy the photos:
  10. Thanks guys for the kind words.. THis colelction has been made over a period of 3 years and with many many not-worthy straps passed to my hands. Yes the straps are for my genuine 112 I cannot find anymore the polished buckles. I had a source last year that was providing them to me.
  11. Thanks my friend.. At the moment I am in the mood wear as much as you can the same watch...
  12. Thanks Vic.. I would love to see a similar post of your collection
  13. Thanks for your kind words.. With the 'unfriendly' I meant difficult post to read, not you being unfriendly I would appreciate if you could edit your post and delete all the photos. It makes extremely difficult for other people to read the post.
  14. Plus the one in the photo has gold hands instead of black.. A prototype maybe? Strap is different as well..
  15. First of all I have to say that I made this collection over a period of 3 years. Many straps came.. many left but I feel that I have now a very full collection. All the following straps are for just one watch. My 112 There are two photos of each strap.. One without flash to see the actual strap and grain and general look and one with flash for the colour. They are in the order I like them most in each colour. But that changes over time. (except for the Metta - will always be Nr.1 for many reasons) Basically I couldn't sell easily any of the following. 1. THE TANs/BROWNs V made by HKTAN Metta Catharina strap with logo buckle V Greek Natural hide with Vintagised MP buckle MP PAV91 with polished logo buckle MP PAV99 with polished logo buckle Gef La Spezia in tan - Same hide/strap as the legendary XaMas V Vintage Italian textured tan hide with MF polished buckle V made by HKTAN cashmere tan strap (almost same hide as the OEM cashmere) V Italian Jacket X strap with polished XaMas buckle MP tan shark Strapmasters cordovan V stitchless burgundy with MP buckle V Florence V brown with black stitching 2. THE BLACKS V made by HKTAN Calvin Klein strap with polished logo buckle Gef La Spezia in black Strapmasters black shark with Wojtecki buckle Prada strap OEM B series croc with OEM buckle OEM 233 style strap with BOB buckle (this one is mostly on my Ferrari) OEM black calf (came with the 112) OEM rubber strap (came with the 112) Rep new style rubber strap OEM 'A' series real coramid strap 3. For the Ferrari (+ the OEM 233) DON carbon fiber. DON Black Seal. My very first aftermarket strap. Got it 3 years ago.
  16. This strap was part of a ready-made production I have done last year. Unfortunately all the straps are now sold and I don;t have any more of this leather hide. I have one I am wearing with my Pams and I have also kept just another one for my collection
  17. I am using two different products in my straps... 1. Lord Sheraton leather balsam conditioner if you want to clean and revive the leather... 2. Camel natural 'grease' to achieve great patina without wearing the strap that much
  18. Do you think its worth 80$ just for the caseback?
  19. You should start reading between the lines... 'buy MORE straps' I said
  20. Be kind to me and buy some more of my straps because the 'Boss' is my friend and he can easily change your nick from vbarrett to Lizard
  21. We are talking about the same watch.. I linked it to an auction to someone in UK who bought it and is reselling it. Do you think the caseback will fit the 183 radiomir case? I don't want to use this case.
  22. Cannot access the page.. Is it for radiomir 45mm case? Edit: I may have found something.. But the big question..will it fit? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Marina-Militare-44-M...1QQcmdZViewItem
  23. CHeck my photo above.. Yes this is exactly what i am saying
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